Originally Posted by kioshk
Open hand to the face, but substantial.
This bit reminded me of a tangent Glenn Beck went on a while back on KLIF about hitting Sharon Stone -- "Not punching her, just, y'know, open hand -- bam! Nothing serious."
My dad used to drink a good deal and smack his girlfriends around. Continued to drink while he was married to my mom, but never laid a hand on her. If he had at one point, she would -- correctly, I think-- take it to be an early indicator of a downward spiral and hit the trails. That's a different case from an otherwise peaceful having a two-person riot one night, then one going off the reservation and lashing out.
I find, after five peaceful years, and without a pattern of deteriorating conduct in the months prior, in a handful of extraordinary scenarios it could be put to rest and moved on from successfully.