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JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em?
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08-06-2007 , 04:51 PM

I didn't know of this horrible fashion no-no.

I've been wearing "jorts" for years.

No wonder why I'm never getting laid.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 04:51 PM
LOL @ first google image:

JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 04:55 PM
A couple years back, my friend upgraded all his wardrobe after he got a new gf. He came back to me and was like, "Dude, how come you never told me jean shorts were nerdy." I never had the heart to tell him.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 04:56 PM
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> lim [det|(B^2) xT|]
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JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:03 PM

This guy probably wears jean shorts.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:06 PM
gators wear jean shorts.

We most certainly do not. Not that I've seen, at least.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:07 PM
1. Jorts
289 up, 31 down

Jean shorts. Worn mostly by children and douchebags. Jorts are perhaps the easiest way to recognize people you will not like. If you wear jorts, you probably don't talk to girls. The term "jorts" does not apply to jean shorts worn by black people, as those are entirely acceptable.

The kid next to me was definitely a total dick; he was wearing jorts.

I love urbandictionary and you should too!
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:13 PM
gators wear jean shorts.

We most certainly do not. Not that I've seen, at least.
First google image search result.

JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:20 PM
gators wear jean shorts.

We most certainly do not. Not that I've seen, at least.
First google image search result.

You win.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:21 PM
gators wear jean shorts.

We most certainly do not. Not that I've seen, at least.
First google image search result.

I rest my case, your honor.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:28 PM

gg jorts
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:29 PM
Lol but it's not just jorts, what self respecting man wears shorts at all?
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:31 PM

Gotdamn look at the plumage!
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:32 PM
Lol but it's not just jorts, what self respecting man wears shorts at all?
fratdaddies obv
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:33 PM
Lol but it's not just jorts, what self respecting man wears shorts at all?
eh? I guess you don't regularly play 18 holes in 100 degree heat.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:34 PM

gg jorts
holy crap who is that 2nd dude.. he looks like my twin
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:34 PM
Lol but it's not just jorts, what self respecting man wears shorts at all?
eh? I guess you don't regularly play 18 holes in 100 degree heat.
Man up son.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:40 PM
jean shorts aren't cool? wtf when did that happen
I found out they weren't cool last year. I was devistated.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:41 PM
Ok mullets, fine.
Jort, even worse, really poor choice.


Nothing says, "I am confortable with my sexuality" like a dude with a big tote full of organic fruits and a big ol baguette a'poppin out the flippityflap!
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:43 PM

Nothing says, "I am confortable with my sexuality" like a dude with... a big ol baguette a'poppin out the flippityflap!
If they're really comfortable then that's not a baguette poppin out...
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:44 PM
dids how many juumuus do you own?
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:45 PM
I love me a fly pair of jorts
Srsrly dids, when urban dictionary talks about 'the kind worn by black dudes' I believe they mean the extremely loose fit and baggy kind, but do not be led astray. Even those suck ass, only slightly less than the nut hugger kind.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:49 PM
Lol but it's not just jorts, what self respecting man wears shorts at all?
eh? I guess you don't regularly play 18 holes in 100 degree heat.
Man up son.
Ok srsrrly DDY, if you're playing a sport or playing guitar,

you get a pass, but otherwise...
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:52 PM
Recently I was driving down a road under construction. Down the middle of the road, separating the oncoming lane of traffic from mine was a waist high cement barricade. In the distance, I could see an older man struggling to get over the cement barricade.

As I drove nearer, the man grew more alarmed and tried to speed his ascent over the barricade, but something was holding him back. He seemed to be struggling, and from a distance I thought it was because he was old.

It was not. It was because he was wearing jorts.

JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
08-06-2007 , 05:57 PM
I love me a fly pair of jorts
Srsrly dids, when urban dictionary talks about 'the kind worn by black dudes' I believe they mean the extremely loose fit and baggy kind, but do not be led astray. Even those suck ass, only slightly less than the nut hugger kind.
Clearly I wear the kind worn by black dudes, being mostly black myself obv.
JORTS!!  Do you rock 'em? Quote
