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Owning a Brothel +EV? Owning a Brothel +EV?

07-27-2008 , 10:30 AM
I've been doing some research. An owner/operator could start a new, legal brothel in Nevada for around $1M. This would include the land, new construction and licenses.

There are stories of girls making $100k-$300k/yr working in the brothels. While this might be true for some girls, according to my research a "typical" working girl makes around $75k/yr.

In the Nevada brothels the traditional deal between the owner and the worker is a 50/50 split. So if the girl is making $75k, then the house is making $75k off that girl. A "stable" of 10 "typical" working girls will earn the owner/operator $750k/yr. This is before any income from alcohol or "souvenirs."

If we assume annual operating costs of $250k/yr, then that leaves the owner/operator with $500k/yr profit to split between himself and investors.

Does this sound +EV to anyone?
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 10:32 AM
interviews would be fun
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 10:37 AM
Theres documentaries and stuff about this, you should research some more.
The idea does sound promising, how much investment are you looking for, and what kind of return can I expect?
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 10:45 AM
lol i would def invest in this
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 11:14 AM
The net $500k would be split 50/50, $250k going to the owner/operator and $250k going to investors.

So an investment of $1M would yeild a return of $250k/yr, or a 25% annual ROI.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 11:27 AM
It sounds +EV if you have a solid 1 running yes :P
Setting 1 up will be a whole different level imo, also 75k+ a year for 10 ladies sounds high without a valid reputation.

Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 11:55 AM
THe idea seems absolutely flawless to me, Goodluck!!
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 11:58 AM
send me a pm if you need funding, Im down for this
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Suicigobo
75k+ a year for 10 ladies sounds high without a valid reputation.

It's actually highly doable.

For a lady to "take home" $75k she has to gross $150k. The extra $75k goes to the house. Assuming the following:

10 girls working in roting shifts of 5 girls each
Girls work 6 day weeks with one mid-week day off
Working hours from Noon to 2:00AM (the big brothels go 24/7)
Girls work 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off with 2 weeks unpaid vacation
An standard "party" is $500.00 for an hour & 1/2, with special requests extra.

Then each girl only needs to "sell" 2 standard parties per day to hit their goal. So "working" only 3 hours a day two weeks a month the girls can clear an easy $50k/yr after taxes. If they sell more parties per shift (easy to do on weekends) or work more days (not recommended due to high burn out factor) then they can earn much more. This is why there are so many reports of working girls earning in exes of 100K/yr.

That's right, a 19 year-old high school drop-out with no real world skills whatsoever can pull down well over 100 thousand dollars per year working only two weeks a month.

I think about that, and the only thing that keeps me from opening a vein is that the house will also earn $100k/yr from that girl.

Market research by the Nevada Brothel Association shows that, for small brothels, long hual truckers account for as much as 75% of their over all business. A targeted marketing campaign can help a new start-up grab a portion of this market.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:32 PM
sounds like a solid plan, the only problem is what if long hual truckers lose their interest in sex?
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:35 PM
Where would you build where there isnt already a better brothel?
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Zorglub
sounds like a solid plan, the only problem is what if long hual truckers lose their interest in sex?
In that case I think we're golden.

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Where would you build where there isnt already a better brothel?
"Better" is a subjective term. The bigger brothels tend to be clean, well lit and well appointed. Many of the older "Mom & Pop" brothels are little more than mobile homes, run down and smelling like, well, brothels.

One of the little known rules is that the working girls have to "live" in the brothel in order to work there. This means that during their two week shift, they sleep in the same bed that they "entertain" on. Now, these girls are not known for their self-esteem or self respect, but no girl wants to sleep in a room stinking from years of stale sweat, Massingill, FDS and dried jizz.

This means that the older, run down brothels tend to attract older, run down working girls that just don't care anymore. The younger, "fresher" girls work in the fresher establishments. And charge more money for parties.

An establishment that caters to the needs and wants of the customer AND the needs and wants of the "contractors." Like anything, it is a management issue, an issue of values, and the willingness to provide a "total experience."
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:51 PM
I have to go pretend to work now.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:57 PM
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:59 PM
what you need is really hot girls. Dont just take the standard trash, you should tour the streets of america looking for the hottest prostitutes and sign them all up to work for you. It could be like american idol, but for prostitutes and the prize is working in your exclusive brothel.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:06 PM
I have the feeling you're going to be a millionaire in no time at all, phydaux.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by sharpyetblunt
you should tour the streets of america looking for the hottest prostitutes and sign them all up to work for you.

Acually, most of the legal brothels won't hire a girl if they find out she has a history as a common streetwalker. It comes down to a question of attitude. You don't want a girl working in your place if she's just looking to hustle her next $20.00. You want girls who can look a guy in the eye and tell him, "Sure the other girls charge $300.00 an hour, but I charge $750.00 an hour because I'm worth $750.00 an hour. And here's what that $750.00 doesn't get you..."

The best candidates for working in the brothels are famous strippers, semi-famous porn stars, and 19 year old girls fresh off the farm (and the more of that last bunch the better ).
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:26 PM
Sell shares at 1k a pop. Also shareholders get 1 free party every 5 years. Selling 500 would be doable.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:26 PM
Sounds like those truckers are tasteful and loaded specimen?!

Gl and post updates with pics of your employers!


p.s rofllmao @ that pic!
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:36 PM
I know strip clubs are a lot more common, but I still think they are the way to go.

A lot easier to find girls/girls are much more replaceable, more business on average, easier to set up, etc., etc.

I guess you could do both, have a strip club but it's also a brothel but you just don't advertise it as a brothel.

Anyways, these things always sound so appealing but obviously are super hard to startup. Good luck.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:52 PM
One of the underexplored areas might be "specialty parties."

I'm not talking agerage stuff like two girl parties, or weekend long parties or even on site, hosted parties. I'm talking more like having one girl on an "on call" basis who is a professional dominatrix. You could have one room that is tricked out as a full scale dungeon with a whole range of services available.

I actually knew a girl when I live in Seattle, 25 years old, who was a "retired" dominatrix. Was about 6"2" tall, weighed in at around 220 lbs, huge set of natural DD milkers. She got into it when she was just 18. She made bank while she was doing it, but she prefered bottoming to toping, and she didn't like mixing business with pleasure.

One of the things most people don't realize is that there usually isn't any actual sex in a BDSM role play. Yes there's a lot of nudity, it's all very sexual and there are usually orgasms involved, but rarely is there actual touching of the sexual organs and almost never any pentration of any kind.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:54 PM
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:55 PM
Also shareholders get 1 free party every 5 years.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 02:30 PM
hmm aren't the girls downvaluating assets?

Last edited by PowellM; 07-27-2008 at 02:31 PM. Reason: doh
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
07-27-2008 , 05:15 PM
you are forgetting the legal costs of defending yourself from the feds (as long as the republicans are in power). They'll claim all kinds of crap, money laundering, organized crime, etc. Plan on 2 million every 5 years or so. That oughta eat into your profits.
Owning a Brothel +EV? Quote
