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Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma

06-29-2015 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Agorophob
Calories in - calories out is defensible, and technically true but does not tell the story. Not all "calories in" are created equally. Some can be metabolized into sugar and turned into energy over a period of hours. Straight sugar is immediately converted into fat for storage by insulin.

This is bull****. Maybe true if we are talking about calories near your maintenance level. Maybe also true over a long period of time where it might vary your metabolism. Bottom line is if you eat under your maintenance, you will lose weight regardless of what food it is.

The fastest I've ever lost weight is when I was too sick to really eat anything, so all I had was mostly candy and gatorade. Lost plenty of weight consuming under 1000 calories for 5 or so days straight.

Bottom line is information like this is just damaging to people trying to lose weight. It's as simple as tracking your calories. Your argument is really only relevant to bodybuilders trying to lose the last couple of pounds.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
06-29-2015 , 12:40 PM
Losing weight is not the only health concern people should have in dieting.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
06-29-2015 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Losing weight is not the only health concern people should have in dieting.
This is true. Girls especially need to determine how much hotter they will be if they lose weight.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
06-30-2015 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
This is bull****. Maybe true if we are talking about calories near your maintenance level. Maybe also true over a long period of time where it might vary your metabolism. Bottom line is if you eat under your maintenance, you will lose weight regardless of what food it is.

The fastest I've ever lost weight is when I was too sick to really eat anything, so all I had was mostly candy and gatorade. Lost plenty of weight consuming under 1000 calories for 5 or so days straight.

Bottom line is information like this is just damaging to people trying to lose weight. It's as simple as tracking your calories. Your argument is really only relevant to bodybuilders trying to lose the last couple of pounds.
I think you are oversimplifying. Yes you can lose weight by drastically reducing calorie intake regardless of the type of food, as you did... but that is neither healthy nor sustainable. High-glycemic foods do promote an insulin spike and are much worse, in terms of obesity and fat creation, than the same number of calories comprised of low-glycemic index foods.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
06-30-2015 , 07:35 PM
Then they aren't calories out.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
06-30-2015 , 09:30 PM
Yeah, but if you take all your calories from sugar you'll lose weight when the diabetes gets your feet amputated.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-03-2015 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
I think you are oversimplifying. Yes you can lose weight by drastically reducing calorie intake regardless of the type of food, as you did... but that is neither healthy nor sustainable. High-glycemic foods do promote an insulin spike and are much worse, in terms of obesity and fat creation, than the same number of calories comprised of low-glycemic index foods.
How? If you ingest 1200 kcal/day of these high-glycemic index foods, and I ingest 1200 kcal/day of lower index foods, how will our results differ 6 weeks from now? Lets say we start at the same weight and burn the same amount of calories per day.

The only difference I can really see is that I will have an easier time with my 1200/day than you will, but that doesnt "oversimplify" anything. Its still true that calories in<calories out is the fundamental driving principle. Its just that there are many ways to minimize calories in, and many ways to maximize calories out, and some are better than others. But "insulin spikes" and "rapid fat deposition" dont change anything in the long run. That fat then just gets broken down and used to make glucose and glycogen later on in the day or between meals.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-03-2015 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I do look down on fat people for no real good reason. I'm not sure why. It's the lack of self-discipline, maybe.

" a man who wont mind his belly will hardly mind anything else" .. all decent people with integrity who dont act differently in public as they would in private are beautiful and naturally skinny people will never know what its like to be fat prone and also grow up with parents who have engrained/programmed the taste and reward of delicious food into their childs mind religiously

and i could drop a couple but i dont mind laughing at this i guess..

Our growing softness, our increasing lack of physical fitness, is a menace to our security.

John F. Kennedy

can be many reasons people are stuck in their way of thinking. personal development and self help tapes are real because people really need help.

I can't relate to lazy people. We don't speak the same language. I don't understand you. I don't want to understand you.

Kobe Bryant

big fan of kobe but i dont personally share the same beliefs on this one, thats all.

also from David Sklansky;s article ' poker is good for you'

If you play seriously, you will learn that the KISS formula (Keep It Short and Simple) does not apply to poker. More importantly, it does not apply to most significant real life decisions. It has become popular because people want to believe that life is much simpler than it really is. Poker teaches you to ask the same sorts of questions about investment, career, and other decisions that you ask at the poker table so that you make much better decisions.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-03-2015 , 06:35 PM
In fat news, Chris Christie has announced his candidacy for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. He's by far the heftiest of the candidates. Huckabee probably second, although Huckabee used to be as big as Christie a few years ago, I think. Donald Trump isn't thin either, but who takes him seriously.

Taft was probably the last fat US president, and that was a while ago.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-03-2015 , 07:16 PM
Did you vote for Taft kioshk?
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-03-2015 , 09:59 PM
The calorie in, calorie out is more complex than that though. Once your fat, your internal balance is ****ed up, so suppose you baseline at one calorie, you can still end up gaining weight once you get down to whatever is "normal" intake and sustain it.

