Originally Posted by Rushmore
You know, El Sapo, most people wouldn't be able to accept any responsibility for such a circumstance, and would be everything you've described and be embittered on top of it.
You're probably doing better than you think if your mind is still this open and your general disposition is this reasonable.
I think you ought to go ahead and post a new thread for this. There's a lot at work here, and it seems a worthwhile topic.
Just my .02.
Thanks. I do appreciate that, and the idea that it might make a worthwhile thread. Back when I was considering it, I intended it to be more of a "help me find ways to improve life here," kind of thread.
If I did it now, however, I think it would just be a soapbox for me to hear myself blab, and I'd wind up feeling like an attention whore wanting someone to listen to their problems.
I will say this, however. The move and the last two years has really helped show me some things that matter to me, and some thing which matter less than I thought. Life here is very easy - my salary is adequate, I have ample space and plenty of free time. Three things which really, I always thought I placed a premium on.
And yet I want to move back to an area where I'll effectively have less money and time and space. Who knew?
Now, some of this may be "grass is greener" thinking. When I was in DC, I wasn't exactly shouting the virtues of efficiency apartments and living paycheck to paycheck. So, who knows, maybe I move back and it turns out I'm wrong. We'll see. It's a process, I suppose.