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Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread

08-16-2010 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by TiltNRun
Dear ladies of 4L


Yours pmisokingly

Dear TnR,

Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:06 PM
dear wdwf,

thank you.

Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:08 PM
Dear OMGOMGOMG people,
**** you

no regards,
Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:10 PM
Dear LovedBySgtSalt,

Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by whydowe_fall
Dear TnR,

Dear wdwf,

I'm having a little comprehension problem here concerning the printing on your shirt. Now this may be due to me being a stupid foreigner, but when you say that your tits are independent or "indie", as you kids like to call it nowadays - does this mean that you never wear bras?

Patiently awaiting your answer,

Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:21 PM
Dear Posters of omgomgomg,

I would like to begin by expressing my thanks for inviting me over to your house and letting me sleep on the couch for the past year. It is rare to find a group of individuals whom readily accept the diverse proclivities that are encountered in this forum. Your natural inclination and dedication to creating a better forum for all of those that participate is commendable and you should so honored that the entire forum respects your contribution to the twoplustwo community. The impeccable reputation you so dutifully maintain sets a more than stellar example for the youth of the world. I sincerely hope your message will be spread to the wunderkin of the future to ensure a better tomorrow.


Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:33 PM
Dear fredd,

I think ur just a lonely and angry old man who has to take his anger out on the forum. All you do is troll in the internet poker area and belittle anyone who plays on Pokerstars or Tilt if they aren't american...and then you go around telling people not to play on certain sites? THEY have a CHOICE to play where they want to play so let them be.

Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by animal_chin
Dear edfurlong,

I'm glad you're banned because I hate you. Haha haha haa ha. Nana nana Naa na.

Dear ******,

I think it's really sweet how the only people you hate on 2p2 are those that are infinitely funnier than yourself.

Much love,
Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 06:00 PM
Dear Writers of Letters,

I've noticed your texts are filled with words of many syllables, and I must say prolonged reading of such outre verbiage has taxed my mind and, like an uncovered concoction of oleander and onion, reminders of my paucity of vocabulary have declared civil war on my tear ducts, and all I can do is cry. So, I respectfully ask you to discard your proclivities and panaceas. Get rid of all talk of comprehension and reputation. Donate your sphincters and amiability to a starving dictionary - one that certainly could stand to improve in those areas.

In 4l, we converse in the language of simplicity - polysyllabic words are only called upon in times of emergency. When a simpler word just will not do. Even for the sake of parody, this rule must not be broken.

You must understand the confusion when I read the word "dutifully," and fail to decipher its true meaning. So I pay attention to its phonetics. "Doody" and "fully." Doody-fully, as in a toilet full of doody. Then, with hubris and a new-found sense of understanding, I venture out into the world and use it in conversation. "I'm going to take a dutifully," I say, and with pride I tilt my head into the air and close my eyes and voice the hackneyed syllable of aristocratic smugness, "hmmph." I'm met with blank stares of condescension, the sighs of dying equanimity, and the shaking heads of bewilderment.

But while I don't agree with your language in this thread, as it's far above my head, I realize it's only a small part of your posting oeuvre, less than a percent of a percent in most cases, and I realize everyone makes mistakes and I am a forgiving person.

Okay you've probably long realized this post is a level and I just wanted to warm up my brain to get ready for my next session of poker. I'll just say I think most of you are chill. With a few exceptions I enjoy your company.

Don't need to sign my letters but I will anyway,

Official "Open letters to fellow posters" containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by MsBlueberry
Dear 4L,

I too enjoy bagels. I have been hiding this from the 4L community since I know how "bagel eaters" are vilified here. I can no longer deny who I am. I fear for my nose, but I can't live a lie.

