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ITT we get back in shape...together. ITT we get back in shape...together.

08-01-2008 , 02:34 AM
Oh man, I'm definitely getting in on this.
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 02:47 AM
No bursting on my bubble. Just telling you what I was doing/reading.


Cut out anything with white flour in it. Bad bad bad. Check your breads, tortillas and other things that have white flour in it.

Obv fruits n veggies if you're a vegitarian. You should also go for nuts as you wont be getting a good amount of protein being a non-meat eater. Look for other sources of protein as well, you'll need them.
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by SDone
Oh man, I'm definitely getting in on this.
can i have your girlfriend when you get skinny and decide you're now out of her league?
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 03:37 AM
I'm in, but I'm too skinny not too fat.

Still cool? I'm ****in' down to get back into be shirtless shape.

just for what it's worth, did p90x plus some bizarre testosterone supp pills last time I wanted to get in shape and was shredded.

So if you don't know where to start, that might not be a bad place.

Last edited by kiddcheckers; 08-01-2008 at 03:39 AM. Reason: helpful info imo.
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 03:47 AM
damn, perfect timing for this thread.

moving into a new apartment and hoping to really get back into shape. i've become such a fatass over the past few months, and as a coach, i set an awful example. i'm moving to an apartment with a gym right around the corner, and a roommate who is pretty into working out and eating right.

hopefully i can gogogogogogogo!


ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
no, i'm taking some naked ones too for the laydeez

I cant wait!!!

Originally Posted by RuleThirtyFour
i havent eaten anything since tuesday so im well on my way guise!

but how much cum did you swallow?

Originally Posted by nutshot2
damn, perfect timing for this thread.

moving into a new apartment and hoping to really get back into shape. i've become such a fatass over the past few months, and as a coach, i set an awful example. i'm moving to an apartment with a gym right around the corner, and a roommate who is pretty into working out and eating right.

hopefully i can gogogogogogogo!


pics of your fatass??

oh and dallas I couldn't read any off your post cause your avy had me distracted
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 08:54 AM
This thread is awesome and proves that even BBV4L'ers can be serious.
I wish you all good luck and hope that all of you pull through it.
The first months are probably the worst.
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 09:13 AM
good luck OP.

kind of skipped most of the thread, but get weightlifting is a much easier way to lose fat than a aerobic exercise, although obviously there is nothing wrong with doing both.

basically building muscle raises your testosterone levels and so increases your metabolism, and building muscle uses alot of calories.

the problem with aerobic exercise is that although it burns calories, it also makes your body more energy efficient, so you actually use LESS calories when not exercising, which makes it kind of counterproductive.

i read someone say at the top only drink water. this is excellent advice. cutting soda alone can make a big difference.
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 09:14 AM
im not in though, due to already having the body you guys are aspiring to.
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 09:23 AM
How to Lose weight, I wrote this a while ago for a friend and I hope it will be useful!

