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Yay!  I just realized something! Yay!  I just realized something!

02-08-2009 , 07:42 PM
post horse pron in oot to at least make ur time here worthwhile for us
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02-08-2009 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by James 2:14
vaseline + sand=
ur doing it wrong, again
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02-08-2009 , 07:47 PM
wow serious lulz to be had in that link thanks shamwow
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02-08-2009 , 09:46 PM
Moar liek BannediChime amirite?

/LOL first post in BBV4L for a while
//slashies ITT!
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02-09-2009 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by kylmac85
At first I thought you were using this word incorrectly, but after reading the link in question I can confirm that I feel the lulz when reading it.
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02-09-2009 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by ShamWow
don't quit op...where else am I gonna find a 8-step system for building my bankroll?
lol this post is so ****ing funny... this is srsly the linkd thread's OP, made by OP

First, stay away from NL. NL is a joke now. People shoving gutshot straight draws on the turn vs your AA, they catch on the river, etc. Every other hand these days is a shove.

FL is where it's at now. I suggest 6max tables.

Next, you should probably play at PokerStars, since they have very cheap FL tables (.02/.04).

Start with $1. Here is your path: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

You will have to double your money until you hit $128. Here is how:

Buyin with $1 at the .02/.04 table. Play until you have $2. You have completed stage 1. Your next goal is $4. You will now buyin with $1 at two tables. Play until you reach $2 at each table. If successful, Stage 2 is complete. Stage 3) Buyin $1 at 4 tables. Reach $2 at each. You will never play more than 4 tables at a time. So...

Stage 4) You will have $8. It is time to move up to .05/.10. Buyin at 4 tables with $2. Try to double your money at each of the 4.

You keep moving up in stakes as long as you can afford 4 tables.

IF AT ANY TIME YOU LOSE YOUR MONEY AT ANY OF THE TABLES, YOU LOSE. You must then START OVER with 1 table and $1. As you can see, even if you lose, you win, since you'll get to keep all the profits you made at the other tables.

Keep trying to go from $1 to $128. Remember, if you lose your money at any of the tables you are at, you have to start all over with 1 table, 1 dollar.

Ok, this is Phase 1. Let's say you finally achieved the goal of reaching $128. You then start over, but move up one step.

Instead of 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128, you will do 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256. That is your new path. So, if you lose all your money at 1 table, you start over with $2.

Rinse and repeat. You succeeded in getting to $256? Time to move up a step, and try 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512.

The best part of this strategy is, even if you lose, you get to keep the money you won at the other tables. You are never risking much. All you need is $1 to get started.

Please don't laugh. This is a great system and you should try it.
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02-20-2009 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by d_escapist
That's great - have a good time getting tfo
Wtf does little kid punching a snowman and falling really make you horny?
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02-20-2009 , 12:36 AM
op i have no idea who you are but leave asap

[x] toast avatar itt
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02-20-2009 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by ShamWow
don't quit op...where else am I gonna find a 8-step system for building my bankroll?
Stars has steps.

UB does too
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02-20-2009 , 02:02 AM
no way, pokers the greatest thing ever and everyone should base their life around it
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