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When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent

02-25-2012 , 07:51 AM
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-25-2012 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I resent your condescending tone, sir. Who the f are you to tell me what I should like? I'll have you know I enjoy sleeping immensely, in fact just this weekend I spent 36 hours in bed, only leaving for approximately 30 minutes total in order to make a sandwich, get the mail and urinate on three separate occasions, during which I easily slept 28 hours and read/websurfed the rest. This was following a 22 hour poker session I also quite enjoyed, winning over $850 - though I'll admit the prospect of playing poker for a living might eventually reduce it to a super boring enterprise much like my current job.

Now, if getting locked up will in trade relieve me of my duty to society of work, ironically giving me the free time to pursue my passion of sleeping and reading, when why shouldn't I consider the prospects of this endeavor?
They do not turn off the lights, it is always loud, your bed is crap, and they wake you up around 6 am usually. so honestly i have no idea wtf you are talking about with this idea.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-25-2012 , 06:27 PM
Can anyone confirm this, or is this guy just trollin me??
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-25-2012 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark

Questions about how to get locked up (this part could be fun)
-selling drugs the best plan? I don't want to hurt anyone, or steal from people.
-best way to land in jail for say a year with least chance of buttrape?

Take the route Martha Stewart did. She got sent to a cushy "jail" and when she came out she became even bigger then when she went in. Ez game.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-26-2012 , 12:25 PM
you WILL have a job in prison or you will spend the entire time in solitary
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-27-2012 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
ive had some crazy thoughts over the past month.... this definitely tops em all

if you really feel that way why not just try robbing an armored car? your either gonna end up in prison or rich
Or shot ...and jail /prison county or state u have to be mental to be anywhere near those places , better off getting a better job or making.more money @ poker - be cool don't break the law lawl
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-27-2012 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Can anyone confirm this, or is this guy just trollin me??
It's true. if you like sleeping on metal/concrete with only a half inch of padding then you'll be in heaven.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-27-2012 , 03:40 PM
Confirm crap bed, noisy as hell, getting woken up at like 6 am.

AFAIK the lights on or off is institution dependent. Some they are on 24/7, others turn the main hall/tier lights off at night.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-27-2012 , 11:05 PM
Prison is the way out, get rich or die tryin' keep a suicide pill around your neck if you get caught for a 25-life crime eat the pill. That film about prison with Morgan freeman and that Robbins guy and the old man kills himself about 2/3 through and crooked guvnor'.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-28-2012 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Can anyone confirm this, or is this guy just trollin me??
haha o wow have you never even seen a tv show about prison?
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-28-2012 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by ninersrule
haha o wow have you never even seen a tv show about prison?
you mean the propaganda designed to make people scared of prisons so they behave?

what's your profession OP? what kind of personality do you have? any interests/life ambitions? and what's your win-rate @ poker, stakes, hands, and format? how much do you play?

Last edited by omnimirage; 02-28-2012 at 06:30 AM.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-28-2012 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Can anyone confirm this, or is this guy just trollin me??
confirmed crap bed with crap linens. confirmed loud: dominos slammed on metal tables morning, noon, and night=little sleep. lights must depend on location, they turned our lights out at night...
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-28-2012 , 11:47 AM
It's not like you pathetic little pussy ever had the guts to go trough with that, or anything else for that matter.
You whiney little bitch can't even get your ass off the couch.

Stop lying to yourself idiot and either stay the loser you are or change something about it.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-28-2012 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by the crabs
It's true. if you like sleeping on metal/concrete with only a half inch of padding then you'll be in heaven.
I do actually like a hard bed, it's better for the back. I'm concerned about all the talk of loud noise and lights. I wonder if I'd be allowed to being my sleeping mask and perhaps some earplugs?
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-28-2012 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by omnimirage
you mean the propaganda designed to make people scared of prisons so they behave?

what's your profession OP? what kind of personality do you have? any interests/life ambitions? and what's your win-rate @ poker, stakes, hands, and format? how much do you play?
I do contract work for the government. I don't know how to describe my personality, I'm goofy. Ambitions? Not much. I've sustained ~ 28/hr playing mostly 1/2, 1/3 for 1700 hours over the past 3yrs. But the majority of that was done on the weekends, I'd guess it would normalize down to 20ish if I put in more hours with the weekday grinders. That might work, but I'm worried it would suck after a year or so and then I'd hate poker as much as my dayjob.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-28-2012 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by wellju
It's not like you pathetic little pussy ever had the guts to go trough with that, or anything else for that matter.
You whiney little bitch can't even get your ass off the couch.

Stop lying to yourself idiot and either stay the loser you are or change something about it.
So u think I'm a loser because I'm considering prison in place of my dayjob? Buddy, u can sit up there on your highhorse, but don't judge me sir.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-28-2012 , 04:57 PM
do what HIV did and you will get about a year behind bars + buttsekcz
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-28-2012 , 10:30 PM
thought this was going to be a thread about hot 17yo girls.

am disappoint.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-29-2012 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I do contract work for the government. I don't know how to describe my personality, I'm goofy. Ambitions? Not much. I've sustained ~ 28/hr playing mostly 1/2, 1/3 for 1700 hours over the past 3yrs. But the majority of that was done on the weekends, I'd guess it would normalize down to 20ish if I put in more hours with the weekday grinders. That might work, but I'm worried it would suck after a year or so and then I'd hate poker as much as my dayjob.
You wouldn't survive being a professional poker player than, it is quite tough these days. How do you feel about traveling?
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:52 AM
OP is a good example of why the death penalty should be in play.
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
03-05-2012 , 03:33 PM
easy, hit a cop. Locked up + good rep with cons= easy life
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
03-05-2012 , 06:32 PM
Questions about Prison (USA):
-how to avoid buttrape, is this really a problem in low security prison? No
-is there really cable? Yes TV costs $174
-how about internet? No
-how nice is the library? Nothing nice about them
-can I order books from Amazon, will I have enough money from breaking bricks to buy them? Not Amazon You can order direct from the publiser Highest paying job is $48 a month conjugal visits...myth? Not in Missouri
-are the poker games anywhere close to on the level? Depends on the game
-work out facilities? Can use the yard twice a day in the summer. once a week in the winter-I know the food sux, anything else I should be asking? You won't get 12hrs of sleep with all of the rapping yelling and fighting plus they count everyone six times a day first count 5am last count 1030pmQuestions about how to get locked up (this part could be fun)
-selling drugs the best plan? I don't want to hurt anyone, or steal from people.
-best way to land in jail for say a year with least chance of buttrape?
Marijuana possession ftw
When Prison is No Longer a Deterrent Quote
