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***OFFICIAL*** Ask the ladies of 4life any sort of weird/stupid/disgusting question ***OFFICIAL*** Ask the ladies of 4life any sort of weird/stupid/disgusting question

06-09-2009 , 09:03 PM
origionally posted by Gizmomo
no, not really

please explain...
06-09-2009 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by ktec
when girls here write "pm pics of ****" do they mean that serious?
100%...ship it

Originally Posted by diebitter

What's the most lesbo thing you've ever done?

Originally Posted by diebitter

Suprise buttsecks?

[ ] hot
[ ] not
surprise likely equals no lube which is not hot

Originally Posted by ::justin::
ill trade any lady on here nudes imo.
you still owe me a pic...

Originally Posted by ILikeBunnies
Most basketball players are too skinny. I dated one in college for a bit, they just don't have the type of girth that hockey players and lineman do.
06-09-2009 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
I'd fall in love.

Men with inferiority complexes are bothered by it.

"I sound cool?

They say like 40% of written communication is misinterpreted so any coolness you may detect is a result of that. "

06-09-2009 , 10:05 PM
a few questions. this is a series of related questions/points actually, so respond as you feel fit.

Are men and women the same? In what way are women inferior? Why is it that throughout history nearly all of the leaders, the scientists, the artists, etc. have been men (please note that this continues to be true)?

Are you proud or insecure about the differences between men and women? Are you honest about these differences? About what you want as women?

Does it bother you when you aren't honest with yourself?
06-09-2009 , 10:07 PM
origionally posted by emmemere
you still owe me a pic...
i know, sorry. i have been very unmotivated in the drawing department. it will happen this month though.
06-09-2009 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
a few questions. this is a series of related questions/points actually, so respond as you feel fit.

Are men and women the same? In what way are women inferior? Why is it that throughout history nearly all of the leaders, the scientists, the artists, etc. have been men (please note that this continues to be true)?

Are you proud or insecure about the differences between men and women? Are you honest about these differences? About what you want as women?

Does it bother you when you aren't honest with yourself?
I'd like to counter this with yet another question, did this post make you feel any better about your inability to get women? Or at this point is your dick so dry that breathing on it wrong would cause harm making you so bitter that you feel the need to take out your lack of game on faceless females of the internet?
06-09-2009 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
a few questions. this is a series of related questions/points actually, so respond as you feel fit.

Are men and women the same?

In what way are women different?
We have these things called vaginas instead of penises. I know, weird, right? Maybe one day you'll actually get to see one!

Why is it that throughout history nearly all of the leaders, the scientists, the artists, etc. have been men (please note that this continues to be true)?
Obviously because women have tiny tiny brains.

Are you proud or insecure about the differences between men and women?
I'm sorry, my brain can't grasp what you're trying to ask.

Are you honest about these differences?
Again, wat?

About what you want as women?
All I want is a big strong man to take care of me and someone who I could defer to to answer all these hard questions!

Does it bother you when you aren't honest with yourself?
I'm a woman, lying is so clearly what I do best.
06-09-2009 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
a few questions. this is a series of related questions/points actually, so respond as you feel fit.

Are men and women the same? In what way are women inferior? Why is it that throughout history nearly all of the leaders, the scientists, the artists, etc. have been men (please note that this continues to be true)?

Are you proud or insecure about the differences between men and women? Are you honest about these differences? About what you want as women?

Does it bother you when you aren't honest with yourself?
I think it's because bears can smell the menstruation.
06-09-2009 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mayo
I think it's because bears can smell the menstruation.
No, silly, it's because women come from Adam's rib.

Except Lilith. She was just a demon bitch, though.
06-09-2009 , 10:29 PM
Quiet, Gizmomo. Men are talking.
06-09-2009 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by kylmac85
I'd like to counter this with yet another question, did this post make you feel any better about your inability to get women? Or at this point is your dick so dry that breathing on it wrong would cause harm making you so bitter that you feel the need to take out your lack of game on faceless females of the internet?
i am rich and can get prostitutes anytime i want. to the girls, please take my questions at face value, they aren't meant to be insults. i think girls are different than men, and if they are honest about it that is admirable, and if not that is lying and weakness.
06-09-2009 , 10:30 PM
Well, I think theBruiser just prefers the weird and stupid questions to the disgusting ones.
06-09-2009 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
i am rich and can get prostitutes anytime i want. to the girls, please take my questions at face value, they aren't meant to be insults. i think girls are different than men, and if they are honest about it that is admirable, and if not that is lying and weakness.
then why don't you start by writing some whorehouse trip reports
06-09-2009 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
i am rich and can get prostitutes anytime i want. to the girls, please take my questions at face value, they aren't meant to be insults. i think girls are different than men, and if they are honest about it that is admirable, and if not that is lying and weakness.
You are just a pathetic douchebag afaict
06-09-2009 , 10:31 PM
bruiser500, if you are rich, can you swing some money my way?

i'm willing to sing, dance and/or write poems for the monies
06-09-2009 , 10:33 PM
gizmomo, IMO the fact that you didn't respond to my questions reflects badly on you. you are trying to assign some extremely negative position to myself, and then knock it down. what i got at are the differences between men and women, and how it plays out in the world and history. are these differences so obvious? or are there no differences? or do you just want to go back to talking about facials and threesomes and what the odds of diebitter having a 3some would be with lots of your favorite tequila?
06-09-2009 , 10:35 PM
Men and women are different, yes. But the differences can't be attributed simply to brain power or even necessarily physicality.

