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How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv)

02-05-2010 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by gamblore99
Bond and others,

Have any of you guys tried approaching a random girl and saying something like "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you have an amazing smile. I've got to get going, but here's my number. You should call me." ?

I spend most of my time on a college campus. Got this idea from a girl I knew who met a guy this way (the guy did this, on college campus). Admittedly he was very good looking and I am regular looking.

It's fast and easy and you know any girl that texts/calls is at least semi-interested.

I'm wondering how likely this is to work.

Why don't you try it 100 times and post results?
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by Emaa
what do you think is a good way to start with this pickupartist thing?
i mean besides reading your threads/blog.
i want to know this from you since i think we are having the same
opininons on some topics here.
you are living it and i want to learn it
Browse over material and read that which appeals to you. Then drop the literature and go out and approach A LOT of girls. Seriously, reading will not get you very far at this, it will only give you a blue print. You have to go interact with girls over and over and over to develop at this.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by Spitfire
besides im 18 so that probably makes things waaay different for me since girls way of thinking changes greatly between 18 and .. 25 for example
A little, but not really. Girls stay attracted to the same things but their overall importance changes with age. At the end of the day though, it's still chiefly about social value.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by abcdefghijk

so my questions are 1. how long do you think it will take until i become successful with women 2. any specific resources you'd recommend for 18 year olds in college (i know you recommend Nick Savoy's Lovesystems, but anything else for younger college guys besides Conquer Your Campus, which I doubt will work in my specific case for reasons I'll now describe) 3. what techniques would you use to hook up at parties in college (in my specific situation social proofing won't work very well bc i go to a small college and i don't have a lot of friends who party)

tyvm. i appreciate it cause i can tell you're really good at this ****.
1. Depends how much time and effort you put into it. I know some guys who developed very fast because they spent a ton of time working on this and had some natural advantages going for them. I know other guys who have been in this for years and have made minimum progress.

2. Nah not really, I didn't get heavily into this till I was 24 and by that point the college scene had well passed me by.

3. Man, college parties have got to be some of the easiest hook up places in the world. A big thing in college is growing your social circle. Go to parties and chat up/have fun with EVERYONE. Play drinking games, make tons of friends, add lots of people to facebook, organize fun events to go do, etc. At the parties you can probably just natural open a ton with stuff like "Hey what's up tonight guys."
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 04:09 AM

If you suggested a drink sometime, then you definitely let on intent. If you're not sure she'll meet up with you based on your text interactions, give her a call and chat for like 10 minutes then excuse yourself (unless the two of you are having a blast on the phone, which happens.) One big reason girls won't meet up guys they met randomly is because they severely fear social awkwardness and being able to carry on a conversation on the phone will alleviate a lot of that.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by Cuisine

I think the stats on direct approaches may be wrong since direct approaches are so affected by the individual PUA's outer game (body language, clothes, looks, etc).

The more I do this, the more I think you're right. Conversely, Soul is one of the best at this and he's a 5'7" Sri Lankan dude. Still, of the guys I know who attempt day game the better looking ones have a clear difference in results (not that this is impossible for average/worse looking guys, just harder LDO.)
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by battery1
i saw mr bond at crown a few weeks ago, he was playing in the millions i assume.

it looked like he was being stalked by a mischievous looking Asian girl, one of your experiments bond??
Met her and slept with her the previous night. Questionable whether she continues cause I leveled with her about what kind of guy I am and she's not comfortable with dating a dude who sees other girls. She likes me a lot though, so we'll see if she changes her mind.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by gamblore99
Bond and others,

Have any of you guys tried approaching a random girl and saying something like "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you have an amazing smile. I've got to get going, but here's my number. You should call me." ?

I spend most of my time on a college campus. Got this idea from a girl I knew who met a guy this way (the guy did this, on college campus). Admittedly he was very good looking and I am regular looking.

It's fast and easy and you know any girl that texts/calls is at least semi-interested.

I'm wondering how likely this is to work.

This would work super SUPER rarely. First of all, giving a girl your number and not getting hers is awful, they will almost never contact you first. Second, the interaction is so short that even if she did want to contact you, she probably wouldn't know how to lead off or what to say.

Paul Janka is a tall, very good looking guy and he refuses to waste any time on a girl who won't give him her number. In all my life of the girls who have refused to give me theirs and insisted on taking mine, only one ever messaged, and it was the result of a 10 minute interaction. She still hasn't met up though (maybe this weekend, we'll see.)
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Bond18
This would work super SUPER rarely. First of all, giving a girl your number and not getting hers is awful, they will almost never contact you first. Second, the interaction is so short that even if she did want to contact you, she probably wouldn't know how to lead off or what to say.

Paul Janka is a tall, very good looking guy and he refuses to waste any time on a girl who won't give him her number. In all my life of the girls who have refused to give me theirs and insisted on taking mine, only one ever messaged, and it was the result of a 10 minute interaction. She still hasn't met up though (maybe this weekend, we'll see.)
This technique can work if a huge amount of eye contact is kept during a period of time. Train journeys, seminars or office meetings where the situation is broken up quickly at the end but a subtle rapport can be built with the eyes are great spots to do this. Use it all the time on the tube and have a pretty high success rate in getting phoned back, and gives them control in situations where they might otherwise be intimidated in giving a total stranger their number.