With sadness in my heart,

hehe all <3 its all i have to give

Originally Posted by whydowe_fall
Dear TnR,

I once had intimate encounters with your species and she was very nervous about me noticing that one of her milk bags were bigger then the other... this was very good news to me because i just knew she wasnt gonna be like the rest and well...laugh uncontrollably and say something like "is that even real" I'm sure you can understand how much pressure was relieved off my shoulders well because she has her own insecurities to deal with and yes her fun bags were surely not the same in size but i would never have noticed had she not pointed it out first. Is this a common insecurity amongst your species because i am a fan of the lopsided booby syndrome.
Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
Dear Pope Urban VI,

stop betting kk into trup qq

Best Regards,

Dear TTI,

thou shalt not placeth bets unless thou wants eternal damnation!
Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 07:46 PM
Dear fuluck,

You suck.

Best Wishes, Abe.
Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 07:49 PM
Dear PritEPreitEGood,

"Why don't you put that big hard **** in my *******, Doc. It looks like it will fit now that you've opened it up with your fist". The doctor immediately pulled his fist out of my ******* and moved himself into position to **** me with his big hard ****. He was shaking with lust. He came in between my legs and touched his cockhead to my hole and rubbed it around for a little while then started to push it in slowly. Even though he had stretched my hole open with his fist his **** was so thick that it didn't go in easily and started to stretch my hole even wider. It hurt at first but as he pushed it in further and further the pain started to go away. His **** reached way up inside my ******* and started to touch my prostate every time he thrust it into me. This was starting to drive me wild and the doctor was starting to moan really loud. What if someone hears us and comes in the unlocked door I thought. I didn't worry for long because at this point I didn't care. I was way too hot and horny to care. I would probably have even liked it if someone came in right now and saw me getting ****ed hard by the doctor’s big **** while I was jerking off my own big greasy ****. This was hot, hard, man to man sex at its hottest and I was really getting into it. I had no idea how hot this kind of male sex could be. My balls started to pull up against my cockbase and I knew I was gonna cum soon. The Doc was really ****ing me hard, now taking full length strokes into my hot *******. Our hips were in sync with each other. "Give me that ****!", I yelled at him. "Pump it in me harder. Harder. Faster". He reached up and pushed my hand away from my **** and grabbed it and started stroking my **** for me while he was ****ing me. This was incredible! His hand felt fantastic on my **** and his hand was covered with my precum which was flowing all over his knuckles while he jacked me off.

He really started stroking me now and I figured he was gonna cum up my ******* soon so I started rocking and pumping my hips into his **** and hand and moaning with each stroke. "Stroke me Doc. **** me Doc. Harder. Faster. **** that big hard **** into my hot *******. I love it!" I couldn't believe I was saying these things but I did love it. My **** was burning with lust and ready to burst with hot cum. "Cum now Doc, cum with me". "I'm gonna cum up your hot ass", he moaned and really started ****ing me. He slid his hand up my slimy cockshaft and then reached up with his other hand and started stroking my long hard **** with both hands! This took me over the edge. He was ****ing me hard and holding my dick like it was a handle to give him leverage while plowing into my ass. I could feel the cum start at the base of my **** and screamed, "I'm cumming! Oh,oh, oh yeah! **** me, stroke me". He moaned loud and started breathing loud then yelled, "I'm cumming in your *******". My cum started squirting up in the air between his two pumping hands and landed on my face and all over my chest. I could feel his cum squirting into my ******* filling me up with his hot man cum. We were pumping at each other for several minutes during our orgasm and finally it came to an end.

Regards, Abe008.
Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Pope Urban VI
Dear Villagers of BBV4L,

Ye shalt hear me for I come with a message of fire and brimstone. If thy shall keeputh up with thy sins of such nature as "Large wenches with which thou wouldst fornicate with" and "When whilst thy allow me to know thy biblically" then thy lord shall be forced to smoteth thee.

Christo et Ecclesiae,

Pope Urban VI
Dear Pope Urban:

If I stop before the white stuff comes out that's cool with Jesus right?

P.S. Alternatively, what if the white stuff comes out but I hide it in a tube sock? Does Jesus have x-ray vision?

With eager curiosity,

Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Abe008
Dear fuluck,

You suck.

