Well, I can't claim to have much in common at all with Ms. Decker, but I too will be the proud owner of that first black/pink bra in post #29!!!
So weird - I just ordered it a few days ago and here it is ITT!!! Obviously no pics are needed since it is already being beautifully modeled by a professional.
after further review of the evidence presented by all of you, I still stand by my statement in the op. no girl in this thread is even close to brooklyn. maybe its the combination of her looks and her pseronality that does it for me. truthfully, you can't hand out a 10 on looks alone.
don't take this the wrong way but natalie portman used to be a man.
I would tag team her with andy. possibly even two dicks one hole, you know if I was subconciously gos.
Well, I would gladly rub million dollar swords with Mr. Roddick to get to Brooklyn fwiw. I'm just worried that eventually you won't invite her anymore and it will just be you and Andy. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Well, I would gladly rub million dollar swords with Mr. Roddick to get to Brooklyn fwiw. I'm just worried that eventually you won't invite her anymore and it will just be you and Andy. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
that would be the longest night of Andy's life /end morgan freeman's voice
that would be the longest night of Andy's life /end morgan freeman's voice
It's really much more efficient to alert the reader at the beginning to start using Morgan Freeman's voice because I didn't use Morgan Freeman's voice at first and then I saw that I was to stop using Morgan Freeman's voice, implying that I should have been using Morgan Freeman's voice from the start when I didn't know that I was supposed to be using Morgan Freeman's voice, forcing me to re-read the whole goddamn thing using Morgan Freeman's voice.