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Coffee Addicts Thread Coffee Addicts Thread

09-09-2013 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by ItalianFX
I'm looking at trying a new brand of coffee. The last 6 months I've been off and on with Folgers and Maxwell House, but I want to try something new.

My main shopping stores are Trader Joe's and/or Wegman's.

Any suggestions? The coffee needs to be grounded as I only have a regular coffee pot.
Trader Joe's has some really good coffee from my limited experience with them. They sell vacuum-sealed 14 ounce tubes of whole bean coffee and have a large variety. The two that I tried that stood out to me were the Colombian and the Jamaican Blue Mountain.

I'm no expert on coffee by any means, but I fully enjoyed both of these varieties. The Colombian was a medium/dark coffee with a full, rich taste that I drank every morning before work. It was only $6.99 which is cheaper than most supermarket brands.

The Jamaican Blue Mountain was really great! It was $19.99, which is atleast half the price you'd pay at a coffee shop. This wasn't the "blend" either. This was the genuine Jamaican Blue Mountain that is grown at the correct altitude.

One other recommendation if you happen to come across is Intelligentsia "Black Cat." Awesome brew! They sell it at The Fresh Market if you have one in your area.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
09-14-2013 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by SMUTTTT
please do that im sure id not be the only one interested
Originally Posted by czGLoRy
I would like to see the videos also, it sounds similar to an aeropress?
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
Interested as well.
Check out the video on the first page if you are interested
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
09-14-2013 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Thoughts on Moccamaster's for a good cup of coffee?
Want to try to ask this one more time
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
09-14-2013 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Want to try to ask this one more time
Moccamaster is considered as one of the go-to's when talking about normal (=home) pot brewing.

If you are looking for alternatives I've read good reviews about
Water and temp are not interconnected like in all other non-commercial pot brewers.

The pluses with Moccamaster is usually that it can sustain the high brew temperature and that you are able to get spare parts if something happens to break.

Other manufacturers are slowly getting the temperatures right but the machines cannot be serviced if they break.

E: Just to make sure: Moccamaster makes very different coffee compared to the ones posted in this thread (espresso machines, aeropress and the latest siphons)
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
09-14-2013 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Foxtorpedo
Check out the video on the first page if you are interested
Thanks. Looks awesome.

It's like a Breaking Bad cold open.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
09-18-2013 , 02:08 AM
wendy's is considerably tastier than mcdonalds I've started to notice. Not a bad choice at all. And miles ahead of Starbucks disgusting regular brews (starbucks espresso is acceptable though not great).
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
09-18-2013 , 09:27 AM
have you done blind taste tests?
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
09-23-2013 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Want to try to ask this one more time
I really like mine. It's still drip coffee, so don't get your expectations build up too high. That said, it makes a very consistent pot of coffee and is wonderfully simple. It's the KBGT 741, I think.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
10-29-2013 , 10:09 AM
I've decided that it's time to buy a vacuum siphon. I thought there had been a lot of talk in here about them, but in looking back through the thread, it appears I was wrong. So, does anyone have any suggestions on which ones, if any, are better than the rest? I don't need a large one, as I will just be making enough for myself, one large cup at a time. Any advice on the burner? Also, does the temperature of the water have to be manually regulated? I assume not, that the water rises at the proper temp with no input from me at all, correct?
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
10-30-2013 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by marknfw
I've decided that it's time to buy a vacuum siphon. I thought there had been a lot of talk in here about them, but in looking back through the thread, it appears I was wrong. So, does anyone have any suggestions on which ones, if any, are better than the rest? I don't need a large one, as I will just be making enough for myself, one large cup at a time. Any advice on the burner? Also, does the temperature of the water have to be manually regulated? I assume not, that the water rises at the proper temp with no input from me at all, correct?
I bought this one and am very happy with it:

The only extra thing you need to purchase is the methylated spirits.

I don't know if it's better or worse than the rest, but it works well, is easy to clean and not expensive. If you fill the beaker near full, it makes about two full cups of coffee (even though it says 5-cup).

No need to regulate water temp, when it reaches boiling point, it'll rise by itself, and when you remove the burner, it'll filter back down.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
10-30-2013 , 10:34 PM
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
11-04-2013 , 09:41 PM
Hey fellow coffee addicts! I've been mucking around with the aeropress recently and love it. I'm just wondering if anyone has a good thermometer recommendation, since I'm never quite sure how long to wait post-boiling to pour the water in. Or do you just wait a specific amount of time (1 min? 5 mins?)? Also, just learned about this inversion thing. Will definitely try tomorrow morning. How long should I have it sit for? Thanks in advance.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
11-04-2013 , 10:12 PM
Inversion is overrated IMO, I didn't notice any significant, consistent improvement. As for temperature, I use a milk frothing thermometer I got off of amazon. Basically once I got the timing down I stopped using it (I microwave my water).
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
11-04-2013 , 10:13 PM
11-06-2013 , 07:39 PM
Attempting bulletproof coffee tomorrow morning. If I don't post about it again, assume it didn't go well.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
12-14-2013 , 12:41 PM
Any recommendations on a grinder for the aero press? I read the thread awhile ago but can't remember if there was much of a conclusion. I just watched pvn's youtube video. I don't have a drill. Seems like hand cranking every morning would suck (I'm already worried the aero press is going to be more work then I want to do). Thanks!
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
12-14-2013 , 01:48 PM
I did find this Bodum Bistro Electric Burr Coffee Grinder for a really good price and good ratings.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
12-14-2013 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by darinvg
Any recommendations on a grinder for the aero press? I read the thread awhile ago but can't remember if there was much of a conclusion. I just watched pvn's youtube video. I don't have a drill. Seems like hand cranking every morning would suck (I'm already worried the aero press is going to be more work then I want to do). Thanks!
the aeropress is pretty forgiving, you don't need to spend a ton on a grinder. Any conical burr grinder should be more than sufficient. Grinder quality becomes a lot more important when you use an espresso machine, where you need very fine, consistent grinds.

I use this machine FWIW:
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
12-14-2013 , 07:04 PM
Thanks for the info!
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
12-15-2013 , 07:08 AM
I use a crappy President's Choice burr grinder that cannot grind consistently, and it works just fine with my aeropress.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
12-15-2013 , 12:32 PM
Ah, good to know you don't need to spend a ton.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
12-15-2013 , 02:25 PM
Yeah I spent more than necessary for sure.

one thing to look out for, electric grinders generate a lot of static electricity, grinds will stick to just about anything, which is ****ing annoying as hell. I would suggest you look at something with a glass grind recepticle if possible, or ones that specifically mention they are static-resistant (this is actually one of the big reasons I got the one I did).
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
12-15-2013 , 08:34 PM
Yes that is a big plus. I keep meaning to buy one of those $80 bodum dealies with a glass receptacle but never seems to be in the budget.
Coffee Addicts Thread Quote
12-16-2013 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by NooooBingo
Attempting bulletproof coffee tomorrow morning. If I don't post about it again, assume it didn't go well.
I guess it didn't go well?
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