Best Wishes, Abe.
dear abe,

want a stake for 10 dollar 180 mans?

just kidding,

Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 09:54 PM
Dear PeteHam,

Steaks. Thick ****ing steaks.

Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 09:56 PM
Dear Tartufo,

Please to be providing us more cat foreplay pointers.


Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 10:23 PM
Dear Spike420211:

The police are watching you.
"Act normal."
Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 11:08 PM
Dear 11BPB,

I wear a bra as infrequently as possible, as they are stifling and I like me a free pair of boobies, but I must often wear them in public as I have a fair sized set of knockers, and my piercings show through and it looks like I have mutant nipples.

Hope this clears up any confusion, and please feel free to contact me with any and all follow questions.


Last edited by whydowe_fall; 08-16-2010 at 11:09 PM. Reason: also, I got yarbled at! ♥
Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck
dear abe,

want a stake for 10 dollar 180 mans?

just kidding,

Dear fuluck,

No thanks.

Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 11:47 PM
Dear Tartufo,

Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-16-2010 , 11:50 PM
Open letter to AngryPanda

Dear AngryPanda,

thank you so much for punish me with a 10 points infraction for "telling op to kill himself" since the punishment I have become a better person and a better user.
Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-17-2010 , 01:06 AM
To Whom It May Concern,

I've loved you all, in your own way. Especially those of you I hated the most. I loved you mostly least of all. But reading through this thread has put me in mind of saying a thing or two to most of you.



Originally Posted by MsBlueberry
Dear nham and 11beats,

It has become apparent that you are both owning this thread. If true domination is not clear by tomorrow night, I humbly propose naked olive oil wrestling to resolve this matter. Of course this must be recorded and posted for the enjoyment of the forum. If these terms are agreeable please post "IN".

dat ass

In great anticipation,

Dear MsBlue,

I, and everyone else, certainly agrees to this proposition. I'm hoping that your opponent posts the pics before you do.


Originally Posted by bogan4life
Dear Nham,

Why do you feel the need to crush the souls of lesser men like myself? Is it not enough that you are becoming a doctor and dating MsBlue?


Dear Bogan,

Who will laugh last when he has to check your colon? It's a good question. And keep things in perspective always.


Originally Posted by Pope Urban VI
Dear Villagers of BBV4L,

Ye shalt hear me for I come with a message of fire and brimstone. If thy shall keeputh up with thy sins of such nature as "Large wenches with which thou wouldst fornicate with" and "When whilst thy allow me to know thy biblically" then thy lord shall be forced to smoteth thee.

Christo et Ecclesiae,

Pope Urban VI
Dear Pope Urban VI,

You shouldn't judge Kevroc so harshly, I hear he's a God fearing Christian,



Originally Posted by mikelle
Dear BBV4L,

I must admit that there are days when I think that you have gone seriously ill, with deciese for which there is no cure. I hate days like that and I'm sorry when I get angry or dissapoint at you when you suck like that. I guess, sometimes it's hard for me to understand that wild and seemingly indescribable nature of yours or to make a peace with it. No matter what you come up and bring pure gem each and every time and I you for that.

Please forgive me. I try. I do my best. I'll find the way....

Also be informed that we have uscesfully appointed LirvA as a new administrator and we are trying to add Tartufo as LirvA's sidekick for ultimate win.

Dear Mikelle,

Please be informed that Tartufo could never be LirvA's sidekick as a snake can't really eat it's own tail nor can a puppet stick it's own hand up it's bum. Now, I'm not saying who is the puppet and who is the master, but it's LirvA and Tartufo, not necessarily in that order.



Originally Posted by Kuval
seriously? People can't brush their teeth without thinking about me..
Dear Kuval,

I must admit that my sympathies for you were ignited when I read Tartufo's scouring condemnation. I went so far as to make up excuses for you at every point. Because I too worked at someplace much like Home Depot. I too didn't have sex with a coworker because the rest of our coworkers would have known that I raped our coworker after work. But none of this matters, because every time I brush my teeth I think of you and I wonder, yes I do, I wonder just how fresh your breath must be.

