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3 People who give you the creeps 3 People who give you the creeps

06-28-2009 , 02:37 PM
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-28-2009 , 05:14 PM
I give myself the creeps, but I also like and understand and enjoy myself, so that's a paradox.

In the 90's I often grocery shopped in the middle of the night, like 2-4 am, at a nearby Albertson's. They had free coffee. There was a fat Anglo checker there who was very strange. Overly-familiar, to say the least. Me and my ex-wife called her "Fat 'n Sassy", because she was.

She was too much. Too much "Hi", too much asking about what I was buying, just pressing really hard all the time, and telling me all about her private life. I'd buy frozen pizza, and she'd quiz me about it, etc. And in the middle of the night.

One time I drove up in the parking lot and started walking in, and I saw her sitting on the sidewalk off to the side of the store, and I saw a little fire in front of her, and I swear to God I could smell sulfur as I walked up to enter the store. I really think she was a Wiccan, one of those modern witches.

I kinda felt bad for her, but I was also very wary of her. And then they closed that Albertson's and I never saw her again.

Last edited by kioshk; 06-28-2009 at 05:23 PM.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-28-2009 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
I give myself the creeps, but I also like and understand and enjoy myself, so that's a paradox.
lol! Why do you give yourself the creeps?
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-28-2009 , 05:43 PM
Joe the plumber kind of gives me the creeps

3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-28-2009 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
lol! Why do you give yourself the creeps?
Because I like and understand myself. I am not without a conscience, but it's rather weak. I was never properly socialized, despite my middle class upbringing.

I think of human society as a dog pack or dog team, and I am a feral hog or an awkward moose. But I have redeeming qualities.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-28-2009 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Because I like and understand myself. I am not without a conscience, but it's rather weak. I was never properly socialized, despite my middle class upbringing.

your conscience is weak? Can you give an example? Are your siblings weak too? I prefer to think of you as an awkward moose rather than a hog, if that's okay.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-28-2009 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
your conscience is weak? Can you give an example? Are your siblings weak too? I prefer to think of you as an awkward moose rather than a hog, if that's okay.
I have 1 brother. His conscience? Fair to standard.

Example of my weak conscience? OK, I often do the right thing solely to avoid unnecessary complications. If there are no consequences to my actions, I'm just as likely to do the wrong thing. I'm just too detached, you might say.

I'm revealing too much!
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-28-2009 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
I have 1 brother. His conscience? Fair to standard.
just trying to figure out if it was your upbringing or if this is something peculiar to you.


Example of my weak conscience? OK, I often do the right thing solely to avoid unnecessary complications. If there are no consequences to my actions, I'm just as likely to do the wrong thing. I'm just too detached, you might say.
lol. the way you worded this makes me think of George Costanza.

I'm revealing too much!
nonsense. you are revealing the proper amount your secrets are safe with us!
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-28-2009 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Seinfeld is my favorite sitcom ever, and George Costanza is my favorite sitcom character ever.
Costanza is my favorite Seinfeld character. He's one of my favorite characters ever, too.


Bullwinkle was another favorite of mine. That show was hilarious.
not really sure what to make of this. But i feel optimistic for your future, too.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 04:19 PM
This seems like another "big-poster" thread but, I'm going to comment anyways....

The three people that give me the creeps are......

1.- Ellen Degeneres

2.- Tim Curry

and lastly....

3.- The Emergency Broadcast System and the guy who talks on it. I always panic thinking about nuclear holocaust. I fear that one day he is going to speak about how something was destroyed.

I blame this partially on World History my sophmore year of High School and mostly on my father for, taking me to see Terminator when I was a young child.

In H.S. when they would run the audio of the guy announcing what Truman ordered on Hiroshima, I was devistated. I now panic everytime the Emergency Broadcast System "pops out of nowhere" on t.v.

That's about it.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Borgia
Picture doesn't do Buckley's creepiness justice...he's got main bust in the Pantheon imo

Awesome choice, the great crypto-fascist himself.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 04:49 PM
Creepy comes in many guises.

My list: John Waters

Al Goldstein

HIllary Clinton
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 04:55 PM
John Waters is definitely a good one. He's really talented but more than a little weird. I'm not sure I would trust him to not microwave my baby.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 04:58 PM
Gore Vidal creeps me out way more than WFB did. I was always fascinated by Buckley's dandruff, like he flaunted it or something.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 05:24 PM
Joe Jackson

3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 06:04 PM
I'm not sure Chris Elliott counts, because he pretty much always plays a nut.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 06:33 PM

Dude looks like the penguin from that Batman movie...
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 10:36 PM
Let that be a lesson to the rest of you ...
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-29-2009 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Nice Try
3.- The Emergency Broadcast System and the guy who talks on it. I always panic thinking about nuclear holocaust. I fear that one day he is going to speak about how something was destroyed.

I blame this partially on World History my sophmore year of High School and mostly on my father for, taking me to see Terminator when I was a young child.

In H.S. when they would run the audio of the guy announcing what Truman ordered on Hiroshima, I was devistated. I now panic everytime the Emergency Broadcast System "pops out of nowhere" on t.v.

That's about it.
The old-school tests with the CD logo were definitely creepy, especially for me as a kid growing up in the 70s and early 80s.

The newer ones aren't nearly as bad IMO. Fancy scrolling text.

Watching the old stuff on youtube is not pleasant.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-30-2009 , 03:10 AM
I remember the head between legs/kiss ass goodbye drills in grade school ca 1959-60. Crazy **** going on there. Two miles from my house was an ABM Nike site.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-30-2009 , 12:01 PM
Chris Hansen. Obvs getting up to stuff behind the scenes. He's covering his trail so much, but it still shows.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-30-2009 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Merek007
Joe Jackson

Re: Joe Jackson

I dont know the whole story/allegations but I would think that if all of your kids are rich, and some of them are filthy rich, you must have done something right as a parent.

If he is a "bad" parent, we need more "bad" parents in America.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-30-2009 , 01:36 PM
lol, all the jacksons (except michael + janet) are far from rich. It's why they were always after michael to reunite the jackson 5. and who knows with mj's finances.
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-30-2009 , 01:39 PM
Chris Hansen. Obvs getting up to stuff behind the scenes. He's covering his trail so much, but it still shows.
Lay off Chris you f**king bastard!
3 People who give you the creeps Quote
06-30-2009 , 01:45 PM

3 People who give you the creeps Quote
