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NFL withdrawl syndrome? NFL withdrawl syndrome?

02-09-2009 , 03:16 AM
a lot of teh gheys in OPs today

that is all
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 03:21 AM
i am drinking evan williams atm
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 03:22 AM
You make a better bourbon than you do an OP.

On second thought.. you don't do either well.

(Get it, "well"?)

Last edited by Low Key; 02-09-2009 at 03:22 AM. Reason: =( Slow pony!
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
You make a better bourbon than you do an OP.

On second thought.. you don't do either well.

(Get it, "well"?)
when you suck at teh pokers well is all you can afford

Last edited by EvanWilliams; 02-09-2009 at 03:29 AM. Reason: a=you b=I a=b
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 03:26 AM
Nah, I suck at poker and I still drink the high dollar ****.

I just don't gamble.
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 03:29 AM
after football season I usually switch to watching comdey shows. Idownloaded all of the seasons of its always sunny in philidelphia and I have been watching those on sundays. its a good way to not have to break routine
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 03:30 AM
I tried to stick a football in my butt today.
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 03:39 AM
My friend was at the Pro Bowl today. He works for the Niners/NFL as a photographer. He goes every year.

Must be nice.
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 05:08 AM
The off season definitely sucks. March madness soon, though.
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 07:22 AM
im sick of the nfl. all espn does is talk about the nfl, it makes me hate it.
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 07:29 AM
Yea after NFL and College football I usually bet on NBA basketball for a few weeks. I know nothing about it and run really bad so I usually lose lots of money . Cant wait for baseball season to start.
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by stixxxd
Yea after NFL and College football I usually bet on NBA basketball for a few weeks. I know nothing about it and run really bad so I usually lose lots of money . Cant wait for baseball season to start.
I hate basketball so i dont bet on it, so i wont have any sports to bet on til baseball and thats still 2 months away
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
02-09-2009 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by EvanWilliams
a lot of teh gheys in OPs today

that is all
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
i am drinking evan williams atm
....too perfect
NFL withdrawl syndrome? Quote
