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View Poll Results: What is the perfect breast size?
521 54.21%
$5_Shake, -Mr. Beautiful-, 12_alpha, 1986TheNuts, 2OutsNoProb, 4k4sh777, 98342324, 99Abraham, accobra_kid, AceCR9, AceofSpades, adanthar, Adiprene1, adizzle13, AFchung, Aguskb, ahnuld, aitvaras, alex37, AlexKP, aliarspocket, All-inMcLovin, amoeba, Andiminator, AndyP, antidan444, aoFrantic, apk4senate, Apollo Creed, aragorn_i, ardubz, Aruj Reis, ATMontague, AusIan, axel_nld, B5k, badtyrant, bakerator, BANGARANG, Barretboy, batair, bball233, bbbro, BC37, bchcky, Beckett, Beerhell, bige321786, Bigheadarch1, Bigmoney, BigPoppa, bigt2k4, bigtuna, bjb23, BLAABAR, bluesbassman, BokitoNL, brandon, brian0721, brocksavage1, brokenhourglass, BuckBundy, bucktotal, Buff Disciple, Bullwinkle, busch pounders, callmedonnie, Camdaman19, CandyKreep, capone0, CaptainTZANO, Cardsfan2006, cardsharkk04, Card_Trick, CaseofKings, CatfishKing, Chaos_ult, chasehendricks, cheesyandy, Chef B., Chief911, Chilltown, chrisn671, Chuppa, CmonMan101, CnC, Cognomen, colson10, Computerninja, concrete, Costanza, costanza_g, CourtesyFlush, crdjeep, creee, crock pot, crow1713, Da33le, Dada2512, Daer, dafulv, dagambler228, dajugganot, daman123, Damontis, Dan Stern, DanHartGWS, DanK, Dan_The_Pro, DarkOne, dasein, Davdob, Dave$$$, DCal Zone, ddiinn, Deanglow, dear_vienna, deesnuts, DEEZZZ_NUTS, demon veen, derm, dickieh, Dill3227, dipstikdave, docb, DoGGz, Dominic, DonkDonkDonkDonk, DonkeyKongSr, doubLe a tom, dpickles31, Dr. Spaceman, dragonystic, Drasis, DrawMeOut, Dread Wings, dripdrop, Dropkick Brian, dtodd97, ducatiboy, dukemagic, DVDA4life, ecu3270, elendil200, Elusive, emmemere, Emperor Norton, Enervate, eNkkoRe, Ephialtes, epiphanot, Etherone, EV87, evilempire, evilhamit, Evilmath, ExaMeter, Extranjero, EYESCREW, F0erster, fabsch, Faccio, FatalError, FishNChips1, fishnchipsplease, fivemeo, Flinstone, Fred, flopinthenutz, Floridahawk, fourie, Frank the Tank, fredd-bird, fredericksburg, Fredron, Fretwork, fullstop, g0tcuddly, G1982, Gambit42, Gary Stevenson, gc76, GDF, Gerv, Getcha_Popcorn, Gettin Weed Money, Gizmo, gjv76, gmac, GobiLux, Goldfinger2790, Goodie, goofball, goomba, Goose bumps, gregorio, Grobyc, grrrrrrreat, gt_ie, guller, Gyre, Hamsterdam, happyjoe, haueb, Hawk35, hendal, Henry17, Hiphopopotamus, HNIC, hobbes05, hobbes9324, holland3r, HollywoodMatt, hollywood_dizon, HungryHippo, hyp0h, h_ven, ibavly, Ichabod1985, icracknuts, idk my bff jill, IlliniLou, ilovedonks, imakefrush, Immortal-1337, impecunious, ImTouchinMyself, inlemur, insanity31, iplayscared, Its Sick, ivantheterbl, iversonian, JabrielP, jackblack73, JackInDaCrak, jaschen27, Jbron01, jdAA88, jdubs015, jedi, jerG123, jfresh, jhop, jjp, JJSCOTT2, joeyvickz, JohnAndersen, johnnyrocket, Jokidd, jona, Joseph Hewes, jpisgay, jpsychlady, jtkac01, Junior9587, jzpiano, K00PASC00PA, keevin33, kevin017, Kevin8423, Kevroc, kidinme, killsadie, KingJackoff_2U, Kiron, Kiwi23, KowboiGangsta, Krabatimo, krissyb24, ktcbs21, KUJustin, kwawds, Larry David, legendary loser, lenC, lgas, libertos, liekomgzors, LondonBroil, lookitdisnub, loosekanen, LordBP, loser64, Low Key, ltb, LuckyDice, LuckyLuke01, Madmaniac21, MadTaco, mad_hatter, Manta__, Mark1010, markdeeznutz, Maso777, Matt R., matt2500, MattFrankie, mbishop, mcvalenc, metches, MFpoker, MichaelCross, Michigan13, MirroRobin, Mischman, miw210, mjb268, mnewton212, Momsbarbershop, Mora, mpethybridge, MPHL, Mr Lucrative, Mr.JR, Mr.Vertigo, mrhat, MrMisunderstood, Mr_Donktastic, mule250, mustang272, mvoss, MVPaul, Myrmidon7328, Naked 9, NapoleonDolemite, naru, Neeko, nehianh, NhlNut, niceguy22, Nickc011, ninetimes, noidea555, noisy_the_Rhy, nyc999, NYYankees1387, O Fenômeno, oillife, omar coming, OMGKaraScott, Oranzith, Ovaltine88, OvrTheTop111, pa3lsvt, palkpal, PatInTheHat, Paul