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1990-1999 Best Movies Draft 1990-1999 Best Movies Draft

03-26-2011 , 03:23 PM
Round 7, Pick # 2 (Pick #92 overall)

This is the toughest decision I have had to make in this draft. Trying to choose between being able to round out my squad with another great director and movie, or take a movie I enjoyed more, but it means drafting the same directors again. Despite having basically all night to think about it while waiting for LOL LDO to pick, I still haven't came to a decision. ****.

I'm surprised both movies have fallen this far -


Barton Fink (1991, Joel Coen & Ethan Coen)

Barton Fink explores a ton of themes and concepts and executes most of them perfectly. In my opinion it is a powerful movie but remains entertaining throughout, never gets lost in itself. The hotel, the box, Barton's relationship with Charlie, the playwright business back home vs. the Hollywood business, the beach, etc. There is just so much subtle things going on in this movie, you can tell the Coen brothers tried to do a lot with this piece.

It is one of those movies you can watch and point out all the symbolism and compare and contrast the happenings in one scene vs. another. OR you can just sit down and be entertained, and that is where Barton Fink's greatest strength is. The story is captivating as it immediately unfolds and the events and characters border on the absurd and outrageous. Just pure entertainment.

For those that haven't seen Barton Fink -

Barton is a playwright who moves to Hollywood during the 1940s to work on crafting a wrestling movie for a studio. The hotel he is staying in may be hell, his closest friend is the all-American salesmen who may also be a serial killer, Barton is having a tough time adjusting to Hollywood society, and worst of all he has writers block.

Barton Fink features a wonderful cast - John Goodman, John Turturro, Tony Shalhoub, Steve Buscemi and many other fine performances.

If there is a more awesome movie character then Charlie Meadows, I've yet to find it. The first time John Goodman suggests to Barton Fink that they should wrestle, I was rolling. But, wait - turns out he may be a serial killer and not a traveling salesman. Oh boy. Should have seen that coming with the way he helps Barton take care of the dead Audrey. Goodman's portrayal of Charlie is what makes this movie a classic in my opinion.

The imagery in Barton Fink is another high point. The setting of the Hotel Earle and it's total contrast to the what people envision Hollywood to be like. Is one thing that really stands out.

Overall, I found Barton Fink immensely entertaining and it is a movie that all different types of movie goers can be entertained by. Whether you are looking for pure entertainment or you need a movie that makes you look deeper.

I am surprised Barton Fink fell to the 7th round.


My Picks

2. Fargo (1996, Joel Coen & Ethan Coen)
29. Boogie Nights (1997, Paul Thomas Anderson)
32. Jurassic Park (1993, Steven Spielberg)
59. Dazed and Confused (1993, Richard Linklater)
62. The Truman Show (1998, Peter Weir)
89. The Insider (1999, Michael Mann)
92. Barton Fink (1991, Joel Coen & Ethan Coen)
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
good movies being picked....I always wondered why Bridget Fonda never became a huge star - she's so great. And damn cute.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 03:40 PM
I haven't seen 2 movies picked yet when I searched this thread, hopefully one is just spelled wrong, curious to see where they end up.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by RyanCMU

My Picks

2. Fargo (1996, Joel Coen & Ethan Coen)
29. Boogie Nights (1997, Paul Thomas Anderson)
32. Jurassic Park (1993, Steven Spielberg)
59. Dazed and Confused (1993, Richard Linklater)
62. The Truman Show (1998, Peter Weir)
89. The Insider (1999, Michael Mann)
92. Barton Fink (1991, Joel Coen & Ethan Coen)
Nice list so far. 5 picks would make my top 30. 2 my top 10.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Merek007
Nice list so far. 5 picks would make my top 30. 2 my top 10.

Which made the top 10?
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 03:48 PM
I love Barton Fink, it might be my favorite Coen Brothers movie. It was really cool to be able to watch it in the big screen. The university I attend had a semester long Coen brothers film series, where they would show a movie of theirs every Thursday. I didn't miss any. My favorites were Barton Fink, Miller's Crossing and Blood Simple.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 03:53 PM
I love Barton Fink, it might be my favorite Coen Brothers movie.
I love the Coens, they are my favorite movie makers but I just couldn't get into Barton Fink. Other than A Serious Man it is easily my least favorite but I'm thinking I should give it another shot. I only saw it once when it first came out. I think maybe I'd appreciate it more now. I do remember it had a couple killer lines/moments.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 04:03 PM
Round 7

Swingers Doug Liman 1996

Story of a bunch of young male wannabe actors, writers, performers etc. in LA. The go clubbing a lot and the main theme is Jon Favreaus characters trying to get over the fact that his girlfriend of several years has dumped him. His buddy (Vince Vaughn) tries to help him because afterall he is money!

