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McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!!

09-11-2007 , 10:51 PM
I went to a Mcdonalds tonight, inside a Wal-Mart. I had just finished grocery shopping and was with my friend and her two kids, a sixteen year old girl and an eleven year old boy.
I decided I wanted a BigMac on the way out. I proceded to the register and ordered from a lesbianish looking woman about 35-45 yrs old. I placed my order and paid with my credit card. After paying the woman informed me I wouldnt get my food unless I took my (unlit) cigarette out of my mouth! I honestly thought she was kidding. She was serious and said it was a family restaurant. The people I was with and myself were the only people in there.
After laughing about this she still wouldnt serve me. I decided fine whatever. Told her I wanted my money back. She REFUSED???!!! I told her I wasnt taking the cigarette out of my mouth and demanded a refund, she again refused. I went on a tangent, belittling her for working at McDonalds etc. Then she said I was threatening her. My friends 16 yr old daughter jumped in at this point and said WTF? " no he isnt". I threw my smoke on the counter and left without a refund. She then followed us to our car talking about calling the police. I told her go ahead. At this point my friend Missy and her daughter got into it, I grabbed them and said lets just go. The manager wrote down Missys plate number as we left, saying she was calling police. WTF is goin on here?


Brag: None
Beat: No BigMac, possible police charges
Variance: Strange sense of enjoyment from belittling McDonalds manager..
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 10:53 PM
Let them call the police and explain how they wouldn't serve you or give you a refend.

McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 10:55 PM
pretty sure they can refuse to serve you

but obv. then they have to give you a refund

lol, you should pre-emptively call the police on them for theft
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 10:56 PM
belittling her for working at McDonalds etc
This may have made you feel better at the time, but it was totally counterproductive to what you were trying to accomplish.

They can certainly ask you to put the cigarette away. That said, they were wrong for not refunding your money after you decided you didn't want to eat there anymore, given the rule.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:04 PM
Since when is possessing tobacco illegal? Whats the difference if I have it in my pocket, mouth, nose or ass. I am the PAYING CUSTOMER. We were the only people in there. Why mess with me? Does she do that to a 60yr old businessman? I doubt it. Just give me my friggin food and shut up.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:05 PM
Let them call the police and explain how they wouldn't serve you or give you a refend.

McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:08 PM
BTW sorry, no pics of sixteen yr sick bastards.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:11 PM
BTW sorry, no pics of sixteen yr sick bastards.

no one asked
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:13 PM
BTW sorry, no pics of sixteen yr sick bastards.

no one asked
well i was going to. 3 year rule and all?
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:13 PM
quit smoking?
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:13 PM
Yeah but someone would have....
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:16 PM
belittling her for working at McDonalds etc
This may have made you feel better at the time, but it was totally counterproductive to what you were trying to accomplish.
Not if he was trying to accomplish making some fat worthless pos feel bad about their self, which is usually the best move.
I don't think the story mentions anything about her being fat. Just says that she was lesbian-looking, although that also makes me imagine her as fat. Probably because of Rosie O'donnell.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:18 PM
yes like Rosie but a ginger, even worse. She was like 5'8" 200, so yeah kinda fat
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-11-2007 , 11:23 PM
I'm pretty sure the correct play is to just look at her with contempt, light up your smoke, blow it in her face, spit on the counter and walk away.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:16 AM
The correct play is not walking around with an unlit cig like white trash gosh.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:16 AM
The correct play is not walking around with an unlit cig like white trash gosh.
obv, but if you're gonna do it, do it right
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:16 AM
The correct play is not walking around with an unlit cig like Sammy Farha, gosh!
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:18 AM
The correct play is not walking around with an unlit cig like white trash gosh.
sammy farha is better looking than you.
Edit: ask kolo
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:19 AM
There's a difference between how Farha does it and how 99% of the rest of the world does imo.

And Sammy prolly doesn't do it at McDonalds, since he balls too hard for McDs.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:20 AM
There's a difference between how Farha does it and how 99% of the rest of the world does imo.

And Sammy prolly doesn't do it at McDonalds, since he balls too hard for McDs.
just explaining that it can be pulled off....not saying that OP actually pulls it off.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:20 AM
But I am white trash. honest. The McDonalds is on the way out of the store, I was planning on walking out and smoking it. I just5 happened to decide a burger sounded good when I passed the McD's on the way out. This McDonalds is inside a WAL MART. I Think they get lots of white trash in there, maybe even worse than me!
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:22 AM
The correct play was for lesbian server to spit in your burger after wiping bun on arse.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:25 AM
Thats harsh just for having a cigarette dont ya think?
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:25 AM

IMO the correct play is cig behind your ear.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:30 AM

IMO the correct play is for OP to say "oh, sorry, ok then" and then put away cig, get burger, walk out of store with girl and kids, drive away, not post this pointless thread.

Is it stupid for her to ask, probably. But maybe its just cos im English but id have just complied as its the easiest and fastest option.

The world is [censored] up with weird rules - reminds me of being at the bar in a bowling alley back home a couple years back, where a girl walked to the bar, asked for a coke and they refused to serve her a coke without her having ID proving she was 18.
McDonalds TR. refused to serve me???!!! Quote
