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09-04-2017 , 07:32 PM
Slamdunkpro has one hour left, then he will be skipped. Herbdizzle would be next up, but he has yet to post his first round pick, so he will automatically skipped.

Cranberry will be up in one hour.
09-04-2017 , 08:00 PM
I'll be afk tomorrow. Just skip me.
09-04-2017 , 09:18 PM
Someone pm me when I'm up. I kinda phoned in round one, but I'm ready to bring the hate in round two.
09-04-2017 , 09:27 PM
Slamdunkpro and herbdizzle are skipped...Cranberry Tea is on the clock.
09-04-2017 , 09:55 PM
Brand: Starbucks

Starbucks is fundamentally a brand that just doesn't know what it wants to be. It seems to want to be the McDonald's of coffee while also putting on a pastiche of mock Euro coffeehouse sophistication. The coffee sizes are notoriously absurd: small is tall, medium is grande (Italian for “large”), and large is venti (Italian for “twenty” --though it's actually 24 oz). Which would be tolerable if it managed to offer either a superior product or a decent price point. Instead, I pay $2.10 for charcoaly, over-roasted coffee that's brunt to a cinder to mask low-quality beans. I can say with no exaggeration that the McDonald's literally across the street from my local Starbucks offers a significantly better quality brew for $1.00. So does Dunkin Donuts, so does Tim Horton's, so does the local donut shop down the road.

To be fair, there was a time in the early 90s when Americans were philistines who drank instant coffee and saw the franchise as a hip new Seattle product offering such exotic drinks as caffe americano or soy lattes. Somewhere along the way it became corporatized, standardized, and started catering to the lowest common denominator with ridiculous sugary-sweet frappucinos with whipped cream that clock in at over 500 cal. It's symbolic of everything wrong with gluttonous mass-market consumerist America, it's pushing out genuinely cool coffeehouses, it's spreading to the rest of the world and making us look like morons.

Just stop, Starbucks. You're an annoying, obtrusive brand, your coffee sucks, and no one likes you. I mean, my god, just look at this monstrosity:

09-04-2017 , 09:55 PM
relax, got to let the hate percolate

100% behind the starbucks hate. well deserved.
09-04-2017 , 10:25 PM
Starbucks was on my list...
09-04-2017 , 10:26 PM
Damn right on the Starbucks! I regret to say that I've drank there a few times, but only because the other options weren't available nearby.

For whatever it's worth, it tasted like burnt wood chips back in the 1990s as well, plus Cafe Americana was a super-secret "hidden menu" item back then, no matter where you went.

I'm not so sure if they really brought down coffee shops though. I don't recall many when I was growing up. After Starbucks, it seemed to become standard to see shops with over-priced low-quality coffee popping up everywhere. Some of the worst coffee I've ever drank was from the independent shops. When they can **** up a French-pressed coffee, what hope is there?

LOL at the unicorn frappe.
09-05-2017 , 12:24 AM
I started working on a hate for Starbucks but went with dexter instead
09-05-2017 , 12:46 AM
Dope, Facebook, Cubs, Sriracha, Starbucks. If I had signed up, I would have been sniped out in the first couple of rounds.

This may be the greatest draft ever.
09-05-2017 , 12:51 AM
Most of the HATE is great by I only have LOVE for Japan and Survivor.
09-05-2017 , 01:38 AM
We'll have a hiatus for the night...mrbaseball is up next, but he has until 9am PST tomorrow.
09-05-2017 , 06:25 AM
Round 2



I hate apple and refuse to own their products. Well sorta. I do own one which I hate. An ipod and the only reason I got it was because my Zune broke and Microsoft has given up and got out of that business even though the Zune was superior to the ipod in every way possible. When I had to make an account at the apple iTunes store just so I could see the album art of music I owned on my ipod I knew they were pure evil. They are more of a cult than a brand. The main driving force was this guy.

He was one of the biggest douchebags in the history of the world. Not a great programmer or technical guy but more of a marketer. A salesman, a huckster, a peddler.

They sell this kind of crap.

Overpriced gadgets for adults. Since they are "apple" products they get to charge a HUGE premium because the lemminglike have bought into the hype. Why pay $500 for a new phone when you can get the apple one for $1100? But really they just want you in their ecosystem so they can milk you dry with all of their services offerings. STAY AWAY! Don't be an ignorant lemming

so far:
The Chicago Cubs
09-05-2017 , 08:56 AM
There are a lot of TV Shows that I dislike, but I hate this one


The Apprentice

I hate reality TV
I hate ruthless, heartless business people
I hate people with unnecessarily large egos
I hate arguing as a source of entertainment
I hate The Apprentice

These people are scum. They argue and bicker and would push their grandmother into wet cement if it meant they got ahead.

