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"That is so sick" "That is so sick"

02-15-2009 , 03:04 PM
is that all it takes to tilt people?
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 04:20 PM
i drank too much and then i threw up. Im so sick.
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 04:23 PM
this thread is physically ill
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by brian0721
sometimes you just gota go back to where ya came from ya know
racist ban
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 04:46 PM
[ ] this thread is sick
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 04:48 PM
cry somewhere else please.
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 04:56 PM
I agree with the OP... "sick" is being completely overused at the poker table. Who is responsible for it? DN?
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 05:14 PM
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 06:12 PM
Man old news is exciting
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 06:28 PM
elitism itt
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 07:04 PM
anyways... just don't say it

"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Man old news is exciting
sick level
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Kuval
Cliffs: OP is a whinging ****** who should be permabanned
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 08:30 PM
I think all right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not, and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am.
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 10:19 PM
im sick and tired of being sick tired of the sick creeps making this whole world sick with their sick diseases.
"That is so sick" Quote
02-15-2009 , 11:39 PM
i like how everyone here just wants to influence a banning in some way, shape or form.

Like I read half the posts you guys make and they're either:

"b7" "in before ban" or "plz ban op"

I think asking for someone to get banned is quickly going to become the new "sick."
"That is so sick" Quote
02-16-2009 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Kuval
It especially bugged me because when we got back to my buddy's place, he kept playing hands like T2s and then being like "Hey look at this, I'm so sick right now."

I dont usually want to slap men, but I was willing to make an exception.

Don't say you're sick when you're not kiddies.

Cliffs: Some tards think they are sick, when in fact they're pulling standard plays that are in no way sick by any definition of the word.
T2 is standard?
"That is so sick" Quote
02-16-2009 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
T2 is standard?
it is in deepstack NL... especially when you can stack any opponent at any time and get a multi way pot with your nut boat
"That is so sick" Quote
02-16-2009 , 01:43 AM
Wow, you must be playing some lol bad players where you find boards where you can make nut full houses with 10 2 on boards where players are going off for a lot of bb's with a non-trivial % of their range which make worse hands.

sick life

Last edited by allinontheturn; 02-16-2009 at 01:43 AM. Reason: Spoil fail.
"That is so sick" Quote
02-16-2009 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by Kuval
like "I'm so sick" in a philipino accent...
Racist ban
"That is so sick" Quote
02-16-2009 , 02:54 AM
sick1   /sɪk/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sik] Show IPA Pronunciation
adjective, -er, -est, noun
–adjective 1. afflicted with ill health or disease; ailing.
2. affected with nausea; inclined to vomit.
3. deeply affected with some unpleasant feeling, as of sorrow, disgust, or boredom: sick at heart; to be sick of parties.
4. mentally, morally, or emotionally deranged, corrupt, or unsound: a sick mind; wild statements that made him seem sick.
5. characteristic of a sick mind: sick fancies.
6. dwelling on or obsessed with that which is gruesome, sadistic, ghoulish, or the like; morbid: a sick comedian; sick jokes.
7. of, pertaining to, or for use during sickness: He applied for sick benefits.
8. accompanied by or suggestive of sickness; sickly: a sick pallor; the sick smell of disinfectant in the corridors.
9. disgusted; chagrined.
10. not in proper condition; impaired.
11. Agriculture. a. failing to sustain adequate harvests of some crop, usually specified: a wheat-sick soil.
b. containing harmful microorganisms: a sick field.

12. Now Rare. menstruating.
–noun 13. (used with a plural verb) sick persons collectively (usually prec. by the).
—Idioms14. call in sick, to notify one's place of employment by telephone that one will be absent from work because of being ill.
15. sick and tired, utterly weary; fed up: I'm sick and tired of working so hard!
16. sick at one's stomach, Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S. nauseated.
17. sick to one's stomach, Chiefly Northern, North Midland, and Western U.S. nauseated.
OP is #12, imo.
"That is so sick" Quote
02-16-2009 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Kevroc
OP is #12, imo.
"That is so sick" Quote
02-16-2009 , 05:39 AM

"That is so sick" Quote
02-16-2009 , 06:57 AM
that is so sick
"That is so sick" Quote
02-16-2009 , 10:03 AM
remember when something being "bad" meant it was good...

now thats sick
"That is so sick" Quote