a) No "gadget" or magic "pill" will make you lose weight however much it is advertised (in fact some of the celebrities that advertise the equipment lost weight not because of the equipment but most of the time as a result of an expensive and painful liposuction or using a way similar to mine. )
2)Processed Foods, Trans Fats, Crisps, Chocolate bars, are to be pretty much stopped. However do indulge in them rarely. (Have a treat once a weak)
3) DIET products are just an illusion, they are full of chemicals (some of which medics don't even know the long term effects of). Sweeteners increase your sugar cravings. The chemicals might even slow down your metabolism even though the product might have zero calories.
4)You will only lose weight efficiently if you combine a disciplined eating regime with exercise.
5)Exercise when you have eaten little beforehand. After sleeping is the best time. This is the only way you'll use up the stocked energy sources. (i.e the fat) Exercise regularly, whatever you enjoy doing. Some people like spending a certain amount of hours a week running, walking long distances, others cycling, skipping, football, basketball, etc. Do plenty of it.
No specific area exercise will make you lose fat in an exact region. Eg, doing lots of crunches might make our abs stronger but it doesn't mean that you'll see the six pack. The fat will remain there and you might find that you will lose fat from an other area as a result. Your stomach area might in fact look bigger than before. (bigger abs muscles added)
6) Go EASY on the starchy foods like potatoes, white bread, bagels, muffins, pastries, biscuits, ice cream, etc. They are usually the source of your weight gain. STAY away from them as much as possible. (And I don't mean 5 hours ....) Do treat yourself rarely.
7) Have meals consisting of lots of vegetables or salad (steamed or stir fried) and meat. Eat well don't eat stupidly small portions. You want to lose the fat but retain your muscle weight. And you don't want to regain your weight. By eating balanced and normal meals like you would if you only had a grocery store and butchers to live off you can retain that eating style for the rest of your life.
8)EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE. Live 10min from the supermarket? WALK/RUN there. Need to go into town: WALK THERE. Etc. Watching TV all evening? With all those commercial breaks do press-ups, skips, dancing or whatever.
9) FAT is good for you, not all FAT is bad. NUTS/Certain oils (eg. Olive), High in cocoa chocolate are very important in anyone's food diet. (in moderation of course) They have essential fatty acids for your brain and general well functioning.
10)When it comes to temptation (foodwise of course ) get used to automatically switching off and restraining yourself by occupying thee to forget about it. You have to get into that routine....
What you will normally think: *Hmmm I really would fancy that ice-cream that tastes so fatty and chocolaty, I'll only have a little bit, it won't hurt me, etc. you then proceed to eat the entire tub. What you will think: *Hmmm I really would fancy that ice-cream, NO NO NO NO* you then proceed to clean parts of the house as if nothing happened and it was easy.
11) Do your own shopping, if you can't, enforce the shopper to stop buying the bad foods. Do not try and get influenced by them, make it a CLEAR RULE. eg. Your Mother will be tempted to buy them so as to please you. (tell her if she wants to please you not to buy them!!!) If she wants them she's got to hide them very well. It is so much easier to lose weight when you have no access to bad foods in the comfort of your own home.
12) You have to want it or give yourself a reason for it. DO YOU WANT TO DIE YOUNGER? DO YOU WANT TO HAVE MORE SUCCESS WITH THE LADIES (OR GUYS)? DO YOU WANT TO STOP THE BULLYING THAT'S RUINED YOU EMOTIONALLY? .... Get into a routine of thinking about it and acting immediately afterwards. (and during the exercise so you can push yourself)
13) Do more things in general, be more active, go out more, GET AWAY FROM THE TV OR THE PUB!!!!
15) NOT BEING FAT MAKES YOU FEEL SOooooooooooOOOOO GOOD and will increase your confidence!!!!!!


Rich (100kg to 70kg in around 8 weeks) Lost of a lot of fat from my face, lost my boobs, looked much better looking as I now have a more athletic look. SCORING HAS INCREASE FROM ZERO TO 5 girlfriends!!!!!!!!!! in the past two years
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 10:02 AM
Long time lurker in BBV4L, guess this thread's as good as any other to start posting here.

I just started joined Weight Watchers and have already lost 5 pounds in two weeks without any excercise (yet). Any opinions / experience with the WW programm compared to any of the others things that have been mentioned here?

I guess the basic idea is the same: Get rid of the bad foods (lotsa WW-points) and replace with loads of veggies and fruits.

My goal is to have lost ~60 pounds by x-mas. Wich is a little more than what WW deems "healthy". They say anything over 2 pounds / week is unhealthy. Opinions?
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 10:25 AM
you will have stretch marks and saggy skin if you lose weight too fast bro. maybe build some muscle as you lose weight to limit this?
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 10:27 AM
All the advice in this thread depends on your goals. IMHO, the people recommending less than 2K calories are crazy, if you want any muscle. I'll grant you that I'm 230 with more muscle than most, but I eat that much before lunch. Without getting scientific on you, do this:

Drink only water
Eat meat and veggies at every meal (real meat, not processed crap)
Work out (weights and cardio)

This is obviously absurdly simplistic, but it puts you ahead of all the sorry asses in the world, which probably constitutes 90% of the world population.
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
you will have stretch marks and saggy skin if you lose weight too fast bro. maybe build some muscle as you lose weight to limit this?

I'm gonna start working out in a couple of weeks for sure. But while this will increase muscle it will also increase my weightloss, right?
WW also list other consequences like increased risk for kidney stones and stuff.
You think 60 pounds in 5 months with healthy diet and excercise is too fast?
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by BuckBundy
You think 60 pounds in 5 months with healthy diet and excercise is too fast?
I think it's really optimistic. 40 in 5 months would be challenging.
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 11:10 AM
I'm about to cook up some eggs and wheat toast and go for a run, hopefully I won't die I'm heading to the grocery store later today to pick up some healthy foods too! Be back later!
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Effen
I think it's really optimistic. 40 in 5 months would be challenging.
Yeah, that's what everybody seems to tell me... I'm starting to really wish I'd never gained that much in the first place.
I'll just go ahead and focus on loosing one pound at a time.
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
i've been taking a pic in my boxers every day and plan to post them all on October 1st.

Please don't
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 11:27 AM
Great thread. I've actually lost 2 inches from my waist and gained weight overall (muscle > fat) since I started doing more than cardio maintenance.

For those asking about diets, the bets advice I've heard comes from Jack Lalanne: "If man made it, don't eat it."
ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
08-01-2008 , 11:48 AM
Put down the Subway Club Sandwhich fatty.

ITT we get back in shape...together. Quote
