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Je_June_ is Bustin' Out All Over (NC Thread) Je_June_ is Bustin' Out All Over (NC Thread)

06-01-2008 , 12:25 PM
And they're off:

Malt > Milkshake (UDF FTW)

Congrats to Fish and Son.
06-01-2008 , 12:34 PM
UDF. Awesome! I love their ice cream.

JeJune! JeJune! Today is the most beautiful day in Ohio. Perfect temperature with a welcome zephyr. Maybe we should cookout today? What do you guys think? Do you prefer gas grills or charcoal grills? Martha Stewart says charcoal.
06-01-2008 , 12:51 PM
I think June is the perfect month to have an in-depth discussion about a MOD'S ABUSE OF POWER.

Now it is your turn to guess which mod I am referring to...

Last edited by HobbyHorse; 06-01-2008 at 12:54 PM. Reason: NhlNut - unless your arms can reach from LV to NYC, I'm NOT scared.
06-01-2008 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
UDF. Awesome! I love their ice cream.

JeJune! JeJune! Today is the most beautiful day in Ohio. Perfect temperature with a welcome zephyr. Maybe we should cookout today? What do you guys think? Do you prefer gas grills or charcoal grills? Martha Stewart says charcoal.
I'm with Martha. No, really, she's right here. Want to say hello?
06-01-2008 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
I think June is the perfect month to have an in-depth discussion about a MOD'S ABUSE OF POWER.

Now it you turn to guess which mod I am referring to...

DB. Is he a mod?
06-01-2008 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
UDF. Awesome! I love their ice cream.

JeJune! JeJune! Today is the most beautiful day in Ohio. Perfect temperature with a welcome zephyr. Maybe we should cookout today? What do you guys think? Do you prefer gas grills or charcoal grills? Martha Stewart says charcoal.
It is a beautiful day here in Montana as well. Mid 70's and sunny. There is a pretty good possibility for severe storms this afternoon and tonight though. Guess I'll have to get all the vehicles ready to go inside. Until then I am going to plant the garden and break out the trimmer and trim everywhere!

I personally prefer gas grill but that is merely a convenience thing. It is SO nice to just turn a knob and you are ready to go. It also seems to make it much easier to use the rotisserie which I so not do often but is very cool! The only reason for charcoal is a slightly better taste thing but it is not enough to outweigh the gas grill being so much easier. I grill a lot and wouldn't grill nearly as often if I had to mess around with charcoal.
06-01-2008 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
I think June is the perfect month to have an in-depth discussion about a MOD'S ABUSE OF POWER.

Now it you turn to guess which mod I am referring to...
I was accused of mod abuse a couple of times. It was very L-O-L.

p.s. I could have sworn that I was the one who locked that thread. How did DB sneak in so fast like that?
06-01-2008 , 01:05 PM
katy -

Are you saying that you would L-O-L me if I discussed the MO(D)mnipotent tendencies of a certain English cheese? Where is your Midwestern compassion and solidarity for my plight, especially against such a ballsy Brit?

OK, done now.
06-01-2008 , 01:09 PM
He is pretty ballsy, I'll give you that.
06-01-2008 , 01:12 PM
Where are the cookies? This thread is nothing without katy's cookies.
06-01-2008 , 01:17 PM
Happy June everyone.

Its a good month-the last year that I will be counting birthdays. Acknowledging probably,

Perfect day here too. 80 and sunny. Going down to the Lake Minnetonka area (for any of you in the know) to sip ice tea and gab away with a girlfriend by the water...

Katy, charcoal. Maybe add cedar chips.
06-01-2008 , 01:23 PM
Mrs. Utah - watch out for drunk Vikings!

06-01-2008 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
Mrs. Utah - watch out for drunk Vikings!

Oh Good God, I forgot about them!
06-01-2008 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
I think June is the perfect month to have an in-depth discussion about a MOD'S ABUSE OF POWER.

Now it is your turn to guess which mod I am referring to...
Somehow, somewhere, I will have my revenge.
I'm just finishing up Season 2 of Dexter. Wonder if I'll get any ideas.
06-01-2008 , 02:11 PM
Which of you complained to the reds and is getting me demodded?

06-01-2008 , 02:40 PM
eh what?
06-01-2008 , 02:46 PM
It was a joke - but it wasn't funny.

Okay at work Friday, two older guys talking, and one impresses the other with something technical. The first says: 'Wow John, you'll be on myface next.'

(myface == confusion about myspace and facebook)

I did laugh, but on the inside.

