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FeBREWary NC Thread! FeBREWary NC Thread!

02-20-2010 , 10:15 PM
I gave up being pretentious or sarcastic for lent. I only use these for humorous purposes....I think. It's going to be a long 37 days.

Also, I'm making sausage. I think I'm just going to brown it and throw it into some sauce for pasta. Are there any better suggestions on the table?
02-21-2010 , 12:10 AM
My favorite television show is Eli Stone. There, I said it. Actually, I probably have before.

(Veronica Mars, Firefly, Lost, Friday Night Lights likely round out the top 5.)
02-21-2010 , 12:31 AM
LOL Veronica Mars
02-21-2010 , 12:38 AM
I liked the first 2 seasons of Veronica Mars a lot. Smart dialogue, and she was cute as a button.
02-21-2010 , 01:03 AM
Fun, snarky, and adorable. What's not to love?
02-21-2010 , 10:07 AM
I gave up watching Oprah for Lent
02-21-2010 , 10:08 AM
Knocking on doors and running away was called 'knock down ginger' when I was a chavvie.

Apologies to gingers.
02-21-2010 , 10:46 AM
Made it to Enid OK USA yesterday. The drive in the morning was snowy, Icy and frankly a bit scary in spots but it got better as we went East and then further south.


Papa Fish with the new Grandson

Nana Fishette

Grandbaby Guppy
02-21-2010 , 11:04 AM
02-21-2010 , 11:05 AM
Awwww, look at the Guppy! He's got a lot of hair! How old is he in these pics, Fish?

I think I maybe should swear off of looking at any and all pics of cute babies for Lent. I look at them and then suddenly I hear a loud, insistent, "tick tock tick tock".
02-21-2010 , 12:04 PM
Well I'm pissed off this morning. My political rant of the day...

Obama and Michelle are really getting on my nerves. Are they out of touch with main street America or what? One of them wants to continue a pointless war in Afghanistan while his country is in a deep recession and jobs are scarce to non-existent, the other wants to focus her efforts on fighting obesity . really? Are you kidding me? Is this really the most important issue of our day? How about the people facing homelessness?

I was behind these two jokers at the beginning but now I've become quite cynical and angry. Even just seeing Michelle Obama is making me sick. Talk about out of touch.

/end rant
02-21-2010 , 12:08 PM
Very nice-looking grandson Fish!
02-21-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
Well I'm pissed off this morning. My political rant of the day...

Obama and Michelle are really getting on my nerves. Are they out of touch with main street America or what? One of them wants to continue a pointless war in Afghanistan while his country is in a deep recession and jobs are scarce to non-existent, the other wants to focus her efforts on fighting obesity . really? Are you kidding me? Is this really the most important issue of our day? How about the people facing homelessness?

I was behind these two jokers at the beginning but now I've become quite cynical and angry. Even just seeing Michelle Obama is making me sick. Talk about out of touch.

/end rant
I have to agree. Obama looked good, but he's rapidly turning into the American version of Blair. All talk, no action.
02-21-2010 , 12:50 PM
We could send the fat folks off to fight in Afghanistan, burn off those calories killing terrorists. 2 birds 1 stone
02-21-2010 , 01:01 PM
Giving up things for Lent reminded me that I would like to cut back on my candy/soda/porn consumption by like 99%.

With candy and cokes I often decide to give it up, but I always have some Pepsi in the fridge or some Tootsie Rolls I'd like to finish cause just throwing it out would be wasteful ldo. Then by the time I've finished it I've completely forgotten that I wanted to quit and I'm back to eating a bag of Hershey Kisses in one sitting.

I want to quit porn solely because I'm still working with a monthly bandwidth cap and I'm using prob a fourth of it on porn. I could be using that on useful stuff like downloading music or watching Youtube. I could still do pics/text-based porn, but the tube sites are killing me.
02-21-2010 , 01:09 PM
landon...spend like $20 and get a couple 4-5 hour long porns on dvd. ebay has good deals. no need tp spend good bandwidth. Also...i would sugest maybe you look into a free dial-up service in your area to suppliment the bandwidth you have now. Obviously not for tubes or whatever but its a free way to browse and i think you could probably still 4 table ok depending on the service with it. Having a cap REALLY sucks.

good luck on the soda and candies.. soda's really tough, dont do it all at once, taper down. I did it cold turkey and it was worse than quitting smoking...and im sipping a soda right now if that shows you how effective it was.

