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What's this trick's deal? What's this trick's deal?

09-01-2007 , 05:54 AM
Cliff notes: Hot waitress is giving me the run around.

Waitress at one of the casinos I go to in AC. I see her once or twice a week.

1.) Bring my own water because I am too cheap to pay $1 for an 8 ounce bottle of crappy water.
2.) Buy in for a lot.
3.) If I do get something from her/ any waitress, they get a dollar. Never more. Ever.
4.) I've never really gone out of my way to show interest in this girl until she started flirting with me

K. So this waitress starts flirting with me, w/e it's her job. I'm really in AC to do nothing but play poker though. This goes on for a few weeks and I ask her if she wants to go out for coffee after she gets off. She says she has to sleep afterwards which is obviously a cheap excuse. Ok. Not interested. Totally fine with me. Back to poker.

She's still flirting with me all the time and now she's like standing around talking to me about things I don't care about. Keep in mind I've probably ordered a total of two drinks from this girl in my life.
So whatever. A few weeks ago I'm walking through the casino and she starts calling my name. I have my headphones on and pretend not to hear. She kinda hustles to catch up to me and is like hey cutie or whatever and starts talking. So I ask her if she wants to hang out and she says she's busy but she'll give me a call. I laugh and tell her that girls never call guys. She promises she'll text me, okay whatever. She doesn't.

Okay....? So this week she's flirting with me again and I'm kinda just giving her the cold shoulder and acting busy(I AM) and she's still lingering and going out of her way to make eye contact. I really have no idea.

Some of my friends say she's just shy and I should stick with it, some of them think she's just playing games to try and lead me on. Neither make sense since I: Don't really care about her as much as this post may seem, and she's probably too good looking to be shy.

In short: Give me a hummer or leave me the [censored] alone.

EDIT: She also said she's 18 when I know she's 22. I'm 21 and probably look 23. I have no idea wtf that's all about
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09-01-2007 , 06:00 AM
[x] Bring brown glass bottle with you.
[x] have a white sticker on the bottle say "Chloroform".
[x] Ask her to bring you a rag.

[x] "Excuse me, does this rag smell like chloroform to you"?
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09-01-2007 , 06:01 AM
Stop tipping her. That will send a message. She gives you a hummer, then she can have her dollar a day back.
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09-01-2007 , 06:08 AM
OP, get off the drugs, you're hallucinating.
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09-01-2007 , 06:08 AM
Explain. I have been up for like 20 hours so maybe my post doesn't make much sense.
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09-01-2007 , 06:10 AM
Do i really need to say it?



pics or ban
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09-01-2007 , 06:11 AM
I actually have pics of her but a lot of 2p2 sits in at the 20 at the Taj(Ok I give up) and then it's pretty much a lock I'm getting outted here so, no, pics are not happening.
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09-01-2007 , 06:17 AM
What's this trick's deal? Quote
09-01-2007 , 06:36 AM
I'm guessing that if she's in to you when you guys aren't speaking face to face but digs you otherwise she'd probably like it if you bought a tooth brush.
she's into him when they're not face to face


she digs him when they're not not face to face


she always digs him
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09-01-2007 , 07:01 AM
Lol grammar hammer.
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09-01-2007 , 07:16 AM
shes playing hard to get
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09-01-2007 , 07:17 AM
Hard to get as in going to get or hard to get as in not going to get?

Any idea how hard? Cuz I'm really not willing to put in too much effort.
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09-01-2007 , 07:43 AM
Just say to her "[censored] off you stupid bitch."

You won't have to worry about whether she wants to go out with you ever again. yw.
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09-01-2007 , 11:51 AM
"Either lets hang out or stop bugging me."
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07-14-2008 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
I'm 21 and probably look 23.
do 21 and 23 look different?
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07-14-2008 , 10:10 AM
Just keep ignoring her and play on playa.
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07-14-2008 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by oddjob
do 21 and 23 look different?
only when you're 21 or less.
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07-14-2008 , 10:17 AM
pics. we promise not to out you.

besides even if someone did, it might help. chicks are really into appearing as the focal point of online conversation. REALLY into it.
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07-14-2008 , 10:17 AM
You need to ask her the following:
Straight up, now tell me
Do you really wanna love me forever?
Oh, oh, oh
Or am I caught in a hit-and-run?
Straight up, now tell me
Is it gonna be you and me together?
Oh, oh, oh
Or are you just havin' fun?
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07-14-2008 , 11:32 AM
Try hitting her, ldo.
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07-14-2008 , 11:42 AM
She is waiting for you to talk money first. That way she knows you are not a cop.

rookie hooker ldo
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07-14-2008 , 11:57 AM
illusions michael!....

oh...and she's leading you on....
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07-14-2008 , 11:58 AM
So why did you give her your # and not the other way around?
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07-14-2008 , 12:01 PM
Try hitting her.
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07-14-2008 , 12:13 PM
A bet with other waitresses to see if she can get you to tip more than a dollar.
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