Making fun for no good reason except that it's coolingly,


Originally Posted by Mutant K12
Dear Kuval,

This may come as a shock to you, but we don't actually care about the trivial moments in the lives of people we love. Don't stop posting, just stop making threads.


Dearest Mutant,
I have to blame Hollywood for your callous disregard for the quiet little moments of life which you so callously disregard. It be these quiet moments which make life, nay, which make threads. But you aren't satisfied with reality, no. You call for more and more spectacular moments, until I can't invite you to my birthday party without planning on a twilight fireworks extravaganza of magnitudinous proportions or else you won't be satisfied. Where are all your naked pictures now? That's what I thought! I'll be checking my pm box in the morning.



Originally Posted by MadeLiefje
Due to the false accusation that I am a terrorist
Dear Made,


Originally Posted by The Drifter
Dear BBV4L Cummunity,

You sicken me and fill me with shame. What was once a poker forum has now descended into some sort of cross-dressing internet circle-jerk. Like a transvestite putting on heels and a dress, you hide behind avatars of attractive women and body parts you do not possess, much to the excitement of your fellow degens. I have to tell you, mutual masturbation has a long history of competitions to be "first". How many of you can even get off alone anymore? Do you enjoy it more if its shared with others? Truly, I am ashamed to have ever posted here.

And Yet,.....I cannot turn away. I,...I NEED to know....

Is Kuval almost out of toothpaste?

Will Bogan teach me how to inhale paint thinner safely?

How will Tartufo skirt the profanity filters and stretch the limits of vulgarity today?

ToTheInternet, has his admin status been approved yet?

Will Jackitos EVER come out of the closet and admit hes just Hetero?

Oh, but the shame..THE seems home almost. way..but..can it be the Drifter can stop drifting? Where would I drift to, if rejected by such as these?....

Confused and conflicted,
The Drifter

p.s. [x] came
Dear Drifter,

Thank you for joining us, you are more than welcome here. Please, have a seat by the....hey, where are you going? You just got here, don't you want to stay a while? Well FINE! Get out of here then, we didn't want you around anyway! FFFFUUUUUU!!!!!!!!



Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
Dear Forum,

In this letter I plan to cite some of BBV4L's more topical crimes and let you, the reader, decide for yourself how to react. Let me preface my discussion by quickly reasserting a familiar theme of my previous letters: I'd like very much to respond to BBV4L's claim that it's the best thing to come along since the invention of sliced bread. Unfortunately, taking into account BBV4L's background, education, and intelligence, I am quite sure that BBV4L would not be able to understand my response. Hence, let me say simply this: Many of the people I've talked to have said that BBV4L and its hatchet men should all be put up against a wall and given traitors' justice. Without commenting on that specifically I'd merely like to point out that BBV4L's intent is to prevent us from asking questions. It doesn't want the details checked. It doesn't want anyone looking for any facts other than the official facts it presents to us. I wonder if this is because most of its "facts" are false.

I predict that in the immediate years ahead, people will generally agree that other subversive skinheads are also consumed with a desire to paint pictures of officious worlds inhabited by paltry, wanton mendicants. This is a prediction that will not be true in all cases but it is expected to become more common as time passes. It's astonishing that BBV4L has been able for so long to get away with hammering away at the characters of all those who will not help BBV4L threaten our core values, allegiances, and beliefs. I can't think of anything that better illustrates the failure of our justice system to deal with such quarrelsome, sappy idiots. What is the most appropriate way to restore the traditions that BBV4L has abandoned? Education—the real thing, not the stupid facsimile that BBV4L promotes in order to fund a vast web of wrongheaded, cruel vagabonds, presumptuous stirrers, and the worst types of reckless crackpots there are. Many of our problems would be solved if only more people were educated to learn that BBV4L's cronies etiolate BBV4L's foes for dubious reasons or for no reason at all. But the problems with BBV4L's morals don't end there.

