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Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread

08-07-2018 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
he's calling lebron a moron as lebron is announcing he's donating 40 million dollars to provide a top quality education to needy children.
Pretty cool for Lebron to do that. I hope lebron and all the taxpayers of OH can sit back in 10 years and be proud of all the money they donated to help those kids out.

Originally Posted by suitedjustice
If those were the only 3 people GOATrump called dumb we may have been able to connect some dots, but since that person handpicked 3 people we can't derive anything from it. I assume this tweet is trying to suggest racism, but I hope most people ITT can think logically about this and see that this is another case where someone is trying to find racism where it simply doesn't exist.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-07-2018 , 01:24 PM
You're right about that tweet.

You aren't right about Trump not being racist though.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-07-2018 , 02:58 PM
Here's an article cataloging his long history of calling people dumb President Dumb and Dumber. They're all women, people of color, or both.

Of course, Trump's calling other people dumb is rich, coming from someone who has yet to prove that he can read and write at an eighth grade level.

Last edited by suitedjustice; 08-07-2018 at 03:04 PM.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-08-2018 , 12:21 AM
eat **** baba seriously
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-08-2018 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
Here's an article cataloging his long history of calling people dumb President Dumb and Dumber. They're all women, people of color, or both.

Of course, Trump's calling other people dumb is rich, coming from someone who has yet to prove that he can read and write at an eighth grade level.
Here is a list of people he has called dumb, loser or something similar. Please note that there are a lot of white people and males - including white males. I think it is about time trump called you dumb for listening to the #fakenews. Sorry you got caught trying to find racism and sexism where there clearly isn't*.

*I'm not saying I don't think he could be racist or sexist. I am just pointing out that your proof of racism or sexism is just like most of the proof about trump being sexist or racist as it is only proof if you ignore the whole story.

Seriously how are we supposed to believe anyone is sexist or racist anymore when people like you lie? It just muddies up the waters. I am all for ending racism and sexism, but what you are doing is making it so much worse.

Last edited by bahbahmickey; 08-08-2018 at 11:25 AM.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-08-2018 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
eat **** baba seriously
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-08-2018 , 01:31 PM
If our president doesn't need to spell goodly, no one does.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-08-2018 , 02:50 PM
Pretty much everyone outside or his 30-40% base acknowledges that he's a misogynist and a racist. And a certain part of his base even likes to march and fight and commit acts of terrorism in support of it. I've already posted other evidence earlier in this thread and I'm not going to do it again.

Last edited by suitedjustice; 08-08-2018 at 03:02 PM.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-13-2018 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
Pretty much everyone outside or his 30-40% base acknowledges that he's a misogynist and a racist. And a certain part of his base even likes to march and fight and commit acts of terrorism in support of it. I've already posted other evidence earlier in this thread and I'm not going to do it again.
Because of your recent stupidity I have a hard time believing you when you say you posted earlier proof of racism. Whenever you try to pass (on multiple occasions) something as fact simply because some random person posted it on twitter you lose a lot of credibility.

Don't worry though you aren't alone. There have literally been hundreds of examples of "trump is racist because..." that are events or quotes that either never happened or were never said or events or quotes that were edited or taken so far out of context that even the smallest amount of research would have determined how dishonest the reporting was.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-13-2018 , 11:48 AM
How can we add a poll to this thread? We need to vote on GOATrump's next presidential slogan:

Made America Great now lets just enjoy it 2020
Still not tired of Winning 2020
Keep america great 2020
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-13-2018 , 01:09 PM
how 'bout his refrain from the campaign 'I love the uneducated'

with the red states being the stupidest statistically, they won't feel offended.

in b4 mickey the mongoloid alleges he's not from a red state
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-13-2018 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
how 'bout his refrain from the campaign 'I love the uneducated'

with the red states being the stupidest statistically, they won't feel offended.

in b4 mickey the mongoloid alleges he's not from a red state
I'm proud to be from a red state.

Of course I'm not offended by a politician who caters to the uneducated. I am tired of obama and hillary only going after the upper middle class who tends to be better educated. I am all for a candidate who is trying to help the poorest of the poor and the dumbest of the dumb - that is why I couldn't be happier about trump ending obama's war on the poor. We are in for a decade of low unemployment and for the first time in recent memory we are going to see real wage growth for the poor.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-13-2018 , 02:48 PM
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-13-2018 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Because of your recent stupidity I have a hard time believing you when you say you posted earlier proof of racism. Whenever you try to pass (on multiple occasions) something as fact simply because some random person posted it on twitter you lose a lot of credibility.

Don't worry though you aren't alone. There have literally been hundreds of examples of "trump is racist because..." that are events or quotes that either never happened or were never said or events or quotes that were edited or taken so far out of context that even the smallest amount of research would have determined how dishonest the reporting was.
Here it is again, for you to ignore and move the goalposts and engage in ad hominem attacks. A lot of these are quotes taken from Trump and are perfectly apparent and unambiguous in context, and are not from some random person on twitter, but are from the largest unbanned troll on twitter himself.

Donald Trump's History of Racisim: The Definitive List

By the way, is it true that you're not allowed to post in the politics forum?
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-14-2018 , 11:05 AM
So many accusations so I will just touch on my favorites.

1. Trump claimed that a group of black & hispanic teenagers that were accused of rape were guilty. Your article does absolutely nothing to claim trump is racist for holding this view, but I am surprised they didn't ask him if he thought OJ was guilty so they could increase their sample size from 1 to 2 in high profile cases of minorities he thinks are guilty of a crime.

