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***OFFICIAL*** Ask the ladies of 4life any sort of weird/stupid/disgusting question ***OFFICIAL*** Ask the ladies of 4life any sort of weird/stupid/disgusting question

06-20-2008 , 12:36 PM
I've been called cute on several occasions This is bad isn't it ;(
06-20-2008 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by ebepse
why do girls like to call guys cute

wat does it mean

imo i dont like it

id rather be called hawt or s3x1i1i
we say cute bc we associate you with a puppy. we dont mean hawt.

you'd be called hawt if you were in fact hawt and not cute.
06-20-2008 , 05:52 PM
opinion on scat?
I don’t care for it but to each his own. I don’t judge people usually, especially not for things like that

1. I met a chick a couple years ago through a friend, she was a total slut, and I'm like 95% positive that she liked me.

I struck out, I couldn't even get laid with a slut. Why was that?
Did you make a move on her or wait for her to make the move? She might have just needed a bit more coaxing. Or she was playing hard to get. Or she just didn’t feel like it. just because you are a slut doesn’t mean you want to be having sex every second of the day. even whores need time off ldo

2. Would girls let their man wear their underwear? What would they think of a dude that did that?
Sure. If the guy was doing it as a joke I would laugh and not think anything of it. if he did it because he got some sort of sexual gratification out of it i would assume that’s what hes into and try talk to him about it in a non judgmental way.

3. Do chicks like the bisexuals?
Bisexual guys? I don’t think I would care if I was a bisexual guy but I am not “into” then if that’s what you mean. I do not dislike them though.

do women come really fast after not masturbating/having sex for an extended period of time(>24h) ?
I do. If I haven’t had an orgasm in a while and I masturbate or get oral sex the orgasm is much more intense and comes on a lot faster

would you pull a train for Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Daniel Craig and Ron Jeremy?

What number is bigger, infinity or the number of shoes that would make a woman never want another pair of shoes?
For me, infinity. Im not that much into shoes. For most women, the number of shoes that would make a woman never want another pair of shoes.

If a really really cute guy tried to slip you roofies, would you
[ ] pretend to take them
[ ] take them
[X] get him arrested/kicked in the nuts/otherwise damaged

Is there a female equivalent of the soggy biscuit game?
Not that I am aware of aorn

do you like it when a guy puts a finger in ur butt when having sex?
Yes when I am in the mood for some anal action its very nice. But I prefer a butt plug

did you ever do it to a guy?
I have

do you sail on when you are on the red sea

do you like it when you get bitten softly in ur nipple
I like being bitten hard on my nipples

Have you ever pretended to be much more drunk than you are so you could flirt outrageously/sleep with a guy and have a next-day excuse?
No. when I was single I was always very upfront about that.

When your girlfriend who you have been with over 4 years just dumps you one day and leaves you behind, what's the best way to regain contact?

She doesn't answer my messages,phone whatever

I think - because I know her for so long - she could bring up the respect to just text me back, even if it's only one time in a week or something :s
I understand where you are coming from. My bf right now is in the same predicament. He dated a girl for about 4 years and loved her very much. She just broke up with him and broke his heart and didn’t give him any reason. Even though we are together now he would still like to say hi sometimes and ask her how she is. But she for some reason has such rage against him for no reason and won’t speak to him. Which I think is really really childish. You can be separate from a former love and still be civilized and wish them well. It seems like she is also childish and it would be in your best interest to just let it go. But if you do really want to contact her I would write her a very nice, heartfelt letter (real letter, no email). But regardless of how childish she acts and what her reasons are, you should respect them.

why do girls like to call guys cute

wat does it mean

imo i dont like it

id rather be called hawt or s3x1i1i

I have no idea why girls call guys cute. I think its just a different, softer kind of “hot.” I don’t think any guy should be offended when a girl calls them this. it’s a compliment. Cute boys get better, less psychotic girls than hot boys imo

Does size matter?