Here are a few points to ponder:

1. BBV4L has a long, imperialism-infested history of attempts to stifle the voices of those who are simply seeking to be heard.
2. It has always promoted the trendiest causes, the causes that all of the important people promote.
3. Dastardly subliminal psywar campaigns have revolting consequences.

Those points may at first seem unrelated, but when you connect the dots it becomes clear that BBV4L would swear on a stack of Bibles that it knows the "right" way to read Plato, Maimonides, and Machiavelli. That much is crystal clear. But did you know that BBV4L has gone around the bend with its paranoia? That's why I'm telling you that it may seem at first that there are numerous defects, physical, mental, and moral, that clearly mark BBV4L as an intrusive hooligan. When we descend to details, however, we see that the unalterable law of biology has a corollary that is generally overlooked. Specifically, it keeps saying that five-crystal orgone generators can eliminate mind-control energies that are being radiated from secret, underground, government facilities. This is exemplary of the nonsensical rhetoric and scaremongering that typifies the language of vile sewer rats and other hideous vagrants.

Do you really think BBV4L will ever learn from its mistakes? BBV4L bites the hand that feeds it. More than that, you may be wondering why uncongenial yobbos latch onto BBV4L's ideologies. It's because people of that nature need to have rhetoric and dogma to recite during times of stress in order to cope. That's also why if I had to choose between chopping onions and helping BBV4L elevate its reinterpretations of historic events to prominence as epistemological principles, I'd be in the kitchen in an instant. Although both alternatives make me cry, the deciding factor for me is that I'm not an improvident person. I'd like nothing more than to extend my hand in friendship to BBV4L's operatives and convey my hope that in the days to come we can work together to speak out against behavior and speech that is intended to dump effluent into creeks, lakes, streams, and rivers. Unfortunately, knowing them, they'd rather channel the pursuit of scientific knowledge into a narrow band of accepted norms that are based exclusively on BBV4L's self-satisfied rantings because that's what BBV4L wants.

Regardless of what BBV4L seems to aver, its flock is an illiterate remnant of a disagreeable past. BBV4L may have the right to promote myopic ideologies such as demagogism. It may have the right to shove the nation towards antinomianism. But BBV4L crosses the line when it uses its bully pulpit to instill a subconscious feeling of guilt in those of us who disagree with its ploys. BBV4L's most steadfast claim is that it should pervert human instincts by suppressing natural, feral constraints and encouraging abnormal patterns of behavior because "it's the right thing to do". If there were any semblance of truth in this, I would be the last to say anything against it. As it stands, however, it's our responsibility to evaluate the tactics BBV4L has used against me. That's the first step in trying to present a clear picture of what is happening, what has happened, and what is likely to happen in the future, and it's the only way to offer true constructive criticism—listening to the whole issue, recognizing the problems, recognizing what is being done right, and getting involved to help remedy the problem.

BBV4L has called innocent children ugly, unrestrained schmucks to their faces. This was not a momentary aberration or a slip of the tongue, and hence, we can safely say that I, speaking as someone who is not an obstreperous, slatternly stuffed shirt, defy the pernicious, closed-minded segregationists who bombard us with an endless array of hate literature, and I defy the powers of darkness that they represent. You may wonder why it's shocking just how unsympathetic BBV4L can be. It's simply because there are two classes of people in this world. There are those who exploit other cultures for self-entertainment, and there are those who guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by BBV4L and its club. BBV4L fits neatly into the former category, of course.

BBV4L's barbs are based on a denial of reality, on the substitution of a deliberately falsified picture of the world in place of reality. And this dishonesty, this refusal to admit the truth, will have some very serious consequences for all of us in the coming days. BBV4L's ability to capitalize on the economic chaos, racial tensions, and social discontent of the current historical moment can be explained in large part by the following. I undeniably warrant that BBV4L is a frightful moral relativism enthusiast. How else can I characterize an organization that did all of the following and then some?

