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August of Fresh Air Is What We All Need (NC Thread) August of Fresh Air Is What We All Need (NC Thread)

08-06-2008 , 09:44 PM
well Uh, I think El D felt som guilt over the brandi suicide since he showed her to the 2+2 public, Also what I've heard from inside sources he's had sick much to do at work also... I believe he just thought it would be a good time to take a break and see how people would react, you gotta do some experiment with the world you know. Although I gotta say I miss him a lot
08-06-2008 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by ohead
well Uh, I think El D felt som guilt over the brandi suicide since he showed her to the 2+2 public, Also what I've heard from inside sources he's had sick much to do at work also... I believe he just thought it would be a good time to take a break and see how people would react, you gotta do some experiment with the world you know. Although I gotta say I miss him a lot
And the inside sources heard from their inside sources? I will say this is the prevailing opinion, that El D felt bad. As far if thats true or not, and whether it is the reason or not, well only those who have asked El D in real life can know the answer to that.
08-06-2008 , 11:15 PM
Inside sources = IRL friends of El Diablo
08-06-2008 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by daveT

The first day of massage school involved something called oscillation massage. This involves a ton of shaking, and basically finding the other person's rhythm. It is really hard because you have to do it the way the patient wants to do it, and not how you want to do it. When I get a massage, I prefer a total ass kicking. Ironically, if the person likes a soft massage, they will massage you soft. Once you find the other person's rhythm, it is pretty awesome.

The teacher was a structural engineer. He worked on the Apollo projects. It is funny, because you would think that massage is some sort of new agey smarmy marmy, but this guy is scientific. To him, the body is a machine, but he is very sensitive, and some of the stuff he was teaching us, as far as theory, was mind-blowing. Some very intellegent people have put a life-time into figuring out this art. The knowledge is pretty far out. I can't wait to see what I know a month from now.

I am so jealous. This sounds like a blast. I sometimes fantasize about getting a massage. It's been so long. Maybe some day when I'm rich I will buy myself a massage as a treat. Can't wait for future reports on your schooling dave.

I often hear guys say that they like a really hard massage but me, I prefer soft to medium. Nothing painful, just relaxing. I love to have my shoulders massaged softly.
08-06-2008 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by ohead
I believe he just thought it would be a good time to take a break and see how people would react, you gotta do some experiment with the world you know. Although I gotta say I miss him a lot
I predict he will be back. My predictions are pretty accurate.
08-06-2008 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
I predict he will be back. My predictions are pretty accurate.
Spill mod inside info plz kthxbai.
08-06-2008 , 11:51 PM
katy = diablo = henry17, duh...
08-06-2008 , 11:51 PM
Funny stuff. Subjective subject but, I present Dave Chappelle's 'Knee High Park'.

Not for kids. Or people with good taste. Or the squeamish. Y'know, Chappelle stuff.
08-06-2008 , 11:52 PM
I have little sympathy for anyone involved with the Cornell Fiji affair.
It's shocking that a poker player would actually be a compulsive/degenerate gambler. Loan money to gamblers, you're bound to get burned eventually. C'est la vie.

A lot of people ought to hang their heads over the Brandi mess. (el d included) A long break after that mess is probably a good idea.

People dissing chinese food are uneducated. Chinese cuisine is so broad that it defies category. Most americans, (me included) have little concept of it. If you like noodles, you like Chinese cooking.

Can you tell that I hate poker right now?
Another river 2 outer and I'm next to busto again.

I'm going to be found bludgeoned to death with a mouse. By my own hand.
08-06-2008 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by ohead
I've been a steady earner for 4+ years now, lived off it too, Although I don't make sick money its way better then grinding my ass off 8-12 hours per day and the freedom is irreplaceable.
All readers of Dr. Pauly know that 'Scandis' are a breed apart when it comes to poker.
08-06-2008 , 11:57 PM
Lounge is on posting fire today. Tons of posts in this thread.

Fish, I don't know if you'll recall this (I think I've mentioned it before), but my ex-girlfriend's parents really disliked me and a huge part of it was that I called them sir and ma'am a lot. I 100% use those terms out of respect and because I'm a fan of old-fashioned formality (jokes to be made, I'm sure). I think it's really weird that so many people seem to take offense to being called sir. I knew it would get my point across to you in this thread because of that situation I was in a couple years ago. That said, I love you all and certainly mean no mal-intent with calling you gentlemen (even though I knew it would rattle you a bit ). Consider it a loving jest.