The reason I am asking is that mine is the circumferece of a can of tuna...
It does matter to an extent. I had a guy whos kawk was about the size of one of my fingers. There was no way he was able to please me with his penis alone. But I think once you hit the “average” penis sizes the size does not matter. But there is a size out there that wont do much.
06-20-2008 , 06:16 PM
Ever dreamt of being raped?
06-20-2008 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by HellRoxYa
Ever dreamt of being raped?
dreamt? i LIVE it
06-20-2008 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
dreamt? i LIVE it
so how would you feel if it actually happened? would it be as traumatic for you as it would be for a girl who didn't have this fantasy?
06-20-2008 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
so how would you feel if it actually happened? would it be as traumatic for you as it would be for a girl who didn't have this fantasy?
well actually, i have been raped, twice. once by a boyfriend before we actually started dating (and i dated him afterwards, yea, smart, i know), and the other was my best friends boyfriends brother. neither of which i wanted, both of which i just dealt with. i started having a rape fantasy when i was 12 or 13. so before i ever had sex. it was something i just read stories about online and knew i was instantly attracted to the whole thing. so those instances happened after i had the fantasy. which i think made them a lot less traumatic. the one with the brother was more traumatic than the first, i did get upset but the next day i was like oh well.

to be honest it was something i always knew would happen. i knew i was some what attractive to some guys, and i knew because of the situations i put myself in (like drinking at parties, etc) that it would eventually happen. and i was right. so in a way i dealt with the fact that it happened way before it ever did. so while i was happening it was just sort of like "yup, i called it, so whatever. ill deal with it." if it ever happened again the only thing that would upset me is i would feel bad for my boyfriend because its not cool for someone to use my body when ive committed myself to him. but as far as emotional affects it really wouldn't bother me.
06-20-2008 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
well actually, i have been raped, twice. once by a boyfriend before we actually started dating (and i dated him afterwards, yea, smart, i know), and the other was my best friends boyfriends brother. neither of which i wanted, both of which i just dealt with. i started having a rape fantasy when i was 12 or 13. so before i ever had sex. it was something i just read stories about online and knew i was instantly attracted to the whole thing. so those instances happened after i had the fantasy. which i think made them a lot less traumatic. the one with the brother was more traumatic than the first, i did get upset but the next day i was like oh well.

to be honest it was something i always knew would happen. i knew i was some what attractive to some guys, and i knew because of the situations i put myself in (like drinking at parties, etc) that it would eventually happen. and i was right. so in a way i dealt with the fact that it happened way before it ever did. so while i was happening it was just sort of like "yup, i called it, so whatever. ill deal with it." if it ever happened again the only thing that would upset me is i would feel bad for my boyfriend because its not cool for someone to use my body when ive committed myself to him. but as far as emotional affects it really wouldn't bother me.
Honest, but shocking...
06-20-2008 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
well actually, i have been raped, twice. once by a boyfriend before we actually started dating (and i dated him afterwards, yea, smart, i know), and the other was my best friends boyfriends brother. neither of which i wanted, both of which i just dealt with. i started having a rape fantasy when i was 12 or 13. so before i ever had sex. it was something i just read stories about online and knew i was instantly attracted to the whole thing. so those instances happened after i had the fantasy. which i think made them a lot less traumatic. the one with the brother was more traumatic than the first, i did get upset but the next day i was like oh well.

to be honest it was something i always knew would happen. i knew i was some what attractive to some guys, and i knew because of the situations i put myself in (like drinking at parties, etc) that it would eventually happen. and i was right. so in a way i dealt with the fact that it happened way before it ever did. so while i was happening it was just sort of like "yup, i called it, so whatever. ill deal with it." if it ever happened again the only thing that would upset me is i would feel bad for my boyfriend because its not cool for someone to use my body when ive committed myself to him. but as far as emotional affects it really wouldn't bother me.
06-20-2008 , 07:45 PM
its quite common for young girls, like 12-14, to have rape fantasies, because they sort of want to have sex, but the only possibility is rape
06-20-2008 , 07:51 PM
I know a few girls who have rape fantasies. I thought it was odd but when the topic came up before it actually turned out to be not that uncommon.
06-20-2008 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
well actually, i have been raped, twice. once by a boyfriend before we actually started dating (and i dated him afterwards, yea, smart, i know), and the other was my best friends boyfriends brother. neither of which i wanted, both of which i just dealt with. i started having a rape fantasy when i was 12 or 13. so before i ever had sex. it was something i just read stories about online and knew i was instantly attracted to the whole thing. so those instances happened after i had the fantasy. which i think made them a lot less traumatic. the one with the brother was more traumatic than the first, i did get upset but the next day i was like oh well.

to be honest it was something i always knew would happen. i knew i was some what attractive to some guys, and i knew because of the situations i put myself in (like drinking at parties, etc) that it would eventually happen. and i was right. so in a way i dealt with the fact that it happened way before it ever did. so while i was happening it was just sort of like "yup, i called it, so whatever. ill deal with it." if it ever happened again the only thing that would upset me is i would feel bad for my boyfriend because its not cool for someone to use my body when ive committed myself to him. but as far as emotional affects it really wouldn't bother me.
best gimmick evar
06-20-2008 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I know a few girls who have rape fantasies. I thought it was odd but when the topic came up before it actually turned out to be not that uncommon.
i like taking very large ****s. does that count?

