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07-14-2010 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
There were boxes and crap thrown all around and when I looked down I saw a big bright yellow shoebox with bright green letters on the top. It read: NhlNut.
You crack me up. I can't stop laughing at this part. You know you're in bad shape when you start dreaming about other posters
07-14-2010 , 11:29 AM
it was weird...espeically the part about being exhausted when waking up. Ive been working out at night and playing far too much Call of Duty.....while ignoring the home improvement projects in my den Its weird, i can remember like maybe 3 other dreams vividly in my life... all the others have faded within minutes after waking.

and even though I like NhlNut as poster quite a bit I was a bit surpised it was his name i thought of lol.
07-14-2010 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
yeah i'd smack the fin with the oar. Or punch it in the face if I had a chance. I mean on TV most sharks swim away when you fight back. + im not goin down like some girly-man.

FU shark...:SMACK:
This answer is approved by real men.

In reality I think the correct action was taken by remaining calm and letting the shark clear out.

I have to admit the thought of how do I hook this thing so I can catch him would have crossed my mind. Assuming a person lived through it, what an AWESOME fish story they would have!!

Originally Posted by livinitup0
it was weird...espeically the part about being exhausted when waking up. Ive been working out at night and playing far too much Call of Duty.....while ignoring the home improvement projects in my den Its weird, i can remember like maybe 3 other dreams vividly in my life... all the others have faded within minutes after waking.

and even though I like NhlNut as poster quite a bit I was a bit surpised it was his name i thought of lol.
I think you have already answered your question. Call of Duty has destroyed your brain.
07-14-2010 , 11:46 AM
This answer is approved by real men
have i redeemed my manliness fish?

If not then I'd grab a hold of a tailfin when it trys to swim away and pull it back. Maybe with a pipe in my mouth or something.

"Oh no you dont shark... you started FEEL THE PAIN!"
07-14-2010 , 12:04 PM
My only hope would be that the shark gets grossed out by my urine-filled kayak.
07-14-2010 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
and even though I like NhlNut as poster quite a bit I was a bit surpised it was his name i thought of lol.
I've had a few dreams where specific 2+2 posters made an appearance. Dominic was in one as I recall. I woke up laughing about the fact that I would actually dream about my online friends.

Another dream had Mat Sklansky in it. I can't remember what Mat and I were doing in my dream but I woke up feeling really good about him.
07-14-2010 , 12:17 PM
Next time you dream of me, leave my wife out of it and includfe a hot tub please
07-14-2010 , 12:25 PM
lol! How could I forget, you were my last really good dream! omg that was hilarious. You were a ship's carpenter. I had to ask your wife for permission to spend quality time with you
07-14-2010 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Next time you dream of me, leave my wife out of it and includfe a hot tub please
you're doing it wrong...

3 > 2

DUCY? Katy does
07-14-2010 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Next time you dream of me, leave my wife out of it and includfe a hot tub please
Db, I'm clearly conflicted about my feelings. I want to spend time with you in my dream, I just feel very guilty about the whole wife thing! If it makes you feel any better, your wife was very cool and pretty.
07-14-2010 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Landonfan
My only hope would be that the shark gets grossed out by my urine-filled kayak.
hahahaha, Landon, you're too funny.

That is definitely a great white. Too big to be anything else. I've been in the water with a great white before....scuba's much safer to be under the surface with him where he can see you're not what he normally eats than on the surface, where he might think you're a seal.

It was great, I swam up and petted him, he turned over so I could scratch his belly, then he gave me a ride through the water while I held into his fin.*

Last edited by Dominic; 07-14-2010 at 12:39 PM. Reason: * Actually, as soon as I saw him I got back into the boat, pronto.
07-14-2010 , 12:39 PM
Katy, what was I doing in your dream?? C'mon, tell the truth, we're all friends.
07-14-2010 , 12:41 PM
She Who Must Be Obeyed will be fine with it, honest
07-14-2010 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
There were boxes and crap thrown all around and when I looked down I saw a big bright yellow shoebox with bright green letters on the top. It read: NhlNut.
So you're the one who's been creeping around my apartment while I'm asleep! Could you keep it down from now on?

I had a massive dream the other night. My grandpa was in it, but that's all I remember.
Lesson = don't eat del taco right before bed.

re: shark
the only real danger is that the shark will check to see if the boat is edible a little too roughly. I'd be ready to give him a taste of paddle if he does.

