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How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker?

01-15-2013 , 09:00 PM
'cause Subways are so hard to come by.
How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? Quote
01-15-2013 , 09:02 PM
Also: OP I start with Lettuce, Tomato, a little Spinach...
and then I evaluate their performance before deciding how to deliver the rest of the order.
How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? Quote
01-15-2013 , 09:05 PM
Three posting because I also remembered a game I like: betting on which side sold at restaurant the server most enjoys.
How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? Quote
01-16-2013 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
I exit stage left and let her throw two subs out.

In b4 olive-haters
Wait, wat did I...

You let her throw...

I'm sorry did you just...

No really, did I just read that....

Not one but TWO...

How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? Quote
01-16-2013 , 03:29 PM
I know, I know..I should've punched her in the face..but time spent diving over the sneezeguard felt like it would put me at a disadvantage
How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? Quote
01-16-2013 , 04:25 PM
GW, Emmemere and Khaos4k were present
kinda cocky when the other gangmembers are around, aintcha...
How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? Quote
01-16-2013 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
GW, Emmemere and Khaos4k were present for my worst ever Subway experience.

I ordered a veggie sub and got all my toppings and then said,
"can I please have lots and lots of olives"
Lady puts like 12 slices on: 1/inch
"no really just load it up"
6 more slices
"no, I mean I don't want to see what's underneath"
6 more
"Think of the absolute most you've ever seen on a sub..and then quadruple it"
Lady(bitchy tone) "I can only put that many on"
Me "oh, ok..I'll pay for the extra. "
Lady (same tone) I can't put any more on.
Me "I said I'd be happy to pay for them"
Lady closes and starts wrapping sandwich
Me "i'm sorry I want more olives than that"
Lady "i am not re-opening that sandwich"
Me "you are either opening it or throwing it and that one(gw's made sub) in the garbage, because i am not paying for something i didn't order"
Lady gets feisty
I exit stage left and let her throw two subs out.

In b4 olive-haters
I see the problem here, you ordered a veggie sub. I'd have wanted it thrown out too.
How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? Quote
01-16-2013 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Kittens
They still do that in my area. What annoyed me though is that I'd saved up about 25 fully-stamped cards and then they dumped the stamp system and went to the sub card, and I couldn't redeem the stamped cards for anything.
You know I made an error. I meant those stamps. I had the same thing myself. I had like 10 of those suckers all set up and then was lucky enough to see the notice they posted about how in a few weeks they would no longer honor them.

Hit up Subway and grabbed my ten free subs prior so I felt lucky.

That sucks about your 25 though....that is tilting!
How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? Quote
01-16-2013 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
I exit stage left and let her throw two subs out.
Nothing worse than control freak managers

I used to order spicy italian (aka. pizza sub) with marinara sauce on before it got toasted/microwaved, because burning hot marinara sauce is the best thing ever.

Well - most places would do this. Every now and then there'd be a place where the manager would say they're not allowed to put marinara sauce on at all, and a few others would say they're not allowed to put it on until the end. What's up with that?

(Haven't had this happen for a few years now so hopefully they fixed their idiot policy)
How many toppings do you say at a time to a Subway sandwich maker? Quote