Re: Cornell Fiji. I read about half the long thread on the situation and it's pretty crazy. I pretty much assume that 90% of the ballers on these forums are guys that play above their limits way too often. Basically, I assume terrible bankroll management. As a bankroll nit, I just shudder to think of some of the situations these guys get in. I have a friend who has won like 60k in three nights and then lost 80k the next night. And this is someone who really shouldn't be that high. It's painful to hear about.

Re: Thai food. I have only had thai food once, (I think?). Is 'pho' thai food? Anyway, I imagine I would like it all right, as I'm not generally a terribly picky eater, but why eat thai when I can eat all the glorious things I know I love? FWIW, I do try new foods.

Hobby and Dom, watch out for those self-fulfilling prophecies about dying. My recommendations are to always have someone hold your hand and use a bidet. Respectively. Don't mix those bits of advice up.

I just played 9 sets of tennis over 5.5 hours. I'm a wee tired.
08-07-2008 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
I just played 9 sets of tennis over 5.5 hours. I'm a wee tired.
i remember when i could do this.
08-07-2008 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
I predict he will be back. My predictions are pretty accurate.
Which method(s) do you use?

Tarot Cards, Horoscope, Entrails of Animals, Crystal Ball, Palms, The flight of birds, dreams, runes, the dead?

Just teasing
08-07-2008 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
You'll have your results as early as THIS Friday? That is 2 days away! It is exciting.

Don't worry about the other groups Wookie. Especially since your approach is different from theirs. I'm sure that you will be able to publish in a very prestigious journal. The results of your work will be interesting regardless of the work done by the other groups.
Thanks for the words of encouragement (Fish too). Just to note Katy, when I get this first batch of results (might even be late tomorrow now that I look at how things are progressing), that doesn't mean that I'm "done." If I'm going to make a noteworthy paper, I'll need to apply my methodology to two more systems, one of which will require me to do a whole new study and write a whole new program that will probably turn into a paper of its own to supplement this one. And then, oh yeah, I have to write the manuscript, submit it, get feedback from peer review, apply their comments, and then see if the journal will publish it. The time frame I'm looking at here is about a month if I totally bust ass AND get really, really lucky with everything working. Of course, nothing ever goes perfectly according to plan, and nothing works totally perfectly the first time around, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm looking at 2-3 months. That's why I'm nervous about getting scooped. If I was really just 2 days away from getting my last results and starting to write the manuscript, I'd be in a very good mood.
08-07-2008 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
i remember when i could do this.
Tried lately?
08-07-2008 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
i remember when i could do this.
I thought you said you always finished.
08-07-2008 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
Tried lately?
no, but i'd really like to get back into tennis again. if only for the exercise!
08-07-2008 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
Fish, I don't know if you'll recall this (I think I've mentioned it before), but my ex-girlfriend's parents really disliked me and a huge part of it was that I called them sir and ma'am a lot. I 100% use those terms out of respect and because I'm a fan of old-fashioned formality (jokes to be made, I'm sure). I think it's really weird that so many people seem to take offense to being called sir. I knew it would get my point across to you in this thread because of that situation I was in a couple years ago. That said, I love you all and certainly mean no mal-intent with calling you gentlemen (even though I knew it would rattle you a bit ). Consider it a loving jest.
LOL, I know that you little snot nosed, pain in the azz, ankle biter. I was just kidding around (and I still am)
FWIW - I use the sir and gentleman thing all the time as well. Even with people who are younger than me at times.

Re: Cornell Fiji. I read about half the long thread on the situation and it's pretty crazy. I pretty much assume that 90% of the ballers on these forums are guys that play above their limits way too often. Basically, I assume terrible bankroll management. As a bankroll nit, I just shudder to think of some of the situations these guys get in. I have a friend who has won like 60k in three nights and then lost 80k the next night. And this is someone who really shouldn't be that high. It's painful to hear about.
I've often wondered about this and I think you are likely spot on! Too bad.

I just played 9 sets of tennis over 5.5 hours. I'm a wee tired.
Well, for god sake get off the court and stop hogging it. I just know there is some octogenarian who needs to use that court a lot more than you do!
08-07-2008 , 08:27 AM
Hobby and Dom, watch out for those self-fulfilling prophecies about dying. My recommendations are to always have someone hold your hand and use a bidet. Respectively. Don't mix those bits of advice up.
Lol Solo nice.