* Ignore compromise and focus solely on its personal agenda
* Work both sides of the political fence
* Rally for a cause that is completely void of moral, ethical, or legal validity

I could lengthen this list, but I shall rest my case. The point is that I am confident that genuine patriots will perceive the veracity of my statements regarding BBV4L's blinkered commentaries. Excuse me; that's not entirely correct. What I meant to say is that I am worried about a new physiognomy of servitude, a compliant citizenry relieved of its burdens by a "compassionate" BBV4L. It's hard to spot the compassion when you notice that BBV4L has repeatedly indicated a desire to abridge our basic civil liberties. Is that the sound of rarefied respectability that BBV4L's lieutenants so frequently attribute to BBV4L? The fastidious blathering of an annoying piker is more like it. In fact, as our society continues to unravel, more and more people will be grasping for straws, grasping for something to hold onto, grasping for something that promises to give them the sense of security and certainty that they so desperately need. These are the sorts of people BBV4L preys upon.

There is a simple answer to the question of what to do about BBV4L's ramblings. The difficult part is in implementing the answer. The answer is that we must drain the swamp of influence-peddling and the system of pay-to-play. BBV4L's apothegms always follow the same pattern. It puts the desired twist on the actual facts, ignores inconvenient facts, and invents as many new "facts" as necessary to convince us that those who disagree with it should be cast into the outer darkness, should be shunned, should starve. BBV4L has come up with proven methods to disguise the complexity of color, the brutality of class, and the importance of religion and sexual identity in the construction and practice of onanism. All you have to do is let your guard down. The question, therefore, must not be, "Where are the people who are willing to stand up and acknowledge that the human community has had the same basic problem with academicism all along, ever since the second human being walked erect?" but rather, "To what degree is BBV4L going to cause a marked deterioration in our literature, amusements, and social conduct?". The latter question is the better one to ask because if it can overawe and befuddle a sufficient number of prominent individuals then it will become virtually impossible for anyone to focus on concrete facts, on hard news, on analyzing and interpreting what's happening in the world.

BBV4L is not a responsible citizen. Responsible citizens lift the fog from its thinking. Responsible citizens doubtlessly do not encumber the religious idea with too many things of a purely earthly nature and thus bring religion into a totally unnecessary conflict with science. BBV4L turns to medieval legends of poisoned wells in order to frighten crotchety oafs into combining, in a rare mixture, bestial cruelty and an inconceivable gift for lying. In fact, I have said that to BBV4L on many occasions, and I will keep on saying it until it stops trying to put political correctness ahead of scientific rigor. While you or I might find it natural to want to preach a message of community and brotherly love, my cause is to rebuild our communities. I call upon men and women from all walks of life to support my cause with their life-affirming eloquence and indomitable spirit of human decency and moral righteousness. Only then will the whole world realize that BBV4L keeps telling us that it is always being misrepresented and/or persecuted. Are we also supposed to believe that merit is adequately measured by its methods and qualifications? I didn't think so.

It's astounding that BBV4L has somehow found a way to work the words "physiologicoanatomic" and "microcrystallography" into its monographs. However, you may find it even more astounding that its ultimata are a house of mirrors. How are we to find the opening that leads to freedom? This is an important question because I wish I knew when it was planning on unleashing its next volley of imperious, eccentric allegations. Alas, I'm no Nostradamus. Nevertheless, some of my predictions have come true in spades. For instance, I predicted ages ago that BBV4L would address what is, in the end, a nonexistent problem, and look what happened. Even scarier, I predicted that BBV4L would deplete the ozone layer. Although most people doubted that prediction when I made it, they neglected to consider that BBV4L is reluctant to resolve problems. It always just looks the other way and hopes no one will notice that it is inherently macabre, egocentric, and mawkish. Oh, and it also has a malignant mode of existence. I have just enough stomach left to address one last instance of BBV4L's vindictive imbecility: BBV4L sincerely believes that taxpayers are a magic purse that never runs out of gold.