As most women are self obsessed, superficial, power hungry, control freaks kind, sensitive, generous, deep down romantics, a good amount of eye contact that makes them feel unique and wanted usually is enough to get a call back in my experience. Without the eyes, as Bond says, this technique is rubbish and never works.

Last edited by Wamy Einehouse; 02-05-2010 at 08:24 AM.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 12:23 PM
quality thread
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Bond18
I leveled with her about what kind of guy I am and she's not comfortable with dating a dude who sees other girls.
I'd be curious to know how you usually go about breaking this. Seems like there's never a good time to bring it up.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 05:33 PM
i didn't read any of this but i agree with all of it
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by wants
I'd be curious to know how you usually go about breaking this. Seems like there's never a good time to bring it up.
Right after you finish getting her a damp towel.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by wants
I'd be curious to know how you usually go about breaking this. Seems like there's never a good time to bring it up.
Really depends on the girl you are telling this to, some girls thrive to be the one that changes you, they badly want to be part of something bigger (not saying all girls). One of my favourites is pretending I am a writer who is just very uninspired lately, usually a very easy way to get sex. After we have sex or I get bj whatever they always say the samething with a huge smile
"now you have some inspiration" doesn't matter how much of an ******* I act like.

In this case sometimes telling a girl you like to see other girls is actually what keeps them around, it all depends on the girl.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 07:59 PM
oh how did i miss this thread.....more giggle material
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 08:00 PM
Can I get you a damp towel to clean up?
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Can I get you a damp towel to clean up?
you already used that line....and that towel
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 08:13 PM
I always use the towel on myself first. That's super standard.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-05-2010 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by wants
I'd be curious to know how you usually go about breaking this. Seems like there's never a good time to bring it up.
As immediately as possible. Often it's before I sleep with the girl, but not always. In my experience, the quicker and more non chalant you can tell a girl about this, the more effort you save yourself in the long run.

Half my game at night now is basically talking to girls about what a slut I am; I tell them I have a GF and we're in an open relationship, I show them the scar Kat gave me when she stabbed me during sex, I try to get her to swap sex stories with me, etc etc. It basically screens out prudes and attracts the girls who like the idea of casual sex. I came SO close to having sex in the bathroom at the Aussie Millions after party running this kind of game.

With girls I meet during the day, I often give off enough of a ladies man vibe that they ask some kind of question that allows me to lead into it. In the case of that specific girl I met her through friends at night and the escalation to sex was pretty quick. We were lying there after and she asked "How do you normally meet women Tony?" to which I replied "I walk up to them on the sidewalk on the middle of the day, tell them they're gorgeous, and go from there." That got the ball rolling.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-06-2010 , 03:42 AM

What are your thoughts on taking a girl to a café on a first date (lets assume going to a bar is out of the question? The girl in question would not be a total stranger, but rather someone you know through a mutual friend and have interacted with before. How does this sound if you know you have things in common and really want to get a chance to know each other better?

Is this a good thing to do with an intelligent girl? Going out to dinner is too formal and IMO not a good idea for a first date. Relaxed setting that is well suited for discussion sounds good to me?
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
02-06-2010 , 05:10 AM

Cafes are fine. Clearly a night/bar date is optimal, but a simple coffee is a very common date.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
03-03-2010 , 03:30 AM
New around the forums,but i play/study/sarge both poker and pickup...Cafe's tend to be a little bit boring and can easily turn into the awkward silence or you trying to hold up a dead conversation, also it is easy to get tossed aside as just another date if you take her to a cafe...i would personally meet up at a cafe, then quickly suggest doing something fun or something will have less stress to hold the conversation for a long time(i mean really how long can you sit at a cafe before it just becomes weird) with a first date... maybe suggest like " hey ive been meaning to grab a new pair of shoes at the mall, lets head up there" then take her to the mall and places around there, it is much easier to relieve the tension of a first date at somewhere interactive where you dont have to keep conversational threads alive... also by moving from one place to another, it creates a time bridge, meaning the girl will get the impression that she has known u longer if you move from one place to another, it creates a familiarity much faster as opposed to ok this is the first time ive been out with this guy..instead you have now been to coffee, in the car, in the mall, in the movies and wherever else with her in just a few hours..also you can use going to the mall to build value by buying something nice for yourself(NOT HER!) and it will seperate you from the 100 other same old same old guys who have taken her to coffee, dinner, walk etc... i would go cafe, mall, stores and by then hopefully you have made enough progress to escalate the rest of the night in whatever way you see fit.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
05-17-2011 , 12:08 PM
Or in a book store where a woman is reading a magazine/book "Hey! We have a something in common!" *She inevitably asks what/huh/etc* "I too can read."

How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
05-17-2011 , 12:12 PM
Bond there should be a sticky with a collection of all your tl dr content posts.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
05-17-2011 , 01:44 PM
Solid game imo. I'd sleep with OP.
How to meet women during the day (TL;DR obv) Quote
