Originally Posted by SaveMeJebus
1) I am spiritual, not Christian. I guess Agnostic is a term used? I use spiritual. I do not believe in religion just in a higher power.. call him Allah.. Zeus.. watev.. doesnt matter to me.
please don't use words you don't understand
2) I am far from a homophobe. I have many friends who are gay and have gone with them to gay bars. Perfectly accepting and comfortable with my sexuality.
start slow golf clap
3) Stop being a stereotypical judgmental Atheist?
the irony is overwhelming
to the op, although i think its a bit weird to say the least that you are getting Buddha on your back and don't seem to be Buddhist, it looks pretty cool. If I were you I'd prolly get a whole back tattoo as well to cover up that heinous slab of fat and zits you got going.