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Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely

09-21-2010 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
When people stand on the left side of the escalator in the metro stations, especially during rush hour when a train is pulling up and ****ING MOVE YOU USELESS BAG OF **** CAN'T YOU SENSE THE LINE OF PEOPLE RUSHING TO MEET THE TRAIN BREATHING DOWN YOUR ****ING NECK?

It's stand right, walk left, people. Not a difficult concept.
Not familiar with this, but for me it's the people who stand in the middle so you have to either shove and sprawl by them or beg them to move.

Generally all inane attention whoring power plays disguised as being oblivious that involve getting in someone's way. From blocking the escalator when the train is coming, to strutting and walking extra slow while giving drivers dirty glares from the crosswalk, to taking one step off the elevator and settling down to meditate on the future, to spreading out over the sidewalk so no one can get by, all those things make you a douche and an attention whore.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-21-2010 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
This. At a restaurant it will ruin my meal..even if it never got anywhere near my food.
I would never give anybody dirty silverware. It's disgusting, careless, and disrespectful. So I'm really put off when anyone gives it to me.

What's really bad is when you ask a waitperson for a new fork or whatever and the next one is dirty too. Can't you see the friggin' old rice still stuck in the tines? WTF!
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-21-2010 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
OMG I can't stand this. If my gf and I ever are FORCED to walk through the mall, we always notice this. I'm 6'0" and she's 5'9" and 95% of the people at the mall are apparently 5'2" or smaller and get in your way like it's no big deal WTF!??! One day I got so pissed that as this woman was walking toward me I literally did the muscle-guy walk where I exaggerated how far out my elbows were at my sides and I didn't move them at all. My gf was saying "stop, don't, don't" lol then at the last second the b*tch finally moved and my gf started laughing. She said she wished she was as big of an ******* as myself and was capable of doing that to a 90 pound woman.

White artsy dudes with "ironic" mustaches.

Black guys who wear "ironic" cowboy boots.

People who chew gum at all. Seriously...why do humans chew this? What is it? There's no reason for it. Doesn't matter if you chew it loud or not - you look trashy chewing gum. It's right up there with smoking cigarettes.

Old Asians who think it's normal to be as loud as possible when eating. Even when you turn around and give nasty look they don't even know why you are upset and they keep doing it.

When you see an old guy with like a 1-inch hair sticking out of his neck. I think Men the Master has a couple of these. God I WANT TO PLUCK IT SO BAD.

I also hate volume on odd numbers, unless they are multiples of 5.

People who say "paydirt" instead of touchdown.

People who say "When <insert running back> rushes the ball 25+ times, X team is 9-1". Really? So all they have to do is hand him the ball 25 times ZOMG I"M A GOOD COACH!

When you see someone pulling out of a parking lot and they're already on the f***ing cell phone. YOU JUST GOT IN YOUR CAR B*TCH PUT THE PHONE DOWN AND DRIVE.

Any credit report commercial.

In fact, any commercial (like the cash for gold) that caters to the lowest common denominator.

People who follow the rules religiously just because they're the rules.

Miley Cyruses teeth and the way she talks.

People that are overly-tan and don't realize it.

Dumb idealists at work who are always trying to implement these lame corporate plans that I know will never come to fruition.

People who can't control their finances. Especially if they make good money.

Agree with the volume on even numbers.

Cannot handle socks rubbing on carpet.. makes me attack people automatically, literally a reflex comes out of nowhere..

Oh.. and the main reason I quoted this is purely because "smoking cigarettes and chewing gum is trashy"

Cigarettes and chewing gum are ways to de-stress for some people. I'm sorry if my life choices make me trashy, although I do think that is far from the case. I think being judgemental shrew is alot worse than the former.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-21-2010 , 06:25 PM
Nah, I'm going with the gum here ...
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-21-2010 , 07:41 PM
I've noticed a disturbing trend on public transport in Melbourne of late, and it makes me wanna pop a vein. It's those ****ers who turn on their ipods or iphones and play their music out loud on a crowded train because they are too ****en cheap or ******ed to buy a set of ****en $5 ear phones.

It's always such crap music too. I drew the line at one man-beeeutch who started up a Celine Dion song. Celine Dion ffs! **** that ****.

