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Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier

09-16-2011 , 06:29 AM

At ease soldier
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 06:35 AM
Let's not forget Front Line Infantry is where they put the smartest soldiers

Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 07:12 AM
nice level
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 07:33 AM
Why not use your super intelligence to do something good for the world? Maybe solve the world's or even just the usa's poverty issues?
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 07:42 AM
Does it chap your ass that people think the Marines are way better at infantrying than the Army infantry is?
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by t1lt

At ease soldier
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by 11beatsperminute
Well if humans have no chance against them anyway then what do you need your military experience for?
And doesn't this depend on what kind of alien is attacking us?
More so that I can defend myself/friends/family/others from the bad humans while I try to stay alive long enough for the good aliens to come and save us.

Originally Posted by kingcod
do you feel like they are building the fence to keep us in?
what rank did you reach?
what did you do while in?
No, SPC/E-4. I was an Infantryman for 2.5years, I only did infantry stuff until I got hurt, so around one year.

Originally Posted by Shelldonahue
Why not go to college and join ROTC. The 4 years that you might think you are wasting are going to be better spent in the long run. Especially when you say that you want to lead people. No better way to lead then as a squad leader for infantry.
You have never been in the military have you? Officers, that were never enlisted, are mostly useless. I asked a squad leader of mine ( squad leaders are an enlisted role) what the point of officers were; after thinking for a few seconds he replied "They sign awards". It was a pretty accurate answer

Originally Posted by kingcod
Let's not forget Front Line Infantry is where they put the smartest soldiers

Lets not forget that you choose where you want to go. I met alot of idiots in my line of work, but I also met a few of really smart soldiers as well

Originally Posted by FunkyMunky23
Why not use your super intelligence to do something good for the world? Maybe solve the world's or even just the usa's poverty issues?
Who said I have super intelligence? Poverty can be solved by having a $3 gallon tax on gasoline. It was proposed in the 80's by Greenspan iirc, but Reagan said that $5 gas would cause mass revolt....yet back in 08, nothing happened....

Originally Posted by Mayo
Does it chap your ass that people think the Marines are way better at infantrying than the Army infantry is?
Yes very much so. Im not like le creme de la creme of fighting forces, but unless youre an Infantryman in the Marine Corp, I dont want to hear that "Every Marine is a Rifleman first crap". Do you have a blue cord? No? then STFU
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo
Does it chap your ass that people think the Marines are way better at infantrying than the Army infantry is?
I thought assless chaps was an army thing

Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
three main goals from joining the Army

-Recieve infantry training
-See combat as an Infantryman
-Lead men as an Infantryman

I finished number one.

I also joined because I was dead broke, and I felt like I was going to be too old to join after the age of 22 (LOL), and I wanted to deploy to Afghanistan. I enlisted Mar 2009, and will have a medical discharge tomorrow morning.
Originally Posted by dhcg86
I never did anything that warrants this, but thanks anyway
Does not compute.

Why didn't you join the marines... You scared bro?
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
Lets not forget that you choose where you want to go. I met alot of idiots in my line of work, but I also met a few of really smart soldiers as well
Yeah my little brother is a pretty smart kid imo. He was infantry too.
He said he met alot of very stupid people. One kid got lost trying to fly home for leave.
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 08:50 AM
How do u feel about being a puppet for the oil companies?

smart sir u r not
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
why do you think that i believe humans stand a chance vs aliens
I wanted you to get the perspective of how an alien invader you have been the past years. Tho,I realize now, that if your superior millitary can't beat a rackety militia , I think humanity actually has a chance overcoming alien supremacy.
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:05 AM
You just like to obey don't you OP .That's way you are in the army , beacuse you like to be some ones bitch and you don't like to think with your own head , instead you like to follow.Sheep beeeeeeeeeee
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:15 AM
Don't you feel like the sudden occurance of aliens would somewhat disprove your theory that heaven is waiting?
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:23 AM
He's gonna be a poker pro for now:
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:24 AM
Do you still have Erica the monkey or know where she is? If not, would you be willing to head a rescue mission?
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Uprising
you kinda sound like a redneck ****** to me
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by poke4fun
He took some tests and realized that he's at top 5% of world's intelligence level, so obviously college would be a waste of time. But since physical strength isn't something that comes naturally like intelligence, he decided that army is the best choice to train.

This is an epic thread, loving it!

hope this is a level
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:54 AM
I am glad my tax dollars help funded your pro poker career.

You are welcome.
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
How do u feel about being a puppet for the oil companies?

smart sir u r not
Doesnt bother me
Originally Posted by Andz
You just like to obey don't you OP .That's way you are in the army , beacuse you like to be some ones bitch and you don't like to think with your own head , instead you like to follow.Sheep beeeeeeeeeee
Nah but I like being part of a team
Originally Posted by ihufa
Don't you feel like the sudden occurance of aliens would somewhat disprove your theory that heaven is waiting?
I dont believe in heaven in the biblical sense, so no. But if no other aliens came to save us, then yes

Originally Posted by t1lt
He's gonna be a poker pro for now:
Can you read? Not for now, in like two weeks, DUH

Originally Posted by MsBlueberry
Do you still have Erica the monkey or know where she is? If not, would you be willing to head a rescue mission?
Whos this
Originally Posted by Mayor McCheese
I am glad my tax dollars help funded your pro poker career.

You are welcome.

man I get trolled alot!

Last edited by dhcg86; 09-16-2011 at 10:14 AM. Reason: I certainly bring it upon myself though
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 11:01 AM
Why don't you reply to me?
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 11:07 AM
Explain why you think Afghanistan had nothings to do with 9/11...?
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
Ok, so a group of 21 people are about to attack you. A nice middling-sized mob. They've got pitchforks, rifles, two guys with handguns and three guys with homemade grenades that they learned to make by watching McGyver. They're a completely average cross section of people..representing the apocalyptic remnants of town and they've decided that you gotta go unless you send over Mom and Nana from your tribe to fulfill their tribe's sexual needs since they know you've holed up your family-- but you're in a strategically defended area of your own design with all of the supplies you deigned appropriate that were readily available so you sad "Suka Suka dick, Good Sirs" except you forgot one thing...

5% MEANS THAT ONE OF THOSE GUYS IS SMARTER THAN YOU. Way to kill all your family.

Shoulda moved with your Auntie and Uncle in Belair imo
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Uprising
you kinda sound like a redneck ****** to me

Also, what do you mean with when you say you're 'aware'

Im aware of how things actually are
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
09-16-2011 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by LOLLARS
Until that time, I'll continue to laugh at you.

*high five*

There will eventually be an economic meltdown and all hell will break loose, people will go hungry, thirsty and they will obv start looting and taking from the weak. This will spread so fast the Government won't have time to react and it will become an anarchy and we will be left to fend for ourselves for months, maybe even years. There will be 'haves' and 'have nots', those in the 'have nots' will do anything in their power to be part of the 'haves' group; the 'have nots' will not only take your food and supplies, they will also take anything of value at will.

Look back at the 1992 Los Angeles riots, over 2,00 injured, 53 dead and a billion in damages. This lasted 3 1/2 until soldiers and Marines were brought in to restore the peace. Just imagine this in every major US city, will the Army, Marines etc... be able to control it?
Tommorow I leave the Army. Ask questions of the smart, aware, not redneck soldier Quote
