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Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread

08-13-2019 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I'm sorry but I am having a difficult time caring what someone thinks who posts tweets here without saying why you posted it, if you agree/disagree or say anything else about the content.
You obviously realize this makes no sense.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-22-2019 , 10:24 AM
More pics or tweets with no comment from the poster.

Can’t wait for Shaq/trump 2020 to run over whoever the dems nominate as the sacrificial lamb.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-22-2019 , 01:54 PM
Some satirical cartoons and images are meant to be enjoyed without commentary. If you need the meaning explained to you, then perhaps the post wasn't meant for you in the first place.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-22-2019 , 03:59 PM
less comments from bahbah would be appreciated.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-28-2019 , 02:19 PM
Five years ago today, former president Obama committed an act so heinous, so disrespectful to the office and to the United States, that the resultant scandal dominated the news cycle for weeks afterwards.

It's taken me a while, but I've forgiven him. But sometimes, like today on the anniversary of the shocking villainous act, I think about it in contrast and relation to the words and actions of current office-holder.

That's right it's tan suit day mother****ers

Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-28-2019 , 02:36 PM
So it's a contemplative day

Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
08-28-2019 , 04:49 PM
Big fan of the tan. Tan fan. Tan fan man.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-04-2019 , 07:59 PM
Dude couldn't admit being wrong about Dorian hitting Alabama, so he took a sharpie to the existing map and circled Alabama.

Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-04-2019 , 11:10 PM
Trump going to jail.

"Falsifying government weather reports happens to be illegal. 18 U.S. Code § 2074 reads: “Whoever knowingly issues or publishes any counterfeit weather forecast or warning of weather conditions falsely representing such forecast or warning to have been issued or published by the Weather Bureau, United States Signal Service, or other branch of the Government service, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.”"
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-04-2019 , 11:10 PM
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-04-2019 , 11:11 PM
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-04-2019 , 11:12 PM
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-04-2019 , 11:12 PM
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-05-2019 , 01:03 AM
It would be really funny if that was what did him in.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-16-2019 , 08:44 PM
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-17-2019 , 08:54 AM
very good
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-24-2019 , 05:07 PM
Let. The. Impeachment. Begin!
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-24-2019 , 05:21 PM
Never thought I'd see the day where this ****ing clown actually ****ed himself that hard
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-24-2019 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
Never thought I'd see the day where this ****ing clown actually ****ed himself that hard

Now here's the thing: the Senate's never going to convict, but now we have weeks and weeks of high profile congressional hearings ahead of us that will show everyone what a shitsmear he is. People think being cleared in the Senate is going to help him, but everyone knows that the GOP is in the tank for him regardless of what he does.

A lot of people think that the (genuinely bullshit) Clinton impeachment helped him in the '98 mid-terms, but the impeachment happened after that, and it didn't exactly help Al Gore get elected.

Congress has to show that his level of corruption, pathological lying, lawlessness and degradation of our democratic process will not stand.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-24-2019 , 05:30 PM
Certainly agree that impeachment is not going to be the end result, but hey, that gif is excellent for this.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-24-2019 , 10:34 PM
Move on folks, nothing to see here.
All a big waste of time and taxpayer monies.
It will make the Dems look bad, so there is that.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-25-2019 , 12:27 AM
Waste of time/taxpayers monies

Like Trump isn't constantly wasting time and taxpayer monies by staying outside of the White House, Mar A Boggo, etc
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-25-2019 , 04:21 AM
Who cares about USA#1295 anyway.
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
09-25-2019 , 09:57 AM
So you don't like Trump - that's fine, but who do you like?
Tell me something positive that any of the Dems are offering...
Trump/Shaq Infinity Thread Quote
