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Shout out to a great pitchman Shout out to a great pitchman

03-16-2012 , 08:36 PM
I always thought I was the degenerate pitchman... then Billy Mays died from a cocaine overdose. Now we have this Kony guy. He had to have made bank off that Kony 2012 infomercial, and he would have made a lot more if this didnt happened:

I wish he would have called me. If your going to do something like that, its always better to have a hooker involved.
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-16-2012 , 08:41 PM
exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition is a hellava drug
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-16-2012 , 08:44 PM
Somebody show this video to his kid and ask him what is daddy doing
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-16-2012 , 08:53 PM
So, dude just snapped?

derail grunch:
So, I was gonna start a s*** thread on this subject, but WTF, ShamWow's here, he'd be the guy to ask...

OK, here goes... say you're using a catheter [I know, strange,
but there's these commercials in the US saying lotsa people do.]
What I wanna know: does one REALLY feel like watching TV whilst using a f***ing catheter, and are they really gonna feel like making the effort to switch over to the new-fangled, electro-polished, more comfortable catheters?
[Comfort my azz, I had a catheter jammed up my dik 14 months ago for about a week...]

Still waiting 4 f**in Medicare 2 approve my scooter,
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-16-2012 , 09:07 PM
Some pitchmen goes for quantity over quality, even if they know they cant sell them. If they dont sell, they'll just drop the commercials and move on to the next product, it gives them the feeling like their cool and the best at what they do, like their Ron ****ing Popeil, but really their just a douche. This I suspect is what your witnessing.

Nobody wearing a catheter cares whats on TV, they just need something to get their mind off the fact they have something in their penis. That is where I come in, you see my product and your mind is clear, even if you're wearing a catheter. What you're thinking when you see the ShamWow commercial is "well, I guess I know what Im going to use to clean up my pee if my catheter comes out"
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-16-2012 , 09:15 PM

Show some respect guys!
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-16-2012 , 10:51 PM
This is real? Great title OP.
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-16-2012 , 11:01 PM
brillant thread/op combo
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-16-2012 , 11:27 PM
WAHT THE HECK?? thats crazy lolll
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-16-2012 , 11:55 PM
>misdemeanor indecent exposure?
>felony public masturbation?

I can't make an informed call here- u guyz?
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-17-2012 , 12:01 AM
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-17-2012 , 01:26 AM
My buddy should be an infomercial guy.... when we are drunk and bored I can give him any item in the room (stapler, marker, deck of cards, whatever) and he can do an energetic pitch for that product.... when drunk it is actually pretty funny and entertaining.

Should have 4L send him random objects to pitch and poast on teh youtubes....
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
03-17-2012 , 01:33 AM
Shout out to a great pitchman Quote
