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omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house

07-18-2008 , 09:50 PM
drugs are good
07-18-2008 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
Itd be cool if the entire sing the sorrow album was available as DLC.

Not to mention art of drowning, and decemberunderground, and black sails in the sunset, and very proud of ya, and answer that and stay fashionable, and shut your mouth and open your eyes, plus the EPs.
Hahahaha, RB: AFI 1x
07-18-2008 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
drugs are good
back feeling better?
07-18-2008 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by jmitchell42
back feeling better?
it is when the pain is being covered up with pain pills and muscle relaxers. but now im out of it and all woosy and its also making me feel a little nauseous. but its cool as long as the pain is lessening
07-18-2008 , 09:56 PM
sounds fun
07-18-2008 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by thac
Hahahaha, RB: AFI 1x
id buy it
07-18-2008 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
it is when the pain is being covered up with pain pills and muscle relaxers. but now im out of it and all woosy and its also making me feel a little nauseous. but its cool as long as the pain is lessening
you probably poasted it, but i don't remember what you did to it. i just remember you saying it hurt. did you pull a muscle?
07-18-2008 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
id buy it
I just want Guitar Hero: Metallica already.

Last edited by thac; 07-18-2008 at 09:58 PM. Reason: q1 2009 iirc <3
07-18-2008 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by jmitchell42
you probably poasted it, but i don't remember what you did to it. i just remember you saying it hurt. did you pull a muscle?
yea i think so. i was cleaning and was picking stuff up off the floor and i guess i bent down the wrong way. i did it once before and when my mom gave me a massage she said it is the same muscle a lot of women pull when they pick up their children the wrong way.

Last edited by RuleThirtyFour; 07-18-2008 at 10:09 PM.
07-18-2008 , 10:05 PM
Is that message or massage?
07-18-2008 , 10:06 PM
heh yea oops..massage
07-18-2008 , 10:07 PM
damn its after 3am here

night omgers
07-18-2008 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
yea i think so. i was cleaning and was picking stuff up off the floor and i guess i bent down the wrong way. i did it once before and when my mom gave me a message she said it is the same muscle a lot of women pull when they pick up their children the wrong way.
well, at least the drugs are helping the pain. take it easy for a while imo
07-18-2008 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
damn its after 3am here

night omgers
nite mang
07-18-2008 , 10:13 PM
i will...ty

just hoping i dont get fired monday when i go to work. i have no idea how many points i have.
07-18-2008 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
i will...ty

just hoping i dont get fired monday when i go to work. i have no idea how many points i have.
i bet they will understand
07-18-2008 , 10:18 PM
Why would you be fired for pulling a muscle?
07-18-2008 , 10:21 PM
because when you use sick days you get infraction points at corporate jobs and it doesn't matter why you took the day off. if you get too many infraction points you will get terminated.
07-18-2008 , 10:25 PM
lol wut infraction points
07-18-2008 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
because when you use sick days you get infraction points at corporate jobs and it doesn't matter why you took the day off. if you get too many infraction points you will get terminated.
wtf sounds like elementary school
07-18-2008 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mayo
Why would you be fired for pulling a muscle?
i guess it would depend on whose muscle.
07-18-2008 , 10:35 PM
Yo estoy drunk.
07-18-2008 , 10:36 PM
lol i duno what they are called. they are points. at my job (and most corporate full time jobs i know) you get a set number of points you can go up to before you get a warning, written warning, termination, etc. when you use a sick day unexpectedly you get one of those points. but if you call off 2 or more consecutive days in a row, you still only get 1 point. so i called off today and got 1 point. if i call off again monday, i will still only get 1 point. but if i go to work monday and call off on tuesday, i will get another whole point. at my job you get 8 points until you are terminated i believe.
07-18-2008 , 10:38 PM
My job sucks so they're just grateful if you show up.
07-18-2008 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
when you use a sick day unexpectedly you get one of those points.
Yay I did it right!
