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December's "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out" NC Chat thread December's "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out" NC Chat thread

12-30-2007 , 08:58 PM
Happy birthday, Wook!
12-30-2007 , 08:59 PM
happy bday wookie

katy, what kind of game
12-30-2007 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Happy birthday, Wook!

Happy B-day Wook!

Hey DB, have you gotten your Blade Runner set yet???
12-30-2007 , 09:06 PM

YEP! I need to watch the 1982 international cut (which I haven't seen in years, and prefer to the 1992 cut), then the Final cut...

it's just difficult to find time.

Ont he plus side I have a projector and screen, so I can watch it on that...sweet.
12-30-2007 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter

YEP! I need to watch the 1982 international cut (which I haven't seen in years, and prefer to the 1992 cut), then the Final cut...

it's just difficult to find time.

Ont he plus side I have a projector and screen, so I can watch it on that...sweet.

I really want to know what you think of the narration AFTER you see the documentary on the making of the film...I just can't imagine anyone preferring it to the versions without and I know you do! Maybe the doc will change your mind...
12-30-2007 , 09:24 PM
Happy B-day wookie!
12-30-2007 , 09:35 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOOKIE!! I'm getting drunk for your birthday. Oh yeah I am!

I'm going to go look at your Greek pictures again. You post a frikkin awesome trip report Wook. Love your pictures! I hope I can go to Greece one day.
12-31-2007 , 04:59 AM
To the Mods in Power:

hey, can I get my "tripod" title back? I'm currently not dating anyone and it gives me a sense of misplaced worth. Thanks.
12-31-2007 , 10:18 AM
Dom -
I don't think mods can change titles anymore. I think only admins can do that now. I will check on that for you. Fwiw I liked your "tripod" title.

Breakfast -
Does everybody have today off? I do. yay. I am eating toast with apricot jam right now. If you ask me there really is nothing better than thin sliced bread toasted crispy with butter and apricot jam. This is the most perfect taste in my opinion.

What are you guys eating today?
12-31-2007 , 12:09 PM
yogurt smoothie and coffee.

I often can't stomach much early in the morning, but I need something to go with the drugs. In a couple hours I'll be ready to eat.
12-31-2007 , 12:23 PM
Lol! Are you still doing drugs? What are you talking about?!

fwiw I don't like a big breakfast with coffee. I also can't drink coffee and then have dairy immediately after. makes me feel nauseous. Like I won't eat breakfast cereal if I've had coffee in the morning. I like toast or Pepperidge farm cookies with my coffee. That's my standard breakfast.
12-31-2007 , 12:27 PM
I skipped breakfast. I'm about to go down to one of the cafeterias here and grab a sub for lunch.
12-31-2007 , 12:45 PM
Happy belated birthday wook.

My cereal involved cocoa puffs. I plan on giving up chocolate for the 2008 year so I figured I'd get some last tastes in.

I shall be in Champaign for New Year's Eve. While I don't drink, I expect it to be absolutely hilarious watching my friends get plowed. Additionally, we will be in Champaign for the Rose Bowl (with U of Illinois playing, of course) so it should be an interesting 48 hours for me. Yeehaw.
12-31-2007 , 12:48 PM
Cookies for breakfast? Sheesh. Why not have an ice cream sandwich? At least it has the word "sandwich" in it. That's gotta be healthy ...
12-31-2007 , 12:54 PM
Rice Crispies for breakfast
Ham, cheese and pickle in French bread for lunch
probably fish and chips for dinner
12-31-2007 , 12:57 PM
I usually have some kind of "healthy" cereal for breakfast...sometimes a toasted bagel with butter. Katy, you're right, apricot jam and butter on toast is pretty damn great. If I go out for breakfast, then I get some kind of "lumberjack special" and all the calories that that entails.

By the way, can someone come up with a good definition for the words "that" and "put?" And I mean a definition that will make sense to a classroom of new English speakers and not a dictionary one!
12-31-2007 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Cookies for breakfast? Sheesh. Why not have an ice cream sandwich? At least it has the word "sandwich" in it. That's gotta be healthy ...
Ok now that's just plain ridiculous.
12-31-2007 , 01:09 PM
In most cases wouldn't 'that' simply be a marker or representative of something already referred to? That was my first 'simple idea' that I would probably try to springboard from with the class. Put a soda on the table and say "The soda is good."...."That is good." And then repeat the process with activities. "Jumping is fun."..."That is fun."

Bleh, I don't know. Those are my initial thoughts, but I'm self-admittedly probably a terrible English 2nd Language teacher.
12-31-2007 , 01:12 PM
That = the thing he just said, the thing we were just talking about; the guy standing over there (that guy); the object of the preposition (the cookie that I spoke of); interchangeable with "very" (not that important).

Ok. That's about enough of that!
12-31-2007 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
Lol! Are you still doing drugs? What are you talking about?!
Crazy/happy pills. see various depression threads for details. they work better with some sort of food.

cookies: it seems most breakfast cereals these days are little but cookies. Mom used to call them "eat the box" cereals, because the box was more nutritious

give up chocolate? blasphemy!
12-31-2007 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
give up chocolate? blasphemy!
I binge eat chocolate cookies about 6 times a year. Essentially this resolution cuts that out. Overkill, sir.
12-31-2007 , 02:40 PM
I do the same once or twice a year with ice cream. Buy a couple quarts and eat them in a couple days.
12-31-2007 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I usually have some kind of "healthy" cereal for breakfast...sometimes a toasted bagel with butter. Katy, you're right, apricot jam and butter on toast is pretty damn great. If I go out for breakfast, then I get some kind of "lumberjack special" and all the calories that that entails.

By the way, can someone come up with a good definition for the words "that" and "put?" And I mean a definition that will make sense to a classroom of new English speakers and not a dictionary one!
Just don't teach them "That". I HATE THAT word. I am constantly fighting with the people and my kids about what "That" they are talking about is. Always going "That is exactly what?"

Breakfast, I love breakfast! Usually it is just coffee, granola ceral and a V8 for taking my Vitamins and Glucosomine. When I have time, like on the weekends I like to fry up some sausage, remove the sausage from pan, fry hashbrowns in the sausage grease, add chopped up sausage back to pan towards the ends of the hashbrown cooking and finally add a bunch of scrambled eggs and shredded Cheddar Cheese. Umm Ummm!!!! A person could add veggies of some sort to the mix but I have no use for veggies, other than my V8, in the morning!

Oh Ya, Happy belated Birthday, Wookie!!!!
12-31-2007 , 03:24 PM
LOL, you sound like a walking heart attack there, Fishy, but your food does sound tasty.
12-31-2007 , 03:28 PM
At the risk of irritating DB, we'd better start nominating movie quotes or whatever for the title of our next NC thread. Nominations are now open. Any ideas?
