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**** Jesus **** Jesus

07-18-2008 , 02:05 AM
SO I'm a server at The Cheesecake Factory and tonight I get a table of 18 people like at closing, WE I'll gratuitize them and take the money. Anyways these church ****ers proceed to sit there and the conversation goes something like this, I caught it in mid-sentence but WE. "Did you tell him about Jesus." " Yes we sat down and had a 2 hour conversation about it."

First and foremost I would like to start off by saying **** Jesus, why did he make my AA<QQ at FT today.

\2nd would it have been wrong for me to tell these people How I really feel. And this is how I really feel. That;s all, I don't post in BBv 4life, but I thought this would make for a pretty appropriate topic, feelings?

3rd I don't give a **** if you're gonna give me a Blow job every night for the rest of my life I basically never want to have a 2hr conversation w/the same person in one sitting about ****ing anything let alone Jesus ****ing Christ. I've done this before and did not like it, also is there something wrong w/me for feeling this way?

4th I'm pretty sure this threads been done before, but WE **** Jesus.
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 02:06 AM

oh and wtf, WE = whatever?
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 02:10 AM
**** you op jesus is my friend
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 02:12 AM
1st, your bad for not poasting in 4life

2nd, you already slapped the 18% on them, they should be dead to you

3rd, i was once a church goer and they are more corrupt then anyone in the history of time. stand up for yourself and tell them how you really feel as you're counting their $
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 02:14 AM
Me thinks dissing jesus is a negative freeroll
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 02:24 AM
yes WE is whatever. Also I would like to re-inerate **** jesus. Also I'm pretty sure that re-inerate is not a hyphenated word, but one word also probably not spelled correctly as is hyphenated?

This makes no sense Kind of like religion but WE, this is the stuff that dreams are made of in BBV4life.
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 02:25 AM
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by ac31
Ty for this, how certain are u I used to be good at spelling but I decided to smoke away that part of my brain w/the crack I suppose.
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by clickingbuttons
Me thinks dissing jesus is a negative freeroll

ffs even Cartman usually takes it back

Jesus is/was probably a pretty cool guy to chill with.
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 03:06 AM
Most Christians give Jesus/bible/christianity a bad name, they represent the church. I have thought about this a lot lately being a christian and not agreeing with much of very basic thought process of the majority of church members.

I actually find that many so called atheists or other groups have better fundamental christian values than the so called christians. The godly people put themselves in a mindset of complacency and above the norm when in fact they're the opposite most of the time.

On the other hand the atheists perceive Jesus as being the same person as the followers, and why wouldn't they? I think there might be more atheists finding Jesus if they weren't influenced by the corrupt mainstream church going people..which in fact make me sick and disappointed.

The reason I believe is that I have separated myself from those know-it-alls and have found Jesus/God myself..from the bible and I now watch church here..

This pastor knows his stuff and has answers and lessons that actually relate to your daily life, help you live the best life and helps you understand why you should and want to watch.

If you have any questions or doubts I'd love to hear them because I actually believe in my faith where I can give you an answer and not just get angry and say "you're evil gtfo"..
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 03:39 AM
Yeah... saying **** jesus is a terrible thing. Don't be pissed at him, be pissed at the religious organizations exploiting and changing his life for their own profit.
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by dirtbag88
Yeah... saying **** jesus is a terrible thing. Don't be pissed at him, be pissed at the religious organizations exploiting and changing his life for their own profit.
**** the carebears too FWIW
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by montanad12
**** the carebears too FWIW
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 05:14 AM
think you meant lol jesus

**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by Superman26gt
Most Christians give Jesus/bible/christianity a bad name, they represent the church. I have thought about this a lot lately being a christian and not agreeing with much of very basic thought process of the majority of church members.

I actually find that many so called atheists or other groups have better fundamental christian values than the so called christians. The godly people put themselves in a mindset of complacency and above the norm when in fact they're the opposite most of the time.

On the other hand the atheists perceive Jesus as being the same person as the followers, and why wouldn't they? I think there might be more atheists finding Jesus if they weren't influenced by the corrupt mainstream church going people..which in fact make me sick and disappointed.

The reason I believe is that I have separated myself from those know-it-alls and have found Jesus/God myself..from the bible and I now watch church here..

This pastor knows his stuff and has answers and lessons that actually relate to your daily life, help you live the best life and helps you understand why you should and want to watch.

If you have any questions or doubts I'd love to hear them because I actually believe in my faith where I can give you an answer and not just get angry and say "you're evil gtfo"..
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 05:43 AM

superman u shud make a thread where we can ask you questions about God if u know so much (but mainly so we can mock ur religion_lol)
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 05:48 AM
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 06:11 AM
Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you.
**** Jesus Quote
07-18-2008 , 06:16 AM
why is god a man? ban for sexism
**** Jesus Quote
