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03-26-2010 , 03:20 PM
Did the person use proper grammar and speak clearly?call me a racist if you guys want but if you use slang/profanity/ebonics in your interview i wont hire you specifically for that reason no matter what else you bring to the table. "let me axe youz a question" isnt ****ing english and every single person that talks to you thinks you're a moron
You should learn NEVER to say anything like this or agree with anyone who says anything like this.

This is very solid advice. Look at how I said it, and look at how you said it.

You can lose your entire livelihood with just this sort of indiscretion. Learn this phrase, for when staff say such things to you:

"I have no idea what you're saying, but if you're saying what I think you're saying, it is inappropriate, and I will not have anyone on my staff talking like that."

Live it.

Dumb world.
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03-26-2010 , 03:32 PM
what do you mean? a little confused.

do you mean never tell an employee "you sound like ****ing ******?" ?

lol....c'mon rush. Do you think id know what i do about management if i thought i could get away with saying something like that? lol i worked collections for 7 years man... trust me... knowing what not to say to employees has been ingrained into my brain for a long time.... I made mistakes with things i said to employees...but im not dumb enough to say that lol. I fired a guy for not showing up to work for a week and that day he called the NAACP on me claiming race i didnt **** around after that ****storm.

then again i might be misreading your post and you could just be agreeing with me... lol i dont know for sure. sorry its friday
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03-26-2010 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
what do you mean? a little confused.

do you mean never tell an employee "you sound like ****ing ******?" ?

lol....c'mon rush. Do you think id know what i do about management if i thought i could get away with saying something like that? lol i worked collections for 7 years man... trust me... knowing what not to say to employees has been ingrained into my brain for a long time.... I made mistakes with things i said to employees...but im not dumb enough to say that lol. I fired a guy for not showing up to work for a week and that day he called the NAACP on me claiming race i didnt **** around after that ****storm.

then again i might be misreading your post and you could just be agreeing with me... lol i dont know for sure. sorry its friday
I am saying that if you own a business, you should not voice any opinions about race or gender or religion or even politics at work or in a public forum.

For instance, if the guy you mention above had access to these posts, and he were to present your (perfectly correct and harmless) post to the labor board or (worse) 7 on Your Side or whatever, you can easily be totally screwed.

It ain't right, but it's sure true.

But it sort of sounds like you know it already, and yes, I am agreeing with you.
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03-26-2010 , 03:50 PM
Higher up the banana tree in terms of hiring help......

My group of docs has gone from 15 to 44 in the space of 8 years, which is a pretty good jump.

Hiring docs can be tricky - we're all board certified, all went to "good" programs for training (whatever that means), and anyone should be able to look good for a 30 minute interview. If you can't, it's an easy disqualification, but doesn't happen often.

One of my rules is that we don't hire any "golden children" any more. Never worked, got every thing they wanted growing up, every thing was paid for - because they're impossible as employees. They're never wrong about anything, love to play the "I'm a doctor and you're not" card, and in general are a huge pain in the ass to be around.

Last three hires had worked as a server, a roofer, and as an admitting clerk. In other words, they had to report to people half as bright as them, do a job the way they were told, and get along with other employees to some degree.
All are working out fine.

I'm probably blocking some good people, but since it's a really good job (thank god) I can be picky - and it took us 5(!) years to get rid of the last lemon "golden child"

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03-26-2010 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
I am saying that if you own a business, you should not voice any opinions about race or gender or religion or even politics at work or in a public forum.

For instance, if the guy you mention above had access to these posts, and he were to present your (perfectly correct and harmless) post to the labor board or (worse) 7 on Your Side or whatever, you can easily be totally screwed.

It ain't right, but it's sure true.

But it sort of sounds like you know it already, and yes, I am agreeing with you.
yeah i get you lol...
luckily im not in that job anymore and at least fotr a while dont have to worry about employees. Its been a nice break

...but fwiw i was just speaking in general....i dont even think i actually mentioned it being an actual occurance or referring to anyone specific there....and even when i was in that job i didnt post about employees just in never know who's lurking. Hell you could be the guy sitting behind me right now for all i know. (looks around) ok cool...

...but yeah ive had virtually that same conversation as you stated with more than my fair share of people. Its just something i cant come to understand or tolerate even in the least bit...and ive never once been given a real explination of why they talk like that...its always "it just be how i talk"

in my younger days i used to do my yoda impression to this one guy that refused to talk normally.....he asked me why i talked that way and i said "when in rome...." I thought it was hilarious tbh, but probably not the best idea looking back lol...thankfully he was an idiot.

Last edited by livinitup0; 03-26-2010 at 04:08 PM.
ITT we revive Customer Service Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:56 PM
I've been in customer service for a little over a year now and it is extremely entertaining to say the least.

I work for an online based company that sells replacement appliance parts. Most of my customer service calls are basically "where is my part" or easy stuff like that but every now and then you get someone who is bat **** insane. I pride myself on being extremely respectful to all my customers and truly working to make them happy.

I'd be happy to answer any questions anyone has about CS.
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03-27-2010 , 01:28 AM
A friend gave me this a perfect analysis of the people that hire with the following: guy A was sort of overwieght and middle age and he hired a bunch of men who were overweight and middle age; the next interviewer was a homely woman and the office slowly became professional women; guy comes in and every hiree was a hot girl who didn't believe in clothing. His analysis was that interviewers either hire people they relate to or people thet want to have sex with. This is very true in my own observations. Basically the only question that is important is: Is this a person ~I~ want to be around for 8h/d? Ability really doesn't matter in the end.
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03-27-2010 , 01:35 AM
Before I am asked: Yes, I do believe it is impossible for anyone to blindly hire "the best" staff. And I don't believe that the best workers are always able to find a job. For example, the person who did my resume is someone I had known for a year, and knowing that I am a massuer, and knowing that I was a poker player, and knowing that I had worked in many cs capacities, she couldn't seem to accept that an interviewer would be able to see me as an office woker. This is a woman who is an office manager. The person who told me about the above story was also an office manager, and he can kind of sort of see me working in an office, but he knows someone like me would have a hard time with it. I don't "look" like an office worker.
ITT we revive Customer Service Quote
03-27-2010 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
A friend gave me this a perfect analysis of the people that hire with the following: guy A was sort of overwieght and middle age and he hired a bunch of men who were overweight and middle age; the next interviewer was a homely woman and the office slowly became professional women; guy comes in and every hiree was a hot girl who didn't believe in clothing. His analysis was that interviewers either hire people they relate to or people thet want to have sex with. This is very true in my own observations. Basically the only question that is important is: Is this a person ~I~ want to be around for 8h/d? Ability really doesn't matter in the end.
i think this depends on the job though....the less important the more chance you can take to a point. I know my old employer hired everyone under the sun and w\I was actually more choosy than anyone else (i also had the best retention rate) but yeah the usual ones i lost were the hot chicks that i hired for ****s/giggles/eyecandy and some younger dudes i thought were prettyu cool but that didnt have much of a work ethic.
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