Tshhhh tshhhhh tshhhhh glassed MF.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-21-2010 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by solfege
Maple syrup leaking off my pancakes/waffles onto my scrambled eggs when they're on the same plate.
Really? I always add extra syrup so that it gets on the eggs. That's good eatin'.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-21-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by D3v0id
I've noticed a disturbing trend on public transport in Melbourne of late, and it makes me wanna pop a vein. It's those ****ers who turn on their ipods or iphones and play their music out loud on a crowded train because they are too ****en cheap or ******ed to buy a set of ****en $5 ear phones.

It's always such crap music too. I drew the line at one man-beeeutch who started up a Celine Dion song. Celine Dion ffs! **** that ****.

Tshhhh tshhhhh tshhhhh glassed MF.
Anti social behaviour trends must start in Scotland and reach Australia 4 years later.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-21-2010 , 11:59 PM
People that say atm machine, pin number, vin number, or nic card. Also ink pen.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 12:16 AM
could care less

this one gets me everytime

Last edited by shehateme; 09-22-2010 at 12:17 AM. Reason: also, jackitos
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 12:34 AM
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by jontsef
ok that reminds me of another one

everyday, one word, means "mundane or ordinary" -- as in, an everyday occurence.



But nooooo all I see everywhere is billboards and signs and stuff proclaiming how stores have great deals everyday and I want to freaking punch everything

I see this almost every SPACE day, at least
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 01:29 AM

On the TV volume topic:
The jump in volume on the TV from 0 (ie nothing) to 1.
TV's where you have to press the volume button twice to get the bar and number to move up one spot.

That you have a 16:9 widescreen TV and they make DVD's with wider widescreen ratios so you get black bars or have to use some zoom function that distorts images and make things look like crap.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 01:37 AM
Lou Holtz, guidos, and meatheads, especially the ones on Jersey Shore

Last edited by Floridahawk; 09-22-2010 at 01:43 AM.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 01:38 AM
lol that's ******ed
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 02:09 AM
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 02:29 AM
Chewing gum is trashy?

That is loltastic.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by FullMetalAlcoholic
Loud chewing, or smacking sounds while people eat. Seriously, I will ****en kill you all.
+ 1 million

also, any form of gum.. chewed /unchewed.. people who chew gum.. its so f***ing gross i hateeeeeeee gum so much i made my girlfriend stop chewing it
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by Kevroc
Chewing gum is trashy?

That is loltastic.
i don't agree with trashy necassarily, although the way people chew gum tells a lot about them i think
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 04:54 AM
people who have carry on luggage that is bigger than the luggage i checked in at the counter.

and then said people who wonder why it wont fit in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of them.

Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by mcleod014
i don't agree with trashy necassarily, although the way people chew gum tells a lot about them i think
Ditto. It's used to signal one's ass*ery, too, which is pretty stupid. Nobody HAS to make themselves look aggressively rude or ugly. It's a schtick that gum-chewing makes possible though, and a lot of people who weren't actually raised in barns leap on the chance to indicate that they might have been.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 11:35 AM
People who eat ice. That crunching sounds drives me insane.

People who don't know the difference between "there", "their" and "they're" and use it wrong all the time. Go back to 4th grade dammit.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Ditto. It's used to signal one's ass*ery, too, which is pretty stupid. Nobody HAS to make themselves look aggressively rude or ugly. It's a schtick that gum-chewing makes possible though, and a lot of people who weren't actually raised in barns leap on the chance to indicate that they might have been.
Cow level?
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 01:00 PM
-loud kidgremlins on the train
-Neanderthals blocking escalators standing on the left side
-Morons who decide what they wanna eat AFTER standing in line for 10 minutes "i'll take the , hmm let's see here...hmmm...hmmm". FU
-kids riding their bikes in the middle of the road because for some reason all 4 of them want to ride next to eachother.
-cool dudes leaving their towl on fitness equipment because apparantly they own it

and probably my biggest , people who need to use the elevator and push both the UP and the DOWN button regardless of where they actually need to go, ****ING IDIOTS these deserve to die
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by gs3737
People who eat ice. That crunching sounds drives me insane.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
09-22-2010 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by gs3737
People who eat ice. That crunching sounds drives me insane.
I crave ice sometimes. It has a texture that nothing else compares to..I like the feel of it between my teeth.
Seemingly harmless things which disturb you immensely Quote