Last edited by Bagonirix; 06-20-2008 at 08:15 PM. Reason: tyhink i caught teh ghey
06-20-2008 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
well actually, i have been raped, twice.
So many questions have now been answered.

Seriously though, every woman I've ever known has had the rape fantasy. I've even acted out the fantasy with several of the women I've been in committed relationships with. "Acted out" as in discussed it before hand, arranged safe words, agreed no punching/scratching the face or kicking in the balls, that sort of thing.

But only one woman I've ever been in a serious relationship with was ever actually raped. My first wife, by her older brother.

And it screwed her up in the head for the rest of her life. I'm talking serious PTSD with depression and psychotic episodes. Her emotional issues were a major contributor to the world of crap that was our five year marriage.

Her brother had a few serious health problems. It's unlikely he'll live more than another few years. Even though she and I have been divorced for over 12 years and never speak, I still keep track of him.

When he finally dies, I have vowed before God that I will enter the cemetery at night, take off all my clothes, piss on his tomb stone and dance naked on his grave.
06-20-2008 , 09:03 PM
its not that crazy of a fantasy. but it stems more from my interests in BDSM/pain. they sort of go hand in hand for me. its not any different than like a foot fetish or something.
06-20-2008 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by phydaux
So many questions have now been answered.

Seriously though, every woman I've ever known has had the rape fantasy. I've even acted out the fantasy with several of the women I've been in committed relationships with. "Acted out" as in discussed it before hand, arranged safe words, agreed no punching/scratching the face or kicking in the balls, that sort of thing.

But only one woman I've ever been in a serious relationship with was ever actually raped. My first wife, by her older brother.

And it screwed her up in the head for the rest of her life. I'm talking serious PTSD with depression and psychotic episodes. Her emotional issues were a major contributor to the world of crap that was our five year marriage.

Her brother had a few serious health problems. It's unlikely he'll live more than another few years. Even though she and I have been divorced for over 12 years and never speak, I still keep track of him.

When he finally dies, I have vowed before God that I will enter the cemetery at night, take off all my clothes, piss on his tomb stone and dance naked on his grave.
im sorry to hear that fortunately for me, depression issues and other emotional things ive dealt with all surfaced way before either of the times i was raped. so i cant really say it attributed to any emotional stress. but i can say that i am one of the lucky people who didn't really have that much of an impact from it.
06-20-2008 , 11:46 PM
one of my ex-gf's who was a bit of a slut is now a lesbo, what up with that?
06-20-2008 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by HojoMofo
one of my ex-gf's who was a bit of a slut is now a lesbo, what up with that?
shes probably just bi. people can experiment and just because they realized they are attracted to another gender (or decide to act on something they've always known) doesn't mean it was because of something you did
06-21-2008 , 12:50 AM
R34: do you like the same kind of treatment in bed from girls as from guys? That is, do you want a girl to choke you, call you a [censored], etc?
06-21-2008 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by IsaacW
R34: do you like the same kind of treatment in bed from girls as from guys? That is, do you want a girl to choke you, call you a [censored], etc?
no with a girl i like it the opposite. sensual and soft, etc. to me a girl being dominant is weird and makes me feel weird.
06-21-2008 , 01:14 AM
Voulez vous couchez avec moi?
06-21-2008 , 02:57 AM
since everyone is making pretty honest confessions ITT

i just sharted.
06-21-2008 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by IsaacW
R34: do you like the same kind of treatment in bed from girls as from guys? That is, do you want a girl to choke you, call you a [censored], etc?
Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
no with a girl i like it the opposite. sensual and soft, etc. to me a girl being dominant is weird and makes me feel weird.

That's not unusual for girls who like both. My wife definitely prefers crazy gorillia sex with me(can you have gorillia sex doggy style?), but one of the things she likes about being with her best friend is that the experience is much more tender and "intimate."

That's really how the whole thing happened, so my wife says. My wife and I are emotionally close and we have sex. My wife and her friend are close, and intimate emotionally. It's just natural that they would have some physical intimacy as well.
06-21-2008 , 06:52 AM
25% of females in the US have genital herpes are you girls one of them? I bet you are!
06-21-2008 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Plogo
25% of females in the US have genital herpes are you girls one of them? I bet you are!
I think you mean genital warts, the HPV virus. And it's just 25% of African-American women. General population, it's only 10%.
