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Mrs cheated. need revenge. Mrs cheated. need revenge.

10-25-2010 , 12:11 PM
Ever since I started playing poker I have gotten good at reading people in general. Recently my girlfriend has been going out alot and partying it up. I had full trust in her, but then we got talking I asked a few questions and my gut feeling was telling me she is bluffing.

I seen a txt from a bloke I have never heard of. I confronted the dirty slut and she said oh his just a good freind from a while back. So as my gut feeling told me that she's a dirty lieing whore of a slut. I waited till she went to sleep and looked throu her phone msgs ect. Stunned to see every bit of call history n txt msg from this bloke deleted.

Feeling very anxious and depresed, but with out the evidence I couldn't do much. I confronted her and she went nuts at me for even asking such ******** questions.

Still with alot of anxiety and depresion over the last couple of weeks I have been determend to find out what the ****'s going on. So I found out how to see some deleted msgs and found out all weekend she stayed at some blokes house.

I thought if I found out this information I was be really upset. But no all I want now is ****ing some sweet revenge.

So i'm trying to think of some idea's. Atm best idea I have is driving her in the middle of no where n dumping the bitch there. But she would probs just open her legs to a random and get home before i did .

It's currently 2am I carn't sleep the bitch is sound asleep next to me.

I know this might not be the right spot to post though it has the funniest come backs and ideas.

Thinking mayb a prize for best idea.
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:12 PM
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:13 PM

where u from?
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:14 PM
report to cops and ban
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:15 PM
post her nudes obv...
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:17 PM
tomato on pillow?
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:18 PM
hi op

I know its hard to accept that someone you loved is cheating on you. YOu feel all sorts of emotions anger, betrayal and depression. But revenge is not the answer, trust me.

It will make you feel happy in the short term sure but in the long term? Na youl ust feel even worse trust me. You need to sit this girl down and ust talk it out. Find out what is going on, dont get angry with her just stay cool.

After all it is just in your head that she is cheating! Just sit tight and dont do anything stupid op!

Keep on trucking 8-)

jay b
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:20 PM
report to cops, ur an idoit.

Im from Australia.

Just want some revenge nothing that's going to hurt her in any way physically. Just somthing that's going to embarress her.
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jon Bradshaw
hi op

I know its hard to accept that someone you loved is cheating on you. YOu feel all sorts of emotions anger, betrayal and depression. But revenge is not the answer, trust me.

It will make you feel happy in the short term sure but in the long term? Na youl ust feel even worse trust me. You need to sit this girl down and ust talk it out. Find out what is going on, dont get angry with her just stay cool.

After all it is just in your head that she is cheating! Just sit tight and dont do anything stupid op!

Keep on trucking 8-)

jay b
um no.
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:22 PM
axe in car
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:22 PM

I have also been in this position. Fight fire with fire. All you have to do is have her percieve you too as getting some action on the side. Make sure you get a girl who is very hot (even if you need to pay for it) and start using facebook or start having mysterious photos of this woman show up in weird places like your bag or car or under the bed.

Where do you live?

How much spare cash you have?

How crazy do you want her to get?
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Jon Bradshaw
hi op

I know its hard to accept that someone you loved is cheating on you. YOu feel all sorts of emotions anger, betrayal and depression. But revenge is not the answer, trust me.

It will make you feel happy in the short term sure but in the long term? Na youl ust feel even worse trust me. You need to sit this girl down and ust talk it out. Find out what is going on, dont get angry with her just stay cool.

After all it is just in your head that she is cheating! Just sit tight and dont do anything stupid op!

Keep on trucking 8-)

jay b

Thanks that's good man. She told me last night she was at her girlfreinds house. I saw msg from gf to her friend saying my bf thinks im staying at yours tonight ok.

and a msg saying hey we catchn up for drinks that night. and a msg today saying last night was amazing
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Love2AceYou

I have also been in this position. Fight fire with fire. All you have to do is have her percieve you too as getting some action on the side. Make sure you get a girl who is very hot (even if you need to pay for it) and start using facebook or start having mysterious photos of this woman show up in weird places like your bag or car or under the bed.