B., paulee, pEkvo, Peter87, phxsunsfan1, physics, PilotMatt, pkchamp, Pk_Myth0, Plastiman, plat4me, plubius, Pok3rF4ce_NL, pokerfish_ro, pokred, Pollux, Ponder, pookvis, porkandb, primaxx, profELMO, PublicEnemy12, pwncakery, PwnedDonk, Quagmyer, rafdogg2000, rafiki, Randiek, rawkfanseth, ReyzorXxX, RHFiend, ripwalk, rjoefish, rminusq, robhimself, roblin, rocketpoker828, RockRattler, Rokke, RollinBoy, Roragok, Rouf, royce, rubbrband, runner4life7, russi, Rusty Nails, rzzldazzl22, Sac_Pacman, Saklad, SaveMeJebus, Say Wuut, saymond, SayNoob, schlucky1, ScreaminAsian, SCSTWG, Sdid, Ser William, sh58, ShadyNismo, shat4brains, Shephard, shighley3205, shinzilla, Shoe Lace, sideboob, SilentEcho, SIThomer, Six Finger Nate, sjettlug, skiier04, SkinnyApple, slamdunkpro, Slappz, slatur, smiteme, Snarf, snowbank, snowcrab, Soulman, SpleenLSD, Spota, Spottswoode, stabn, stanski, starchyy, steamypile, SteelTalons, StepBangin, Stevinchy, Sti1gar, Stinky Stu, Stryd0r, Superbibi, Sven O, swd805, szakee, taaffey, tcash777, TeflonDawg, tettekop, thac, ThaDodinski, Thalum, thatandrewguy, thatssosick, ThebrokenATM, themobfather, thenatedogg3, TheProbst, ThePwnz0r, therealpk, TheTender31, TheTROLL, TheyCallMeDonk, Thythe, timeforheroes, timistere, timmycook58, tlatoani, Tmoney120, toddkrupa, Tolnew, Tom Peters, tonymark01, tortman, TucoRamirez, Tumaterminator, Tunaflop, tunaman3000, TUZbl, twak, two6i, txdome, Tyler, ugotbicked, Uitje, urmy, Utgdevo, Vantek, VegasHopeful, Vehement, venere, Vestron, vgeek, Vintage00, viticus, Vladix, Vlorg, w33ktight, wahoo3, Waiting4River, walrus_poker, wdead, wfilipsk, Wht_Rbt, Will221, Wizzy33, wombat4hire, wonderwes, Wraths Unanimous, wubbie412, xoom, xrek, yellowjack, yeotaJMU, young Nut, Youngplayer9, Yugless, YungBull, ZAndlamb, zdye724, zerochill, _Tank_
194 20.19%
1988, 37Motor, 4ObliVioN4, AAismyfriend, aceskay, AdamHeaney, aggo, AJackson, AlainDeloin, AlCaTrAzz, Alea, Aleph Omega, and12006, apple11, AWSKI128, BaldElephant, beansroast01, Beerfund, bigboyfosho, BigTime845, billzfan86, BingoBango, bismillahno, bitos86, Bless, blocka, bobboufl11, Borst, brickinface, brokeagain, brokeandstuck, buffyslayer1, Bunifacijo, CalledDownLight, cantsitstillbr, CaptZaky, Cardfish1, Chillidog, Chip Spew, ChoicestHops, chube, clickingbuttons, CMK219, cookieb, coolhandluke, Cotton Hill, d10, DCIAce, dg7474, didonk, dietDrThunder, disasterflop, djoffer, DLU, Dogmatix, Dolech, DonkJr, duvvard, EdmondDantes, eersfan, EraEric, EvanWilliams, exist, EzplusEV, famousjmac, Fatt Albert, Fermion5, finnianp, FishAye, five4suited, FoolyCooly, FrankyBG, GiantWalleye, GimmeDat, GingerJono, goborage, gollyheck, goodguy_1, goosty, Grue, Haupt_234, HiFi, hiho, HomeStar, ilikeaces86_, ImOnWheels, Intelligent Design, its_just_me, jackofhearts, Jasonfp, jasons0147, Jiggs77, JimHammer, Jimmy James, johnny 187, JoshK, Julio Alberto, Khaos4k, kingofcuriosity, KinkyKid, Klever187, knotfan1234, Komodo Dragon, KORNSTAR, kylmac85, Kypha, Lafortezza, Larry Legend, lazeeesunday, leipuri, Lobomos, Lord Gimik, m15ra, mak15, MatteyA28, Mendacious, mixmastermattyk, Money Ludolf, monkiii, Montrealcorp, Moximal, mudpony, nbfb42, Nighthawk419, NoMeNot, OnThInIcE911, Perplexity, pewpwagoon, phil hellmuck, Pikaberdort, Pinocchio, Platefish, Poker is Rigged, poker1O1, pokerbobo, PokercastRoss, POTAP, prohornblower, pwnsall, Pyramid_Scam, R18A1I4, Radar101, RadioActive1, Reefypoopoo, retep, Rick Diesel, Sappie22, sards, Scruffs Mcguff, sean.c, seitz88, selurah, serenity21, Silly Skates, sippin_criss, SneakyFerret, Snygaard, soonereagle, sootedgapper, SoSo, SouthernPott, Squadooooosh, StopShort, stratocast, StrictlyStrategy, SupFrawg, SweetSassyMolassy, TamasAA, Tapow Dayok, TER, the dude, The Hands, thenewnoise, Tib, tightymcfish, Tom1975, TronSpecial, Tryst_, UATrewqaz, Vanilla Thunder, veeRtje, vm1124, walchy, warnow, wellju, wikibg, woodguy, WroteForLuck, Xadin, ybother, Zima421, Zimmer4141, [x] cookiesniper