Really fun movie with great characters and great lines. Lots of rewatch and entertainment value.

The Silence of the Lambs
Glengarry Glen Ross
True Romance
Boyz N the Hood
Waiting For Guffman
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 04:11 PM
Saw Barton Fink recently and wasn't a fan. Kept waiting for it to get interesting and when it looked like that might happen it started getting weird. Great performances from Goodman and Tuturro.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 04:17 PM
Swingers is a lot of fun. Def agree with the rewatchability and entertainment value. Good flic.

I've played poker with Jon Favreau a handful of times (a while ago).
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 04:43 PM
Swingers and one other undrafted were my four movie shortlist when making my last pick.

Great pick, Some classic scenes and dialogue.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 04:52 PM
Swingers is great but wasn't on my short list. It is very rewatchable.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 05:45 PM
Ugh, I planned on taking Barton

I was gonna take hudsucker proxy later but I can't risk missing out on a coens film

So hudsucker is my pick

I'm on phone so someone pm Enrique please
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 05:49 PM
I pm'ed Enrique.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:00 PM
I haven't picked a comedy yet, so I am going with Liar Liar. I had another one in mind, but "Liar Liar" just made me laugh more. Write up later.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:07 PM
liar, liar is top 10 90s comedy for me ainec
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:11 PM
Round 7
Pick #5 (#95 overall)

Liar Liar by Tom Shadyac (1997)

Liar Liar is about a very successful lawyer (Jim Carrey) who overworks himself and doesn't keep his promises to his son. After missing his son's birthday, his son wishes his dad couldn't lie. The next day, Carrey can't lie and the first joke out of the bat is his answer to his lover's question regarding sex the previous night.

The movie, as usual in comedies, takes an unusual situation and then makes it into a life-learning lesson. But while the movie is predictable in the overall arc, the movie is full of very funny moments. Jim Carrey's portrayal is hilarious and very memorable.

I've seen this movie many times and it always makes me laugh.

The Matrix Wackowski Brothers (1999)
12 Monkeys Terry Gilliam (1995)
Princess Mononoke Hayao Miyazaki (1997)
Gattaca Andrew Niccol (1997)
Point Break Kathryn Bigelow (1991)
Quiz Show Robert Redford (1994)
Liar Liar Tom Shadyac (1997)
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:25 PM
Well, this possibly isn't my favourite film left, but seems sick value. No love for:

I see dead people.

The ultimate movie with a twist. M. Night Shyamalan has gone far downhill, but everything fits together well here. Haley Joel Osment is great as the kid who sees dead people. I think this is a movie that can still be enjoyed even after you know the twist.

Movies so far
- Braveheart
- Schindlers List
- Jerry Maguire
- It's as Good as it Gets
- Terminator 2
- American Beauty
- Sixth Sense
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:31 PM
sixth sense is great, didnt think it would last so long either, you're right about the rest of his movie seems like he's just been trying to copy this in form or another since then... needless to say it's been ineffective...
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:39 PM
Shyamalan was a one hit wonder, it happens.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:41 PM
I loved The Sixth Sense. I've let the haters diminish my love for the movie, but I really liked it when it came out. The trailer for the movie made me think it was going to be a horror film, so the movie packed a couple of surprises (not being really horror and the twist).
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:47 PM
My pick might get some hate. It'll be up in a sec.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Zeth
Shyamalan was a one hit wonder, it happens.
Indeed and his one hit has been totally eradicated by the endless avalanche of trash he has produced since. He is among the worst writer directors in film history.
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:50 PM
Pick 97

Crash, David Cronenberg, 1996

A brilliant and thought-provoking film, Crash addresses life's emptiness. These monotone, lifeless characters are going through the motions of life and are searching for a thrill and for any reason to be alive. They search in all the wrong places, like many people do. They hide behind walls, and it's when those walls are crashed in that they become alive. It's a satire of modern life and our reliance on technology and our quest for power. It's also about sexual aggression; sex as power, sex and violence. In fact, Crash is probably more relevant today after the technological revolution now that we live in a two-screen society where porn, which obv warps our sexual views, is practically taking over the world. It takes balls to make a film that directly addresses the ties between sex and violence and criticizes how sex is portrayed in entertainment, the media and the like. For as much sex as is in this film, it's not really enjoyable for the characters. It's empty, just as they are.

I have a lot of respect for filmmakers that push the envelope and take risks. Crash is a great film.

This sure is a polarizing film, so if you hate it, well, good for you.

Leaving Las Vegas
The Sweet Hereafter
Bad Lieutenant
La Bella Noiseuse
Breaking The Waves
The War Zone
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
03-26-2011 , 06:52 PM
Omg FDS just lost all cred!
1990-1999 Best Movies Draft Quote