Is this really the most important issue of our day?
i believe its one of the mot important health-related issues of our time.

cute kid! Im so jealous of the hair! He's got three times as much as my 10 month old.
02-21-2010 , 01:14 PM
I got a speeding ticket and am taking some online class thing to get rid of it on my "public record" supposedly.

I'm taking it this morning. It's supposed to take four hours, and I'm two hours in. It's basically an absurd amount of common sense, so I just keep waiting until it lets me click next, and then click next.

Click, click, click.
02-21-2010 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Landonfan
I always have some Pepsi in the fridge or some Tootsie Rolls I'd like to finish cause just throwing it out would be wasteful ldo.
Never buy soft drinks for your home. In my family it was unheard of to buy soft drinks at the grocery store. We only had it if we went to Wendys or something. Tootsie rolls are good.


I want to quit porn solely because I'm still working with a monthly bandwidth cap and I'm using prob a fourth of it on porn. I could be using that on useful stuff like downloading music or watching Youtube. I could still do pics/text-based porn, but the tube sites are killing me.
I wonder how much time people spend watching porn. Seems like it would become really addictive and might interfere with your other daily responsibilities. Not really sure. I've watched guys watching porn and they can't pull their eyes away. It's really mesmerizing.
02-21-2010 , 01:39 PM
Piccard's doing ski cross, DB!
02-21-2010 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
landon...spend like $20 and get a couple 4-5 hour long porns on dvd. ebay has good deals. no need tp spend good bandwidth.
I'm not sure if I could watch the same porn over and over. I'm too used to being able to quickly look up several scenes of whatever I feel like watching at the moment.

Also...i would sugest maybe you look into a free dial-up service in your area to suppliment the bandwidth you have now. Obviously not for tubes or whatever but its a free way to browse and i think you could probably still 4 table ok depending on the service with it. Having a cap REALLY sucks.
I've never heard of free dial-up. I doubt we have any, but it would be nice to have assuming I could tolerate dial-up for browsing 2p2 and stuff.

good luck on the soda and candies.. soda's really tough, dont do it all at once, taper down. I did it cold turkey and it was worse than quitting smoking...and im sipping a soda right now if that shows you how effective it was.
I don't think it's that hard. I was doing well, but the other day I asked my mom to pick up some Pepsi on the way home so I could make that coke+instant coffee thing from MTTc, and she brings home a 24 of both Pepsi and Sprite. My mom is too nice sometimes
02-21-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
I wonder how much time people spend watching porn. Seems like it would become really addictive and might interfere with your other daily responsibilities. Not really sure. I've watched guys watching porn and they can't pull their eyes away. It's really mesmerizing.
If I was living by myself and didn't have to limit how much I watched, I think it would almost certainly become a distraction.
02-21-2010 , 01:44 PM
Tootsie Rolls are awesome, and a relatively healthy candy.

Drinking too much soda promoted a little tooth decay for me in the 90's, not too bad but still. I went way crazy with Dr. Peppers though, gave it all up.
02-21-2010 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0

i believe its one of the mot important health-related issues of our time.
what, obesity? Seriously? No one has been able to convince me of this yet. I drive through parts of Cincinnati every day and do not see many fat people. No fat children and certainly none in my section of the city.

I'm working in an elementary school now and we have exactly 2 overweight kids in the entire school. That's 2 kids out of 600! I made a point of asking all the students in my clinical rotation if they have fat kids in their schools (if they see an obesity epidemic) and they all said no. Their observation was the same as mine, roughly 2-3 kids in 600 students.

Where are all these overweight people? In the poorer neighborhoods? Okay then address the issue in the poorer neighborhoods, but stop making it sound like all Americans are fatties.

Oh i do remember seeing a bunch of overweight people when I went to the Kentucky Speedway. Lol! THAT'S where the overweight people are. Jesus.

I think that for certain populations (like the Samoans in Hawaii) there is an epidemic. But this should be addressed within their own community and they need role models who will work with them to educate them. But why make this a priority for the entire nation? The entire nation is not fat.
02-21-2010 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
Never buy soft drinks for your home. In my family it was unheard of to buy soft drinks at the grocery store. We only had it if we went to Wendys or something. Tootsie rolls are good.

I wonder how much time people spend watching porn. Seems like it would become really addictive and might interfere with your other daily responsibilities. Not really sure. I've watched guys watching porn and they can't pull their eyes away. It's really mesmerizing.
I dunno, Katy. It seems like I can only really have my attention held by porn for an hour or so.
02-21-2010 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I dunno, Katy. It seems like I can only really have my attention held by porn for an hour or so.
that sounds reasonable. But an hour at a time how many x per day?
