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An old riddle An old riddle

04-05-2016 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Boris47
Each person goes to the front of the room and counts how many blue/ yellow hats are in front of them. the odd numbered colour will let the person know what colour hat they have on their head. first person to work out their colour in this way stands to one side of the room and other like minded hat wears join him and vise versa.
The odd numbered color? You don't know how many of each color exists. You can't sort the colors either. If someone has been sorted they've been told their color.
An old riddle Quote
04-05-2016 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by undathesea
The odd numbered color? You don't know how many of each color exists. You can't sort the colors either. If someone has been sorted they've been told their color.
we know there is 200 in the room and a person only goes to stand in either side of the room once they have been to the front of the room and did a count themselves. i am assuming that there is an even spread of coloured hats.
An old riddle Quote
04-05-2016 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Boris47
we know there is 200 in the room and a person only goes to stand in either side of the room once they have been to the front of the room and did a count themselves. i am assuming that there is an even spread of coloured hats.
You can't assume an even distribution of hats though.
An old riddle Quote
04-05-2016 , 10:28 PM
It turns out the riddle was told incorrectly.

Silly me

The goal is to separate everyone in to two groups without talking or signaling. Purposeful staring would be considered a signal. Therefore assume people will have to close their eyes to accomplish the best course of action (obviously not everyone will have their eyes closed at all times).
An old riddle Quote
04-05-2016 , 10:28 PM
An old riddle Quote
04-06-2016 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Snoopy5
It turns out the riddle was told incorrectly.

Silly me
I didnt see that coming! what a thread twist. haha OP your hilarious
An old riddle Quote
04-06-2016 , 06:01 PM
so it was an outsized prisoner's dilemma, with no answer

how devious
An old riddle Quote
04-06-2016 , 09:07 PM
serves me right for trying to think.

Thinking never gets me far
An old riddle Quote
04-10-2016 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by do u love me, too?
so it was an outsized prisoner's dilemma, with no answer

how devious
The answer begins with everyone forming a single file line, GT.
An old riddle Quote
04-10-2016 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Snoopy5
Nope, sorry. This violates the condition of signaling to people what their hat color is.
Still semi-grunching

No, it doesnt.
"Nobody knows their own hat color, and no one is allowed to signal or speak of each other's individual hats."

You're grabbing two, and then relying on them not being an idiot and doing an "if theyre ____, I must be ____.

Question is not written as clearly as it needs to be if you want a different answer.

Somebody probably already got there, and I'm arguing ancient history. Catching up now.
An old riddle Quote
04-10-2016 , 11:31 PM
Cool puzzle. I have heard this one before. I read that Google's DeepMind (the same group that created the AlphaGo bot which beat the Korean Grandmaster in Go last month) put this problem to one of their computers and it was able to devise the solution.
An old riddle Quote
04-11-2016 , 12:28 AM
something to do with stand in a straight line and from back to front counting to see if you have an even or odd number of hats in front of you not sure of exact answer tho
An old riddle Quote
04-12-2016 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
Still semi-grunching

No, it doesnt.
"Nobody knows their own hat color, and no one is allowed to signal or speak of each other's individual hats."

You're grabbing two, and then relying on them not being an idiot and doing an "if theyre ____, I must be ____.

Question is not written as clearly as it needs to be if you want a different answer.

Somebody probably already got there, and I'm arguing ancient history. Catching up now.
I botched the OP. The solution is elegant and beautiful, and requires a bit of public speaking for fun. The main element of the problem is figuring out your hat's color using brute logic, and not trying to cheat.

Your answer is the closest so far, and I promise to give a full explanation of how one should go about solving this ^.

As a matter of semantics, which I hate (because it suits me of course!), the signal of putting two like colors together (and them knowing) is the same as grabbing opposite colors, is the same as flat out telling someone their color, with an extra step to get there.

If you had suggested that people need to have their eyes closed when being paired, then I could get on board. The solution is actually fit for people to close their eyes (no more clues, for serious!) at a certain point/s if following very strict rules is needed for inner peace.

Last edited by Snoopy5; 04-12-2016 at 03:50 AM.
An old riddle Quote
04-12-2016 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by EatMyDitka
something to do with stand in a straight line and from back to front counting to see if you have an even or odd number of hats in front of you not sure of exact answer tho
The number of Blue hats may or may not equal the number of Yellow ones. There are exactly 200 hats in total. Each one is either Yellow or Blue. And the material is dry- no potential for Green ones.

You can assume the distribution is fairly equal, as in, a participant wouldn't be able to instantaneously know the number of potential Yellow hats minus 1 just from a quick scan of the room.

Assuming non savants.

Last edited by Snoopy5; 04-12-2016 at 04:01 AM. Reason: hole un-looped (new euphimism for a Math nerd losing his or her virgnity)
An old riddle Quote
04-12-2016 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by noncarborundum
Cool puzzle.
Thank you. It was actually posted somewhere on 2p2 a few years ago; not sure what jogged my memory to share it again...
An old riddle Quote
04-12-2016 , 04:03 AM
The room itself is nothing but a plain six-sided shape, BTW...
An old riddle Quote
04-13-2016 , 09:02 PM
a pentagon with a floor?
An old riddle Quote
04-13-2016 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
only a dip**** would wear a yellow hat, so put all the dip****s on one side of the room and everyone else has a blue hat.
the solution better be pretty strong to beat this ^^^
An old riddle Quote
04-14-2016 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Snoopy5
It turns out the riddle was told incorrectly.

Silly me

The answer is 7
An old riddle Quote
04-14-2016 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
a pentagon with a floor?
If you're suggesting

The riddle takes place at the Pentagon


September 11, 2001

You might be on to something.
An old riddle Quote
04-16-2016 , 11:12 AM
Better give it a couple more weeks. I'm sure everyone is still hard at work on this.
An old riddle Quote
04-16-2016 , 08:07 PM
time to lock this thread up.

OP has butchered this long enough
An old riddle Quote
04-18-2016 , 06:52 PM
OP there is so many loop holes one could give 500 answers. You said no INDIVIDUAL can talk about his hats. One may assume that the guy can say as a group how many blue and yellow hats he sees. So all he has to tell the group is he seex x amount of blue hads and x amount of yellow hats. Simple math will allow everyone to know there color of there hat.
An old riddle Quote
04-19-2016 , 03:37 PM
I said the first step is to form a single file line.
have the first two people stand together against the wall, and then close their eyes.
next person in line stands between them if they are non identical colors, or to the right of them if they are, then they close their eyes.
the fourth person goes to the right if the three previous are the same color, if not they stand between where the Blue and Yellow groups meet.

this eventually forms a line of people. ...BBBB[B]|[Y]YYYY...

and everyone may open their eyes, but not everyone will know their hat color yet. those in brackets do not.

so everyone that DOES know their hat color based on position in line will pull off, leaving two people behind, who based on the instructions given will know their hat to be the opposite color of the person they are left with.

I also said I'd share how one might reach the solution.

which is like a magician revealing a trick, so pay attention.

the ability to assess the utility of information, and the importance when quantified, helps smart people get ahead from those less talented.

In the OP, amidst the bevy of mistakes I made, was a condition of the problem that should have stood out as seeming more Material than it really was.

200 participants.

If the condition was changed to 20, the answer should be similar?

And surely the problem would be easier to solve with only 3.

Last edited by Snoopy5; 04-19-2016 at 03:44 PM.
An old riddle Quote