CLIFFS: Tree-fiddy is about a quarter, dime, and penny more than pi.
Dear I forgot whose name was at the top of this long ass post,

I don't care if it was copy/pasted, that was perfect

en guard,


Originally Posted by wannabebetter
An open letter to the the whole world and 4L

To whom it may concern:
I am moving today to a college town to go to college. I am not sure if they will have the interwebs/electricity to power my computer. If they don't this may be the last time you hear from me.

For some this may be a positive issue. You hate me or perhaps are indifferent, because you don't know who I am. I'm relatively new and slightly insane, so I could understand why you wouldn't give a ****. For others this will be a tough transition to deal with, as you have begun to love and respect my hilarious poastings. Either way, I understand and I'll miss you too, should there be no interwebbery/electrimectiscity for my computer.

If there is the supernet highway, I will perhaps be getting real drunk and poasting in my how many drinks can you drink before you have to pee thread (a possible treat for all of you to look forward to).

Sorry about the lack of hilarious pics/spoilers in this letter, it is all too much to bear imo.

Love always,
Dear wannabebetter,

Don't be so dramatic. Like they won't have interlectricinet at a school of higher learning.


Originally Posted by Flyers1210

After lurking around these forums for the better part of a year, I often found myself coming in here to lol at the threads the BBV4L community created. However, I hate you. I hate everything about you and every time I read something that you post I find myself becoming more and more angry. You may be the single most unintelligent person to ever grace these boards, and perhaps even walk this earth. I feel as though 99% of what you post is a derivative of: "wat" "no u" "bastard" "i love 13 year old girls" or some other failed attempt at sexual humor. You add nothing of value to anything you comment on, please stop ruining threads for me.

You may ask why I singled you out, especially with all the other trolls around here... I don't know why but for whatever reason, you infuriate me. I wish the worst for you and I hope that this post may deter you from ever posting again.

With all the hatred in the world,

PS: I swear to God if you quote this letter and write "no u" in response..

PPS: The rest of you insane, sick minded bastards that post in BBV4L.. you have provided me many laughs and you are all winners.
Dear Flyers,

Yikes, wow. That's pretty harsh. Personally, I hate the whole 'first' thing too, but you have to admit adizzle is pretty cute.


Originally Posted by TimeLady
To its_just_me,

Sorry for being curt with you in our PM exchange about the Werewolf game, I was having a bad day. And sorry for threatening you with infraction points, I would never have carried that out but figured it would get the message across.

And sorry for having to kill you, I wish I didn't have to,





You make pogchat ten times better by being in it,


Dear TimeLady,

I love your work in Pog, I've always been a huge fan,

Originally Posted by Tartufo
Dear LirvA,

I didnt want to reply to this till I was done with my tournaments... I mean I know it seems when I'm drunk I act like I like you more but thats just because the drinking brings the truth out and I cant hide it as good but all the time your around me and who am I kidding when your away I think about what it would be like to be loved by you and I could never tell you to stay away from me even though it does hurt sometimes more then you would ever truly know but understand I will never ever change the way I feel for you and I will never accept I'm not good enough for you and that the possibility is not there to be with you even if you wrote it to me in an email 10 times a day everyday for a lifetime. I will never stop trying to win your heart over completely and If I ever get the chance to do so I know I won't ever let it go. We both know how stubborn I am and if you think that I can ever accept just friends after I tasted your world which was like heaven for me expecially our real first kiss which all I have to do is close my eyes and relive it and I know its not good to be around you cause I feel so weak like I am not in control anymore like you have some crazy magic spell over me that I cant stop and trust me I have tried cause I know it's gonna cost me pieces of my heart that you already own. If you are ok with this when you are around me that this is how I will always feel deep down inside then by all means its your choice to come around or not, my doors will always be open for you and I would never have the strenghth to tell you to stay away from me. As long as you know that there really is nothing you can say or anybody else to convince me other wise cause I feel it strong for you too strong to be a quitter for your affection and friends that know me for along time (dina) has begged me to stay away from you cause she knows how I feel about you. Then we could still hang out and you could enjoy my entertainment cause making you laugh is one of my greatest pleasures. I am completley sober writing this and its not 3am and I have not taking any medication so there you have it my heaert writing these words that I know I should not write because it shows you how weak I am, I hope your mother is right about how a guy should love a girl more then the girl loves him cause I know I will always love you more and I always believed that to be a bad thing to not equally love each other the same.

