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The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++

06-14-2008 , 01:41 AM
No spoilers here.

But I just got back from the drive in and I thought this movies was awesome.

Just as good as Iron Man.

There is a lot more action in this movie but only because they skipped the whole orgin thingie.

As you can see from my previous posts The Original Hulk TV show and the actor "bill bixby" who played "david" bruce banner is my fav TV character.

If you were a fan of the TV show there is SOOOO MUCH STUFF they put in there (quick stuff) and man it's awesome.

Tim Roth played a great abominiation.

There were only 2 scenes in the movie I did not like and after more people have seen the movie I'll talk about it. And while it annoyed me it did not detract from the movie.

If your a MARVEL fan or comic fan. Even if you hate the hulk go see this because the AVENGER lead up stuff is cool..

have fun
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-14-2008 , 04:28 AM

I enjoyed the second half
(from the university fight on).
I thought the first half kinda sucked and was full of bad cliches.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-14-2008 , 08:21 AM
How many of my wishes from the “new Incredible Hulk Movie WTF?” thread have come true?

I was a big Hulk fan a few years ago and the first movie sucked horribly.
Bad CGI that made the hulk look like a giant plastic toy, a script that butchered long standing back-story from the comics the absence of major characters and just a really disappointing movie.
Having thought about it a little here are my suggestions for how to not screw it up entirely.
Get Peter David on the writing team he was the long time writer for the Incredible hulk and did perhaps the best ever story to feature the hulk “Ground Zero” which if the comic wasn’t just a cash generating machine would have been the final appearance of the Hulk.
More Thunderbolt Ross, The ultra right wing general on whose army base the hulk was created. With decent writing he could do the JJ Jameson role of being a loveable villain.
More Betty Ross the slutty generals daughter who woes the shy reserved Banner initially in an effort to upset her father.
Set the whole thing in the 50’s the comic came out in the mid 60’s but the feel was defiantly 50’s the setting also lets you use all the cold war back-story from the early comics.
Defiantly keep David’s back story. Banner saw his violent alcoholic father murder his mother in a fit of rage and has repressed all emotion ever since going through life not connecting with people unable to express love, hate or anything in between.
The character of the hulk was ill-defined; Peter David abandoned the dumb green hulk early in his writing stint for a smarter grey verity. I say make the Hulk the toddler Banner, child like intelligence, ability to express emotions which can swing wildly from happiness to anger but basicly good.
Use the Abomination as the chief villain the Soviet response to the Hulk another huge green monster that although stronger then the Hulk doesn’t become stronger the angrier it gets.
Set up the character of Samuel Sterns “The Leader” the genius nemesis of the Hulk in case of sequel. Relax safe in the knowledge that you can’t butcher the story as badly as the previous effort. Oh and get Sam Raimi to direct.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-14-2008 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by AJW
How many of my wishes from the “new Incredible Hulk Movie WTF?” thread have come true?
Without going into spoiler territory I'd say you're batting close to .800. Based on that wish list you are not going to be disappointed with this movie.

I thought it was great - so far everything seems to be coming together nicely for 2011 (although we probably won't be seeing Ed Norton as Banner again).
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-14-2008 , 09:31 AM
lmfao @ OP
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-14-2008 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by eurythmech
lmfao @ OP
uh why
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-14-2008 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by govman6767
uh why
I think partly because the title should read "The Incredible Hulk B++++++++++++++".
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-15-2008 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by JuntMonkey
I think partly because the title should read "The Incredible Hulk B++++++++++++++".
It's worth seeing, but make sure it is in the theater because of all the special effects.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-15-2008 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Wires
I thought it was great - so far everything seems to be coming together nicely for 2011 (although we probably won't be seeing Ed Norton as Banner again).


are you sure?

Last edited by Omar Comin; 06-15-2008 at 12:36 PM.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-15-2008 , 03:50 PM
Thought it was really good. Things that bothered me
Hulk didn't kill abomination
Liv Tyler.
There was no Omar vs. Hulk scene
That in the second action scene they tried shooting him with rifles. You think they would have learned from the first time, but I guess not.
Avengers looks super sick.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-15-2008 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Wires
Without going into spoiler territory I'd say you're batting close to .800. Based on that wish list you are not going to be disappointed with this movie.

I thought it was great - so far everything seems to be coming together nicely for 2011 (although we probably won't be seeing Ed Norton as Banner again).
Originally Posted by FaDi

I definitely cannot be sure but here's a pretty good article on how the disagreement between Norton and Marvel Studios developed. Norton gives a statement at the end and, while not overly negative, he certainly isn't expressing interest in continuing.

The author's final comment:

"Even if a sequel isn’t greenlit, The Hulk will return in the upcoming Superhero team-up film The Avengers. However, I’d be shocked if Norton returned to reprise the role of Bruce Banner."
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-16-2008 , 02:43 PM
The crowd in my theater cheered when Stark walked into the bar. Marvel seems to be setting everything up very well for themselves.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-16-2008 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Kimbell175113
The crowd in my theater cheered when Stark walked into the bar. Marvel seems to be setting everything up very well for themselves.
Yea. A lot of people (15%+ of a packed theater) stuck around through the credits as well (I do this with every movie no matter what).

To repeat what Pudge said in not so many words, Liv Tyler was horrifically bad in the movie.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-16-2008 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Kimbell175113
The crowd in my theater cheered when Stark walked into the bar. Marvel seems to be setting everything up very well for themselves.
Same thing happened in my theater.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-17-2008 , 03:45 AM
solid movie. i liked how they skipped the foreplay and got right into the movie. a few nitty complaints:

General Ross, "FIRE!!!!" *Gunship opens fire* "NO WAIT! DON'T FIRE!" umm...too late dude!

Liv Tyler stopping her dad's military vehicle (TANK MAN!). Liv Tyler constantly screaming "NO!!" throughout the movie, it pissed me off at the end when Hulk was going to kill Abomination.

Bruce getting "caught" at the university. He evaded EVERYONE for 5 years and decided to walk with Betty to the university. This didn't bother me too much, we got a pretty sweet action sequence out of this.

loved Tim Roth, he was great. norton was outstanding, i like everyone except tyler.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-18-2008 , 04:58 AM
Can somebody else confirm this for me, preferably somebody who saw an American screening, but there seemed to be a piece cut from the scene where sterns changes Blonsky. Roth is lying on the table, and the camera is panning across him as the process is about to start, then a split second later there's all sorts of alarms going off and Sterns is trying to shut everything down and Blonsky is Abomination. It's like they cut the transformation scene or something because of the 12A rating. Did anybody else notice this?

Also, what became of Sterns. From the above mentioned, he's a regular villain in the comic, but was there any sort of closure after the credits or anything?

There also seemed to be a bunch of 2 second cameos, but the only one i really recognised was Omar. Does Stan Lee have to make a cameo in every Marvel movie too? I mean i know its his baby and all, but i kinda feel they're a distraction at this stage.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-18-2008 , 11:56 AM
Is Liv Tyler getting more like her 1/2 sister or was it just me?
She looked 10 times worse than she did in LOTR.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
06-21-2008 , 02:28 AM
Just saw it. This movie delivered. Little light on the dialogue but I can forgive that.
The Incredible Hulk  A++++++++++++ Quote
