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Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic.

09-21-2009 , 12:23 AM
So it was a pretty tame evening last night, was planning to watch UFC 103 but was less than intrigued by the card, so some buddies and I decided to head to the beach and have some coldies instead.

We get to the beach and there is some event going on. There were 12 or so girls and they definitely didn't look like they were wearing beach attire. Easy conversation starter obv. Turns out they were there for a stagette. They were pretty hammered when we got there, but they had run out of booze. We gave them a few of our beers, but soon ran out. We told them they were going to a bar downtown and they should come. A couple of them snap-called and convinced the others it would be a good idea. Couple of my buddies who live away from downtown decide to just go home so it leaves me and and two other buddies. I'll call them T and R. So we call like 4 cabs and T, R, myself and this one girl who T was talking to for a while get into a cab (collateral so they actually follow through to the bar AMIRITE?)

So we all get to the bar and I start talking to this girl who is wearing a top hat. Apparently she is also in a band and they actually sometimes play at the bar we went to. My buddy T continues to talk to the girl he was talking to at the beach and D ends up talking to a random girl (not from the beach). Fast forward a couple hours and I'm having a pretty good time, when I see there is a big crowd around one of my buddies. Apparently (I found out later) the girl he was talking to started to go down on him in one of the booths in the bar and a waitress saw him and told a bouncer. He proceeded to get up into the bouncers face (stupid imo) and was thrown out. Anyway, I thought he was so drunk that he just went home, but apparently the girl he was fooling around with followed him out and he ended up going home with her.

So my other buddy ends up going home with some random. Not even sure if I talked to her. But I start trying to get the girl I was talking to dance, but then like after 3 hours of conversation she tells me she has a boyfriend. He is from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,Canada, but I don't like to be a slimeball so I backed off. At this point I really didn't feel like starting anything so I left.

Cliffs: -Meet a bunch of girls at the beach.
-Get them to go to a bar with us.
- Buddy gets kicked out for getting head in the bar, but still goes home with the girl. Probably a 6/10 in real life, 4/10 4L standards.
-Other buddy goes home with a girl.
- I go home alone because girl I had invested a lot of time with has bf in Saskatoon.

Here is the pic. The girl I was talking to is the one furthest to the left. The one my buddy went home with is top middle beside the bride to be.

Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 12:26 AM
not that funny
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by KingOfFelt

Your buddy went home with a cow. Your girl is the second hottest in the group if not the first. Props to you for shooting for the stars. You could have taken her home, it's not an absente boyfriend that stops a real player from banging a hot girl.

Google Tyler Durden's "boyfriend destroyers".

Still, gg
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 12:30 AM
If Saskatoon is more than 2 hours driving from where you are, go for it IMO.
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 12:48 AM
1, 2, random numbers.

Last edited by The Brickie; 09-21-2009 at 12:49 AM. Reason: they look like classy ladies
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 12:57 AM
Too much ****ing random **** hanging around in that pic to properly judge but the far left and second left have to be the two hottest

Also shes a tease for waiting for 3 hours to tell you she has a boyfriend
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 01:10 AM
Those people look like flappers. Anyways you had the first or second hottest one, but she has a hideous leg tattoo.
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 01:15 AM
does she have a dagger tattoo on her leg?
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 01:20 AM

Last edited by cbax9888; 09-21-2009 at 01:27 AM.
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 01:46 AM
[x] Thread is properly executed
[ ] I am particularly impressed
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:45 AM
In before brian bitches
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:49 AM
Pictures are weak AFAIK
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:52 AM
I'm planning on staying up all night doing homework so guys, get used to it. muhahaha

pics of friends before I get hated on.

Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:54 AM
I would guess the one of the right is hotttt
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:54 AM
Her boobs are pretty nice but she tries pretty hard, wish it was more chill i think
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:55 AM
Should I keep posting more pictures? What does 4L want? Come on playas and balla's
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:56 AM
Does no one every look at the top thread? This is kind of pathetic, even for 4L.
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:57 AM
Alright, **** this ****.
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:58 AM
I guess I can have a little contest with myself to see how many consecutive posts I can get.
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:58 AM
+1 to the postcount I suppose...
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:59 AM
I thought Low Key was suppose to patrol these waters at night...what happened?
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 02:59 AM
And yes, I know that Ryan is unfortunately on vacation until tomorrow.

Miss him already.
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 03:00 AM
Going on 13
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 03:01 AM
For having 58 users online this is redic. I am thinking about posting more girls just to amuse myself.
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
09-21-2009 , 03:01 AM
Mat Sklansky for president!

Mayo for head of state

brian for head of defense

Diebitter for slut patrol
Last night at the beach/bar trip report.  With pic. Quote