With canine affection,
Dear Tartufo,

Congratulations, I just lost my mind and reverted right back into that time I was 15 and in love and that damn bitch broke my heart. Thanks a lot.


Originally Posted by Kristy
Dear Thread,

I opened you with the intentions of seeing it through, but you are just tl;dr.

Warm regards,
Dear Kristy,


Originally Posted by LovedBySgtSaLT
Dear OMGOMGOMG people,
**** you

no regards,
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
Dear Writers of Letters,

I've noticed your texts are filled with words of many syllables, and I must say prolonged reading of such outre verbiage has taxed my mind and, like an uncovered concoction of oleander and onion, reminders of my paucity of vocabulary have declared civil war on my tear ducts, and all I can do is cry. So, I respectfully ask you to discard your proclivities and panaceas. Get rid of all talk of comprehension and reputation. Donate your sphincters and amiability to a starving dictionary - one that certainly could stand to improve in those areas.

In 4l, we converse in the language of simplicity - polysyllabic words are only called upon in times of emergency. When a simpler word just will not do. Even for the sake of parody, this rule must not be broken.

You must understand the confusion when I read the word "dutifully," and fail to decipher its true meaning. So I pay attention to its phonetics. "Doody" and "fully." Doody-fully, as in a toilet full of doody. Then, with hubris and a new-found sense of understanding, I venture out into the world and use it in conversation. "I'm going to take a dutifully," I say, and with pride I tilt my head into the air and close my eyes and voice the hackneyed syllable of aristocratic smugness, "hmmph." I'm met with blank stares of condescension, the sighs of dying equanimity, and the shaking heads of bewilderment.

But while I don't agree with your language in this thread, as it's far above my head, I realize it's only a small part of your posting oeuvre, less than a percent of a percent in most cases, and I realize everyone makes mistakes and I am a forgiving person.

Okay you've probably long realized this post is a level and I just wanted to warm up my brain to get ready for my next session of poker. I'll just say I think most of you are chill. With a few exceptions I enjoy your company.

Don't need to sign my letters but I will anyway,

Dear TTI,

Good work, you almost got me started.


Originally Posted by Pope Urban VI
Dear TTI,

thou shalt not placeth bets unless thou wants eternal damnation!
Dear Pope Urban VI,

I think the damning words you are looking for are "touching yourself at night."

Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-17-2010 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Flyers1210

After lurking around these forums for the better part of a year, I often found myself coming in here to lol at the threads the BBV4L community created. However, I hate you. I hate everything about you and every time I read something that you post I find myself becoming more and more angry. You may be the single most unintelligent person to ever grace these boards, and perhaps even walk this earth. I feel as though 99% of what you post is a derivative of: "wat" "no u" "bastard" "i love 13 year old girls" or some other failed attempt at sexual humor. You add nothing of value to anything you comment on, please stop ruining threads for me.

You may ask why I singled you out, especially with all the other trolls around here... I don't know why but for whatever reason, you infuriate me. I wish the worst for you and I hope that this post may deter you from ever posting again.

With all the hatred in the world,

PS: I swear to God if you quote this letter and write "no u" in response..

PPS: The rest of you insane, sick minded bastards that post in BBV4L.. you have provided me many laughs and you are all winners.
Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
08-17-2010 , 01:22 AM

I believe that, with the laughter you just gave me, you made me a complete woman. Never change, stud muffin.

Official &quot;Open letters to fellow posters&quot; containment thread Quote