Originally Posted by SoloAJ
Lounge is on posting fire today. Tons of posts in this thread.

Fish, I don't know if you'll recall this (I think I've mentioned it before), but my ex-girlfriend's parents really disliked me and a huge part of it was that I called them sir and ma'am a lot. I 100% use those terms out of respect and because I'm a fan of old-fashioned formality (jokes to be made, I'm sure). I think it's really weird that so many people seem to take offense to being called sir.
This is an interesting observation. The whole "sir" "ma'am" thing is a social custom that is well respected in the south and some other areas but is actually pretty eye-rolling in many other parts of the country. It's kind of sweet when I hear certain people using these terms but at the same time I find it weird from others. For example, I think it's odd when I hear an older man or woman using these terms. My advice to you, Solo, is maybe use the terms once when you first meet the parents or grandparents but then drop it. When these are overused it seems pretty weird to some of us (not saying that you are weird or anything. You seem really cool to me! )

Re: Cornell Fiji. I read about half the long thread on the situation and it's pretty crazy. I pretty much assume that 90% of the ballers on these forums are guys that play above their limits way too often. Basically, I assume terrible bankroll management. As a bankroll nit, I just shudder to think of some of the situations these guys get in.

Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head Solo. They are playing above their limits too often. It's only a matter of time before they crash and burn. It is painful to watch or hear about.

What I want to know is how common is it for high rollers to actually loan out large chunks of money to other poker players? This seems incredibly nice but super risky. I know nothing about the world of professional poker players so this caught me by surprise. Is this common?
08-07-2008 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
(not saying that you are weird or anything. You seem really cool to me! )
Don't let him fool you. He is going to be a teachers and in my experience (11+ years) ALL teachers are wierd.

What I want to know is how common is it for high rollers to actually loan out large chunks of money to other poker players? This seems incredibly nice but super risky. I know nothing about the world of professional poker players so this caught me by surprise. Is this common?
I would actually like to know this too. I know it is done but is it done "a lot"?
08-07-2008 , 10:01 AM

If you're gonna play high stakes, you'll have to take shots when fish come around. That's how I lost my relative fortune and I'm not crying over it. It's part of the game. Game selection and then riding the luck wave, hoping to sustain it.

It's grinding of mid stakes and then playing high when the conditions are favorable. Unfortunately, the amount of luck in poker plays a far larger part than 95% of the professionals I've seen admit... so it goes that a lot of them go broke and go back to grinding, while some become millionares.

It's either that or playing fruitless mid stakes day in and day out. Poker is very boring by it's nature and once you've tasted the high stakes, it's incredibly hard to humble and go back down. Either way - poker is a destructive game in it's essence and I haven't met a single happy processional player that has to grind it out... or heard of one.

It's always those select few who've made their millions riding the high stakes wave, that then go on to say how glorious it is. 99% of the people never make it and stick to grinding and jumping from site to site looking for reload bonuses. But nobody wants to admit it and the few lucky folks are always ready to go out and brag how easy the games are and if you're not making 2BB/100 you're a noob.

It's pretty interesting - given I see a lot of bright young talent on these forums. A LOT. More than I've seen anywhere else. If these people were to be given the opportunity to apply themselves to something a bit more inspirational, useful...

It's bound to happen pretty soon anyway - poker is dying by everyone's estimations.
08-07-2008 , 10:08 AM
I am not sure I agree that poker is a destructive game, in it's essence. I think like many things it has the possibility to be destructive but it is more what people do with it. Just like drinking and drugs and well really any of the countless things people become "addicted" to.

If a person has their head on their shoulders and gambles responsibly it is just another form of entertainment. It is people who do not choose to act in a responsible manner that is destructive, not the game itself.

Just an opinion, I could be wrong. But, then again I am the kind of guy that doesen't believe all that crap about alcoholism being a disease. I think that is a huge load of crap.
08-07-2008 , 10:28 AM
Yeah I hear you.

Responsibility lies in the hands of the individual - but having played daily for 3 years and having countless number of people ask me - are you addicted? I always said no.

Looking back at it now that I feel no love for the game at all - I'd say I was definitely addicted to the high of winning. I felt no love for my college education and even considered quitting, because I figured I'm making money in poker, what else do I need.