SPeaking of great whites, there's a reality show on about a team catching and tracking great whites. they attached a huge hydraulic lift onto a large fishing boat.

really cool with great underwater shots.
07-14-2010 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
SPeaking of great whites, there's a reality show on about a team catching and tracking great whites. they attached a huge hydraulic lift onto a large fishing boat.

really cool with great underwater shots.
I have seen the commercials for that. Looks very cool!
07-14-2010 , 02:52 PM
you just know Fish wishes he could hunt a great white shark in Montana with a cross bow.
07-14-2010 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
you just know Fish wishes he could hunt a great white shark in Montana with a cross bow.
I WOULD like to catch one with a rod and reel. Holy crap that would be cool!!!
07-14-2010 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Fishwhenican
I WOULD like to catch one with a rod and reel. Holy crap that would be cool!!!

you should see what it takes for the scientist to catch one.
basically, it's what the "deadliest catch" guys use to hook the crab cages. with a huge circle hook. and a square foot of blubber.
07-14-2010 , 03:23 PM
Axe Cop: written and created by a 5 year old and illustrated by his older brother...

its a comic book with some very weird stories, some cool art, and its funny...
07-14-2010 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
Has anyone had any weird dreams lately? usually i cant remember my dreams but the one i had last night was pretty vivd and i remember most of it. Plus it had a 2p2 reference in it which hasnt happened before....other than the reoccuring one where im living in utah married to all the tldr womenz of course.
I had one last night. It was a musical, of all things. Very upbeat. A couple old friends and I were dancing and singing in and out of street shops. IGOS?

Please decipher my dream Loungers:

So in my dream I met up with some guy i havent seen in ages. we were walking around one of the maps of Call of Duty MW2 when we recognized another guy we knew up on the roof of a building. I ran up to him yelling "Dude look whos back in town!" He waved hi to us but right then a grenade or missle or something destroyed the roof he was standing on.

I was seperated from my friend and was ducking behind cover when I saw two teenage girls struggling with a grenade launcher aimed at right me. They finally shot it at me. I covered my face but after I didnt feel anything I looked down and all I saw was a tennis ball roll by my feet. I ducked into a shop on the street.

It was a pawn shop with dirty windows and random crap everywhere. I asked the old black woman behind the counter if she had anything I could use as a weapon and she asked me to follow her. I went to her back room which was actually my den irl. There were boxes and crap thrown all around and when I looked down I saw a big bright yellow shoebox with bright green letters on the top. It read: NhlNut.

Apparently forgetting the firefight outside, the old woman told me that her inn was in bad shape and this place was in bad shape too. Another younger woman looked at me and yelled "REAL BAD SHAPE!" and rolled her eyes while taking darts out of a dartboard.

then the alarm clock went off and I woke up more exhausted than when i went to bed.

07-14-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Uh oh. Anyone know what a high whining sound from your engine might mean?
It's a high pressure power steering fluid hose and it costs over $500 to replace a foot or two of rubber, not counting labor.
07-14-2010 , 04:31 PM
haha Mel Gibson.... "I DESERVE TO BE BLOWN!"

07-14-2010 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
BR - I used to feel the same way as you, that the OP needed to be very strong and very long. But after talking about this with DB over the years, and observing which threads are successful and which not, I'm not sure we need to put so much thought into the OP. In fact, long OPs have done poorly in the past. No one wants to read a long OP. Couple sentences is sufficient. Pose a question or make a statement, see what happens.

If you have an interesting subject even a 2 sentence OP can get a big response as long as its a topic that interests others or is polarizing. Hell, look at that Life after Death thread
Yep. My OPs have been epic fails for the most part. I think that I try to make them as broad-based and as unfocused as possible, but for whatever reason, they don't catch on.

Originally Posted by livinitup0
Has anyone had any weird dreams lately? usually i cant remember my dreams but the one i had last night was pretty vivd and i remember most of it.
My dreams are extremely vivid, and some of them still haunt me to this day. I tend to have a bunch of nightmares, but it's not as bad as it used to be.

One that I had was I was sleeping on a cliff in terrible rainstorm. I woke up because I knew there was something terrible outside. I fell back to sleep in the hopes it would go away, but I kept waking up and it was still there.

I only know at this point that it is freezing cold and wet, and if I look out the blanket I am going to die.

After waking and falling back to sleep, I finally look, and this white humanoid looks at me and grabs my throat.

That was a pretty bad one, but I remember far worse.

then the alarm clock went off and I woke up more exhausted than when i went to bed.

when you are in dream state, you are usually in REM sleep, and that is also called "paradoxical sleep," because while you are dreaming, your body is completely paralized because you aren't supposed to act out your dreams in case you hurt yourself.

Anyways, it doesn't always work like this. Don't sweat it until you wake up at 4am and you are in the kitchen pouring hot coffee down your leg.

Too much call of duty, or whatever may be the issue. I would think your brain is trying to figure out a problem you are having in playing the game. Is there a level you are having particular problems with?

Originally Posted by katyseagull
lol! How could I forget, you were my last really good dream! omg that was hilarious. You were a ship's carpenter. I had to ask your wife for permission to spend quality time with you
diebitter was Jesus? Awesome.

Originally Posted by Fishwhenican
I WOULD like to catch one with a rod and reel. Holy crap that would be cool!!!
I'm happy that I once caught a minnow.
07-14-2010 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
It's a high pressure power steering fluid hose and it costs over $500 to replace a foot or two of rubber, not counting labor.
Time for a second opinion.
