its dimethylhexaneamine (DMAA) with choline and caffine.
Its a relatively mild stimulant compared with adderall. Probably about on the same level as some of the ephedrine/caffine mixes that were out there before they got pulled off the shelves.
Like ephedrine, I imagine the stimulant effect is enough to make it banned in most sports. But the comparison with adderall is just a lot of marketing. If youre that hard up to get all spun just take a ton of sudafed it will probably do the same thing.l
you can probably find DMAA at like a supplement store if youre determined to try it.
Originally Posted by MikeSki
Ummm, I couldn't find its chemical composition on the site. If they aren't amphetamines then its not adderall (and if they are amphetamines then it is illegal). It's clearly a scam for gunners out there. Best of luck!
Not really. There are a lot of "designer stimulants" out there that are different enough not to be on banned lists in some states but are still comparable in strength to adderall.
Google bath salts..
Last edited by AEPpoker; 09-08-2012 at 04:49 AM.