I came out a winner in the end and am no longer addicted to it, but I can easily see how someone else might not be so lucky, and not so diligent with money. I came from a poor family and so by my very nature, am very careful with money. And even then I was terribly irresponsible.

So poker/alcohol/drugs - I think oftentimes bring out the worst sides in people. If they have the strength to overcome it like I have - I look back at it and I have learnt A LOT about money, life, people and more importantly - myself.

But was it necessary? I don't know... Do we need to outlaw these things? I don't really know. But I do know that I've met more bright, smart people with no moral compass and very few values in life, when I played poker for 3 years. If I ever need to find a terrible rotten individual - I'll go to a local casino and find a player who's a regular. That's a safe bet that he's not married, he hates people and is an addict to the game. Oh did I mention has no ambitions, other than existing and satisfying his greed?

Sorry if I'm painting a grim picture - I just felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders when I quit poker for a couple of months. I started doing things I actually enjoyed for a change, that didn't frustrate me on daily basis. Was like being a slave and gaining freedom - for a long while I had nothing to do, because sitting around and scouting various websites for easy games was taking up a huge amount of my day.

In the end - I think all is good in moderation. But we do need to monitor these things and make sure people aren't being sucked into it. I know casinos make great money and so does the alcohol/drug industry - but I'll take a super conservative stance and say glorifying these things is doing more harm than good.

Let people do drugs, let people do alcohol, let people gamble - but never glorify or give false promises. Don't let a Friday night of crazy drinking and partying be something one looks forward to. Because we don't spend our days drinking beer, gambling or doing drugs. We spend our time doing fairly mundane things and those are the things that we need to take pride in - or else life becomes 40 hours/week of depressing mundane activity and 4-5 hours of fun. Shouldn't it be the reverse?

Doing morning stretches should be a glorified activity - not staying up till 4 in the morning playing poker or having 6 beers at a club that permanently damages your eardrums.

Just my opinion

Last edited by AlexSem; 08-07-2008 at 10:37 AM.
08-07-2008 , 10:39 AM
I think a lot of that is true. So many things have potential to be good or bad depending on what people choose to do with them. But even with yourself you eventually learned something from poker and will hopefully be a better person because of it.

For the NITs you describe, I have seen them and it is not a lot different than the winos we have in the small town where I live.

Soo many good things out there in the world and people choose to mess things up. Sad but true
08-07-2008 , 10:43 AM
Alex, you touch on a bunch of things that I've actually wondered about. however, I disagree with your assertion that poker is dying. It has a history of going up and down in popularity. It may wane but it will never die. Poker will always captivate people.

Originally Posted by AlexSem
It's grinding of mid stakes and then playing high when the conditions are favorable. Unfortunately, the amount of luck in poker plays a far larger part than 95% of the professionals I've seen admit... so it goes that a lot of them go broke and go back to grinding, while some become millionares.
I happen to agree with this but it's not a popular thing to say to poker players because it annoys them. To me the luck factor is so huge that you'd be crazy to gamble large amounts of money on this game. but then again I'm a chicken. As daveT pointed out in my handwriting sample, I'm no risk taker.

I've heard that those who win big will eventually lose it. They might lose everything they own. What I gleaned from the book The Gambler is that the point is not in keeping the money, it's the thrill of gambling and that very moment where you realize you just won. And then your high dissipates and you need to gamble again.

It's either that or playing fruitless mid stakes day in and day out. Poker is very boring by it's nature and once you've tasted the high stakes, it's incredibly hard to humble and go back down.
wow, interesting. I'm always reading on these forums how players get in over their heads and tell themselves that they need to go back down and grind it out for awhile. I thought that was pretty cool and very disciplined of them but from what you're saying it sounds like is not an easy thing to actually make yourself do. I guess I never really gave much thought to the "humbling" side to it.


It's always those select few who've made their millions riding the high stakes wave, that then go on to say how glorious it is. 99% of the people never make it and stick to grinding and jumping from site to site looking for reload bonuses. But nobody wants to admit it and the few lucky folks are always ready to go out and brag how easy the games are and if you're not making 2BB/100 you're a noob.
It's been awhile since I've read any blogs or posts but I do remember thinking that some posters made it sound so easy to be a winning player and all it takes is following certain rules. The truth is that it takes a lot of discipline and you have to be smart enough to know when to walk away and it seems to me that very few people know when exactly to do this.