2. "In 1989, on NBC, Trump said: “I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that. I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really believe they do have an actual advantage.”

How is saying that if he could start all over as a well-educated person he would prefer to be black make him racist?

3. A video of trump saying that many of the people sneaking over the border from mexico aren't the people from mexico we want. The ones sneaking over are the criminals.

How is claiming that a percentage of people from a country are bad make him racist? A percentage of people from every country are bad people.

4. Trump says MS-13 members are animals. Again, how is calling members of one of the most brutal gangs in the world animals make him racist. MS-13 does things that no human should do to another human.

5. They criticism him for saying many AA & Hispanics are "living in hell because it's too dangerous" and "You’re living in poverty; your schools are no good; you have no jobs." So now the guy is racist for trying to bring attention to issues that too many poor people and minorities at a higher percent are facing makes him racist?

6. Aticle also claims he is racist because he said NFL players are unpatriotic for protesting during the national anthem.

7. The article suggests trump is racist for referring to an AA guy as "my African-American". Trump went on to say how great of a guy this person was and how he punched a KKK member who was at trump rallies. So now trump is racist against black people for supporting a black guy who punched a KKK member.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-14-2018 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
So many accusations so I will just touch on my favorites.
So many accusations that you'll skip the the most credible ones and twist around the intent of the other ones.

The right loves to conflate accusations and evidence. They made a ton of accusations against Hillary over 25 years and claimed them all as evidence. They've seen a ton of evidence against Trump over 2 years and claim them to be mere accusations.

Last edited by suitedjustice; 08-14-2018 at 11:35 AM.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-14-2018 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
The right loves to conflate accusations and evidence. They made a ton of accusations against Hillary over 25 years and claimed them all as evidence. They've seen a ton of evidence against Trump over 2 years and claim them to be mere accusations.
You presented a bunch of nonsense as proof that trump is racist. I pointed out that it was nonsense and now you are bringing up hillary? Before we move on to hillary can you admit that your article was a bunch of BS or at least go through what I said and attempt to disagree with some of it?

The world has never seen a smear job like the left has put on TRUMP for the past few years and this is still the best proof the guy is racist?

EDIT: When you post an article full of BS and present it as fact it isn't my job to comb through it and pick which arguments I think that you think are the most legit. That article is has so much illogical arguments in it that it didn't even deserve a response.

As I have said before, it is people like you and that author, that have become part of the problem in the US cleaning up racism. When you call nearly every conservative racist you are calling nobody racist.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-14-2018 , 11:39 AM
And racism, which everyone except you accepts to be part of Trump's makeup, is only an ingredient in the **** stew that is the worst president. He's also an idiot, a narcissist, a traitor, a pathological liar, and a would-be autocrat.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-14-2018 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
And racism, which everyone except you accepts to be part of Trump's makeup, is only an ingredient in the **** stew that is the worst president. He's also an idiot, a narcissist, a traitor, a pathological liar, and a would-be autocrat.
I am not claiming trump isn't racist. I am claiming your proof of racism isn't proof of racism.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-14-2018 , 12:23 PM you think it's a disproof though?
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-14-2018 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus you think it's a disproof though?
I wouldn't say that article (which was a great summary of nearly everyone's arguments on why they think Trump is racist) is proof or disproof if he is racist, but it is far closer to disproof than proof.

Unfortunately, the left uses claims of racism, sexism, etc so much that they have muddied up the waters and allowed real racists and sexist to fly under the radar because they get thrown in with people who aren't really those things. The left needs to come up with a system of these types of claim in the same way their are different types of murder (1st degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, etc).

Bill's roofing is refusing to work on the roofs of Asian homeowners. Bill is a 1st degree racist.

Mary is a huge supporter of voter ID laws and raising the minimum wage. I'm not sure if she realizes it or not, but those laws disproportionately hurt African Americans and that is why I think Mary should be charged w/ involuntary racism.

When you don't label Bill's actions as far worse than Mary's it makes Mary seem worse than she is and Bill doesn't seem as bad as he really is.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-14-2018 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I wouldn't say that article (which was a great summary of nearly everyone's arguments on why they think Trump is racist) is proof or disproof if he is racist, but it is far closer to disproof than proof.

Unfortunately, the left uses claims of racism, sexism, etc so much that they have muddied up the waters and allowed real racists and sexist to fly under the radar because they get thrown in with people who aren't really those things. The left needs to come up with a system of these types of claim in the same way their are different types of murder (1st degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, etc).

Bill's roofing is refusing to work on the roofs of Asian homeowners. Bill is a 1st degree racist.

Mary is a huge supporter of voter ID laws and raising the minimum wage. I'm not sure if she realizes it or not, but those laws disproportionately hurt African Americans and that is why I think Mary should be charged w/ involuntary racism.

When you don't label Bill's actions as far worse than Mary's it makes Mary seem worse than she is and Bill doesn't seem as bad as he really is.
That's a great idea.

Like for ****heads.

We have your level, which is the highest, and then levels for people that are just involuntary ****heads.

We'd never want you to be labeled as less a ****head than you deserve.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-14-2018 , 01:43 PM
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-22-2018 , 09:44 PM
Witchcraft made Donald Trump cheat on his third wife twice and overpay his shyster lawyer to buy both of their silences.

Every last low IQ carny mark rube in this crowd voted for Trump.

And no, I'm not picking on Christians here. The man is a Prosperity Gospel heretic and a con artist who has zero to do with Christianity and who lives his life with a dead animal perched upon his head.

Last edited by suitedjustice; 08-22-2018 at 10:00 PM.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-23-2018 , 07:39 PM
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
