Originally Posted by Ray Zee
i tend to stink of fish most days
No comment.
her talking and telling dave she is ho;ding his card is the flirting and telling him she is interested
Ray, I promise I'll be less of a punk next time. I did promise to see her at the same time and place.
where does the money come from when you stick that card into the machine. does it spit it out. what if you need a quick 1000 dollars, how do you get it with a card.
Ray, I'm not as successful in poker and life as you were. A "quick thou" just isn't in my vernacular. I think my daily spending limit was only $250 for the longest time, even though my bank account was considerably larger in those years.
I go to the bank, like anyone else, but for a $1k item, I'm buying a cashier's check or doing a bank transfer.
what happens if you have an earth quake and the power is out for a week or two. do those machines still work and people in the store give you credit for food until the power comes back.
I hear they used stones during the last major earthquake.
are those cards weighing less than the cash you can get. cash isnt very heavy to carry.
No, but cash is scary to carry. If someone picks my wallet or I lose my wallet, I still have all my money.
I never had my wallet picked since I only wear pants with buttons on the pockets, but I have lost my wallet. I've also been robbed a few times and during my late teens and early 20s, had my place broken into about every 3 to 6 months.
There's also the issues of change. I used to do that whole gallon milk jug thing, but it's more irritating than useful.
Originally Posted by NhlNut
Knew a guy who put salt in his coffee. Makes sense when you think about it.
This is called "navy style coffee." I learned that from a Tom Clancy novel and Google confirms this is a real thing.
I do suggest taking a pass on Tom Clancy. The movies are definitely better.