Where do you live?

How much spare cash you have?

How crazy do you want her to get?
aussie land

not much cash

I want to get her bad but nothing extreme enough to get me into trouble
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by dribzy
Thanks that's good man. She told me last night she was at her girlfreinds house. I saw msg from gf to her friend saying my bf thinks im staying at yours tonight ok.

and a msg saying hey we catchn up for drinks that night. and a msg today saying last night was amazing
wow that sucks...
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:30 PM
Easy, Follow this game plan and you're a sure win.

1) Sleep with another broad and contract herpes
2) Rawdog it with your gf and spread the disease
3) Convince her you got herpes from her and she's a dirty slut
5) Profit

6) (optional) Treat your herpes
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:31 PM
post nudes, there is no alternative
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:31 PM
I'm going to go the very dull route here.

If it is your place, only your name on the least, etc... just kick her to the curb. She doesn't deserve to be a part of your every waking moment. The best revenge is to shrug her off like she is nothing and move on.

Just have her s--t outside the door, with the locks changed and move on. If it is a joint place, go to the leasing office, explain every last detail and say you are breaking your lease and are moving out ASAP.

If it is her place, find a place and go.

Seriously, she's not worth it. Good luck.
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:32 PM
posting her pic would be a good start
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:35 PM
If you play cheezeburgers your screwed if you play mid stakes pay someone and make her jelous! As written above
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:36 PM
keep on sexing her and tomato on pillow
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by dribzy
Ever since I started playing poker I have become good at reading people in general (G). Recently my girlfriend has been going out a lot and partying it up. I had full trust in her, but then we got talking I asked a few questions and my gut feeling was telling me she is bluffing. (G)

I saw a text from a bloke I have never heard of. I confronted the dirty slut and she said, "oh, he's just a good friend from a while back". So as my gut feeling told me that she's a dirty lying whore of a slut (G) (G). I waited till she went to sleep and looked through her phone messages etc (G). Stunned to see every bit of call history and text message from this bloke deleted (G) (G).

Feeling very anxious and depresed, but with out the evidence I couldn't do much (G) (G) (G) . I confronted her and she went nuts at me for even asking such silly questions.

Still with a lot of anxiety and depresion over the last couple of weeks, I have been determined to find out what the hell's going on. So I found out how to see some deleted messages and found out all weekend she stayed at some bloke's house (G) (G).

I thought if I found out this information I was be really upset ..? (G) (G). But no. All I want now is (?) some sweet revenge (G) (G).

So I'm trying to think of some ideas. Atm best idea I have is driving her in the middle of no where and dumping the bitch there (G) (G) (G). But she would probably just open her legs to a random and get home before i did (G) (G) .

It's currently 2am I can't sleep. The bitch is sound asleep next to me. (G) (G)
I know this might not be the right spot to post though it has the funniest come backs and ideas. (G) (G)

Thinking maybe a prize for best idea (G).
Good God. Your punctuation and grammar is atrocious. The worst one is " Idea's ". Man, that's annoying. Can't people learn to spell?

You've missed out lots of words. Your phrasing is terrible. My advice to you: go to school.

Oh yes, (G) denotes a grammatical error. I should probably give you more.
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:54 PM
[ ] pics of cheetah
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:58 PM
How are there no nude pic's posted yet?
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 01:11 PM
ahhaah Kiron first smile iv had in 3 hours cheers bud.

yes I know my spelling n **** is really bad. Been thinkn bout goin to do a english corse.

possible pics commn just wanna have a clear head before i react.

i'v calmd down a bit ( probs from the bongs i just slaughted down). starting to think revenge might not be worth it.

other possible actions are keeping the slut on the go and **** other bitches at the same time.

keeps ideas comming and i'll let ya know tommorow what the go is.
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
10-25-2010 , 01:12 PM
I have people with shares in my $55 40k guarntee which is on in 4 hours FML.
Mrs cheated. need revenge. Quote