I'm just a lucky person I guess. I don't have a lot of appetite, have a high metabolism, and am more active than most people. I used to joke that losing weight involved buying a bag of Lays and chilling on the couch.

I also think that some issue is the advice given to people who are fat: eat less, go to the gym. This just isn't sustainable. Sorry. Few people want to pay a gym membership and gyms are smelly, dirty, and full of annoying people who look at you like you are a piece of trash. A membership encourages you to take a day off, and the real backfire is that, psychologically, the act of paying a membership gives most people enough of a sense of accomplishment that they never end up going (I think it is like less than 30% of all new sign-ups go more than once).

I know a few fat people who lost weight or are losing weight. The successful ones join hiking groups, start ice skating, or do something that is fun. They end around people with the same general interests, they aren't in a place where they are judged, and most of all it doesn't feel like work or exercise.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-03-2015 , 10:14 PM
Eating less is the most important step to losing weight. Get that fat logic out of here
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-03-2015 , 10:18 PM
Pretty sure dave has never been to a gym if that's what he thinks they're like. Or he's going to the YMCA in the hood.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-03-2015 , 11:45 PM
Yep, the best advice for very fat people is to get on ice skates or start hiking!

Dave's from LA and probably thinks fat people weigh 185-210.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-03-2015 , 11:47 PM
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
Yep, the best advice for very fat people is to get on ice skates or start hiking!

Dave's from LA and probably thinks fat people weigh 185-210.
What is this "I'm from L.A." **** again?

I'm originally from Cleveland, Ohio, which just so happens to be the 3rd fattest city in America. Do you want my opinion on why so many people are fat?

Let's start here, and try not too laugh when I call it "low fat" food:

Maybe it has to do with the fact that so much healthy food is out of season and is expensive as hell.

Or it could be that 9 months of the year is too inclimate to do anything.

Or it could be that, well, it is ****ing cold and it doesn't hurt to have some extra padding.

Last edited by daveT; 07-04-2015 at 12:43 AM.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 12:48 AM
9 months of the year you can't go outside in Cleveland? Its not like you're in Dubai or Siberia. Really grasping.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 12:54 AM
Not sure if this topic has been brought up..

but how would you honestly feel if your significant other gained 35% of their body weight? My wife asked me that once, and I told her in no way, shape, or form that I'd be alright with it. I specifically said that didn't mean I would divorce her or anything, but I wouldn't be "OK" with it.

Call me shallow. She puts on 40 lbs and we have a serious problem.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by daveT

Let's start here, and try not too laugh when I call it "low fat" food:

wtf is that sandwich called, and what's in it other than slaw and fries (can't make out the rest). Have you had one? Is it good?

The bread looks too thick to be enjoyable.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
9 months of the year you can't go outside in Cleveland? Its not like you're in Dubai or Siberia. Really grasping.
15 degrees and 20mph winds off the lake? Have fun.

100 degrees and 95% humidity. Yep, that feels good.

Torrential rain middle of summer? Why the **** not?

Hail and sleet storms? Sounds like a great day for a jog, right? Good luck finding the sidewalk.

Of course, you *can* go outside, but it isn't a "walking" city and certainly not conducive to living a life of outdoors.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 01:09 AM
daveT is right. The weather up here sucks. I live in Philly and the winters feel like they last 6 months. Then during the summer it's so hot you're running from one air-conditioned place to another.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 01:16 AM

Average July high of 83 degrees. That's not very hot.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
daveT is right. The weather up here sucks. I live in Philly and the winters feel like they last 6 months. Then during the summer it's so hot you're running from one air-conditioned place to another.
where is the best cheesesteak place in philly?
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
wtf is that sandwich called, and what's in it other than slaw and fries (can't make out the rest). Have you had one? Is it good?

The bread looks too thick to be enjoyable.
Considering I still recall it and kind of drool thinking about eating another one 15 years later, I'd say it is damn tasty. The bread isn't like wonder bread. Not sure what it is called, but it originated in Pittsburgh.

It usually has things like roast beef, capicola, corned beef, turkey, or something like that. I've only seen it with sliced meats, but I suppose it could have a burger or something like that.

It would be nice to get a genuine Philly Cheese Steak out here in LA though.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
07-04-2015 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator

Average July high of 83 degrees. That's not very hot.
"Average" doesn't mean it never gets to 105. You're praying for rain on days like that, so it can cool down to, you know, something like 85.

They have a saying up there: if you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes. An average July could be that one day it was 65 and the other north of 100. It could also mean 5 inches of rain. You can wake up one day and it is 75 and then snowing in the evening. Kind of a mind-**** that you'd have to experience to believe.

Besides, 83 and 90% humidity is anything but "not bad." It's brutal.

Last edited by daveT; 07-04-2015 at 01:30 AM.
Fat People: Disgust and Social Stigma Quote