These are horrendous human beings. How anyone would root for them or want to watch this show is beyond me. Oh and I've never seen the American version, but I'm sure it's equally reprehensible...
09-05-2017 , 09:16 AM
Man I hated the **** out of those hockey puck mice Apple used to make back in the day.
09-05-2017 , 10:12 AM
Note: I don't know what happened, I wrote my pick, I updated the spreadsheet, I thought I posted it but it disappeared, anyway here's a quick rewrite.

For the second round of the draft I choose
Tapas - food
More specifically, I hate hipster American tapas and all the places jumping on the bandwagon.

Tapas as it was originally envisioned was a small bite between an amuse bouch and appetizer. It was designed so that you could sample many chef’s creations or upgrade to a full dinner. Hallmarks of good tapas were; inexpensive, original, small portion for two. This concept has been perverted into “appetizers at entrée prices”. Three soggy fat French fries with mayonnaise on them for seven dollars is not tapas.

Some restaurants in the US still get it right but in most cases when you see “small plate” on the menu it translates to “empty wallet and stop at McDonald’s on the way home”

Slamdunkpro’s pics
Round 1 Ferris Bueller’s Day off - movies
Round 2 Tapas - food
09-05-2017 , 10:23 AM
Everyone dislikes some food. Broccoli. Sauerkraut. Cilantro. Personally, tuna fish makes me gag. But I recognize that many people don't know better and still like it. C'est la vie.

But there is one food like item that shouldn't exist. It was created in a lab to solve a problem that didn't need solving. More over, it's worse for you than the food it was meant to save you from. It's the very essence of what is wrong with food in America.

It has the same calories (or more) than butter.
It tastes bad.
It is inferior in every way for cooking and baking.
It lacks the nutrients of butter. Especially K2, which keeps arteries unclogged.
It will even leave a gross film of fat in your mouth if you take the time to notice. I just gagged a little.

Margarine is pure, unadulterated crap.

And it's sold as an alternative to one of life's great small indulgences. I don't want to hear about any TLDR participant using it.

1) Brand - Facebook
2) "Food" - Margarine
09-05-2017 , 10:24 AM
TV: Golf announcers
Roger: That was a great putt by Bubba.
Johnny: Yeah, but the greens are a lot better now than when I played.
David: He has about 90 yards left. What do you think, Johnny?
Johnny: The play is to top it and chase it back to the flag.
McCord: This is great, oh wow, golly gee, is this fun?
Johnny: Yeah, like the day I shot that 63 in the Open - I remember it well, it was a clear day when I stepped out of my new '46 Packard, I was so tanned and thin
David: Johnny, Johnny, snap out of it you blubbering old windbag.
Roger: Jordan is probably the best in the game from 50 yards in with a 60* lob wedge against the wind to a green that sloops toward the west on a Sunday afternoon after a 30 minute rain delay.
Johnny: Yep, wish they'd make a 63* lob wedge. Get it? Hehe..
Nick: STFU, you dumbass. That record was broken this year.
Johnny: Screw you. Just for that, I'll work it into every 30 minutes of the show rather than the normal 45 minutes.
David: I won the Irish Open twice.
McCord: I won a free cruise to Somalia.
Nick: Hey, Justin, Jordan & Ricky all made a hole in won on the 12th hole.
Johnny: wake me when any of them shoot a 63 in the final round of a US Open...
09-05-2017 , 11:32 AM
nice picks, Guys....keep it going!

Being in the Film and TV biz, I love Apple lol. PCs suck!

And I love that Redbuck went with golf announcers instead of an actual show...
09-05-2017 , 11:32 AM
redbuck, you're still up, you know that, right?
09-05-2017 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Cranberry Tea
Man I hated the **** out of those hockey puck mice Apple used to make back in the day.
You're right about that! Those mice suck balls. I never use them.
09-05-2017 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Being in the Film and TV biz, I love Apple lol. PCs suck!
True in the 90s.
09-05-2017 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I'll be afk tomorrow. Just skip me.
Disregard. I'm back.

I almost took apple. Nice pick.
09-05-2017 , 05:06 PM
If you guys don't start checking in and making picks, I'm just going to shut this down.

DaveT needs to make his 2nd and 3rd round pick.
redbuck needs to make his 3rd round pick.

I'm putting NlNut on the clock for his 3rd round pick...
09-05-2017 , 05:10 PM
redbuck and daveT have been skipped.

herbdizzle is no longer in the draft, since he didn't make any picks yet.