Last edited by diebitter; 06-01-2008 at 02:57 PM.
06-01-2008 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
'Wow John, you'll be on myface next.'

Haha are you the first guy?

This is the kind of thing I worry about saying.
06-01-2008 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
Somehow, somewhere, I will have my revenge.
I'm just finishing up Season 2 of Dexter. Wonder if I'll get any ideas.
HA - you'll have to get in line behind me...I've seen ALL of Dexter and ALL of the Sopranos...I have plenty of ideas...especially if I become PURPLE cause everyone knows that that is where all the power lies...

06-01-2008 , 04:04 PM
i posted a detailed report in the poker thread, but just thought I'd let everyone know I made it to day 2 in Event #2 of the WSOP. I play again on Monday. Yea me!
06-01-2008 , 04:30 PM
Happy June all y'all!

Congrats Dom, great thing. Remember, in the short term luck >>>>> talent.

I have a busy month ahead of me. Three therapies, at least, three dental appointments, L A Film Fest is coming at the end of the month, and I have to go see Incredible Hulk on Thursday (hopefully, I will get a "yes" from Gwen). On top of that I have to go to court on the 3rd, and the 16th + how many days. I have to go help some people out for four days this month, and in all of that, I have to work.

In other words, you guys won't be hearing from me too often.

June kicked off with an amazing (lol) start. After house sitting, it was discovered that my thumb is not so green after all. I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to take care of SC's house, but that will be that last we (I) hear from her. FWIW, I think she is schizophrenic. We are both highly neurotic and abusive. In simple words, not good for each other. The difference is that I can let **** go, and she can't. After she me asked to leave as soon as possible, we had an argument that could go down in history as one of the worst non-physically violent in history.

She liikes to leave notes all the time. I guess this is typical female stuff, for I have dealt with this from every girl I ever lived with. After her flavor of the week picked her up, I wrote a 9-page letter telling her every single thing I hate about her. I don't care if she reads it or not.

Let's not say I did this without thinking at all. She does not have my phone number, and she doesn't know any of my friends, and does not know where I live. Now, get to kick it alone in my swanky hotel room and have my own version of fun.

Man, I am so glad we never ****ed.

That is your words of wisdom from the relationship guru.

I have a great idea for a 15 minute play. It would be called "The Argument" and the concept is very simple. A guy is moving his stuff out and there is an argument. It will be shocking, uncomfortable, and laugh out loud hilarious.
06-01-2008 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
UDF. Awesome! I love their ice cream.

JeJune! JeJune! Today is the most beautiful day in Ohio. Perfect temperature with a welcome zephyr. Maybe we should cookout today? What do you guys think? Do you prefer gas grills or charcoal grills? Martha Stewart says charcoal.
When I was a kid no one had gas grills or manufactured charcoal grills. They'd take a big, round wash tub, pour in and light the charcoal, set an industrial window screen over it (the diamond-pattern screen), and slap on the ribs. They'd start around sunrise and by 1-2 o'clock the ribs were done. These were folks from the deep South so no tri-tips, briskets, or beef ribs, maybe sausage, and burgers and dogs for the kids. The BBQ was soooo good and I miss it so much. On Memorial Day or 4th of July the whole neighborhood was fragrant with BBQing meat.

And it's lovely warm weather here, too, altho I think my A/C is about to go belly up.

P.S.--Yay Dominic!!!
06-01-2008 , 08:02 PM
I lived in the South for 30 years; never heard of tri tip until I moved to Cali.

WTG Dom.... I expect to see a full write up of your exploits on Dr. Pauly.
06-01-2008 , 08:34 PM
I never heard of tri-tip until I moved away from Michigan. I'd heard of beef brisket, but I thought of it in terms like pastrami, thin and stacked warm on rye bread instead of the flatter, thickly-sliced smoked, Texas variety.
06-01-2008 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by JJT
When I was a kid no one had gas grills or manufactured charcoal grills. They'd take a big, round wash tub, pour in and light the charcoal, set an industrial window screen over it (the diamond-pattern screen), and slap on the ribs. They'd start around sunrise and by 1-2 o'clock the ribs were done. These were folks from the deep South so no tri-tips, briskets, or beef ribs, maybe sausage, and burgers and dogs for the kids. The BBQ was soooo good and I miss it so much. On Memorial Day or 4th of July the whole neighborhood was fragrant with BBQing meat.
That sounds very cool JJT. Nice memories! I am dying to learn how to make BBQ ribs. Martha Stewart says to do them over a charcoal grill. I will give it a shot this summer and post pics.