Men are stronger.
Women give birth.

The differences between brains in the different genders is pretty much non existent. I assume you're intelligent and thus are aquatinted with the genders norms that make it so that men are better at science and math as opposed to girls being more talented in literary matters?
How can you separate the difference between the genders in any way that is actually fair? Men and women are raised different.
And there have been women important in sciences. Madame Currie springs to mind. Rosalind Franklin as well who had her brilliance taken away by men during her lifetime.
06-09-2009 , 10:39 PM
Dear women of 4L:

I´m neither a scientist, an artist nor a leader. Am I still superior to you?
06-09-2009 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
gizmomo, IMO the fact that you didn't respond to my questions reflects badly on you.
06-09-2009 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
gizmomo, IMO the fact that you didn't respond to my questions reflects badly on you. you are trying to assign some extremely negative position to myself, and then knock it down. what i got at are the differences between men and women, and how it plays out in the world and history. are these differences so obvious? or are there no differences? or do you just want to go back to talking about facials and threesomes and what the odds of diebitter having a 3some would be with lots of your favorite tequila?
And frankly, if you're going to sit there and pretend that someone couldn't take your post with any sort of negative connotation maybe you're not as smart as I assumed you could be. Though, my guess is you think you're smarter than you are.
Are there differences between men and women biologically (besides plumbing, ldo)? No. Men have more muscle mass and are generally bigger, but that is pretty much the extent of it.

For instance..
In what way are women inferior?
I suppose our inferiority to men could come in where physical labor is involved? Given the muscle mass issues.
But your verbiage can clearly be seen as inflammatory.

Why is it that throughout history nearly all of the leaders, the scientists, the artists, etc. have been men (please note that this continues to be true)?
The same reason African-American people don't hold as much sway? We weren't born with penises and therefore it has been twice as hard to attain levels of prestige? Women weren't even welcomed in the work place until fairly recently, this could have something to do with it. And more and more women hold positions of power. And there have been some miraculous discoveries in the scientific field by women in the past, regardless of what you assume.
06-09-2009 , 10:45 PM
but women are not passive objects that we can mold however we want. in fact the idea is even more devaluing of women than what i say.

why can't we just say "women are different, women want a man to take care of them and they want to have kids. women aren't interested in competing to be the best in their field, to achieve power over many people, to achieve riches, to be the best athlete," - and leave it at that. and men can be proud of what they do, and women can be proud of what they do. i dont' think there has to be anything inherently bad with a woman wanting a man to take care of her, nor is there anything inherently good about a man wanting to make so much money at poker (i dunno, maybe there is)?

to me what is shameful is for a woman to lie about it and act that way. what would be heroic is to tell the truth and accept it, or tell the truth and fight for things the way you want.
06-09-2009 , 10:47 PM
But if men are so great why don´t they have boobs?
06-09-2009 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
but women are not passive objects that we can mold however we want. in fact the idea is even more devaluing of women than what i say.

why can't we just say "women are different, women want a man to take care of them and they want to have kids. women aren't interested in competing to be the best in their field, to achieve power over many people, to achieve riches, to be the best athlete," - and leave it at that. and men can be proud of what they do, and women can be proud of what they do. i dont' think there has to be anything inherently bad with a woman wanting a man to take care of her, nor is there anything inherently good about a man wanting to make so much money at poker (i dunno, maybe there is)?

to me what is shameful is for a woman to lie about it and act that way. what would be heroic is to tell the truth and accept it, or tell the truth and fight for things the way you want.
graphic prostitute stories or gtfo plz
06-09-2009 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
why can't we just say "women are different, women want a man to take care of them and they want to have kids. women aren't interested in competing to be the best in their field, to achieve power over many people, to achieve riches, to be the best athlete," - and leave it at that.
Because it's untrue?
06-09-2009 , 10:47 PM
I'm just going to throw a wrench in this whole ****ing thing and blow your minds, how about that?????

Women have Testosterone. We just don't have receptors on our testicles for it.

Last edited by 172424; 06-09-2009 at 10:50 PM. Reason: and dudes have oxytocin, the hormone responsibe for uterine contractions, milk ejection, and human bonding. hee hee take that
