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How to get out of jury duty How to get out of jury duty

10-30-2009 , 10:55 PM
no u
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10-30-2009 , 10:56 PM
How to get out of jury duty Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:00 PM
How to get out of jury duty Quote
10-30-2009 , 11:19 PM
no u
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10-31-2009 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by balla4life
It's too late for you but if you just throw the letter away when it comes to you in the mail and claim you never got it, that works. Most people simply don't show. They don't send it certified mail, they can't prove you got it.
It depends on what juristiction you are in. In some Canadian provinces and Territories you are served in person (guy at your work place says "are you Joe Blow," and hands you the summons to appear). If you don't show there is a warrant for your arrest issued, and you can avoid arrest by paying big fine.

I know it is not the same everywhere.

Anyway, if you are trying to get off jury duty, one person I know said that she was excited about getting on, because she watched so many laws shows on TV, and also thought she'd be a good foreman.

One side used one of their refusals on her, and I'm sure the otherside would have too. I'm told lawyers for defence and prosecution both hate people that are too keen to be jurors...they are wildcards.

So there is one potential way to get off...pretend you have waited your whole life for this.

Last edited by ArcticKnight; 10-31-2009 at 01:08 AM.
How to get out of jury duty Quote
10-31-2009 , 01:09 AM
unfair advantage here.

LIFETIME EXEMPTION from jury duty in PA.
They sent the thingie in the mail, u send them part of the thingie back
explaining why you can't serve jury duty.
So, I respond, "mental Illness".

They replied that I should contact them in case I ever accidentally get another jury summons.
[I can obv. show em my SSI paperwork 2 back it up.]
How to get out of jury duty Quote
10-31-2009 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Mischman
If the defendant is black walk in and yell 'O yea, that ****** is guilty." or if the defendant is white....well you get the picture
Yes one person (older white guy) that was in the jury pool said right away when he saw the defendant he thought he was guilty. Then he tried to rationalize it by saying if it was his son and that he should be given a fair trial. He was dismissed by the lawyers later.

Originally Posted by shorn7
Be happy that it is only regular duty and not Grand Jury. I am currently sitting on GJ for the next 3 months. 3-4 days per week. Not fun, but I chose not to lie to the judge.
I didnt lie and I wasnt going to.

Originally Posted by speedle
If it's a chick prosecutor/defendant/defense lawyer you should just start blatantly flirting with her.
My friend and I talked about this on the way there.

Originally Posted by spike420211
unfair advantage here.

LIFETIME EXEMPTION from jury duty in PA.
They sent the thingie in the mail, u send them part of the thingie back
explaining why you can't serve jury duty.
So, I respond, "mental Illness".

They replied that I should contact them in case I ever accidentally get another jury summons.
[I can obv. show em my SSI paperwork 2 back it up.]
And this was why I was dismissed. I was second seat in the front row before sitting in the jury box. Two ppl were dismissed right way for various reasons. The lady in the first seat was dismissed b/c her mother recently passed away. She actually asked for an extension to come back. So i got moved to the one seat (closet to the judge top row). Judge asked everyone their living/job situations starting with myself. Then the lawyers started with their individual questions. The first question that came from the prosecutor was for me. So i knew I was on her radar already. We break for lunch and came back to her asking more questions. I noticed she asked the same question to me as another person (girl) in the box. Basically asking us if we ever lived on our own and/or for how long.

We took a 15 min break around 3:05. At this point I was worried about actually getting selected. We were supposed to break for the day at 5:00. I asked the bailiff if I could have a chance to speak to the judge and court staff after the jury pool was dismissed, like i did yesterday. He said no and that i should raise my hand once we get in there again.

At this point I was really feeling down for some reason. The defense lawyer was asking questions now and he asked me to confirm something i said earlier which I did. Then I said "Are you coming back to me?". I wasnt sure if he was moving on to speak to another person and I decided this was the time to mention i didnt think I was in the right state of mind to be apart of this trial. I also mentioned again about how i was taking medication for depression before and had social anxiety issues.

A couple mins later the judge asked me with my past if he should let me go. I said yes and he excused me.

I dont think I would have made it through the lawyer dismissing ppl process anyway. Had to stick around b/c my buddy who drove me was still in there. And he actually has to go back for the third day.

CLIFFS: dismissed for mental health reasons
How to get out of jury duty Quote
10-31-2009 , 02:56 AM
**** thread
How to get out of jury duty Quote
10-31-2009 , 03:15 AM
I actually kinda want to be in a jury. It'd be more fun than being prosecuted.
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:18 PM
Mehh this is the 2nd time they call me in for jury duty. If i dress nice and gel my hair i guarantee they wont pass on a blue eyed blonde white boy for jury duty

If your in the chosen group they take you and then question the group to see if people are biased one way or the other. I can easily give a wrong answer something they dont want to hear and i wont get picked. Not that i dont want to do jury duty, i think id be a better juror than most of u donks here.

I was also thinking i walk in with pajama pants, and my hair all messed up and wear this shirt and they wont pick me lol.

How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:20 PM
Slice off your penis.
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:21 PM
slice off the judges penis
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:22 PM
Heh, my sister-in-law unwittingly got out of jury duty with an answer. The defense attorney asked her "do you think you can view the defendant as being truly innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt?" Her answer was "well, if he got arrested he's got to be guilty of something." Nothing too nutty, nothing racist, but definitely alarming to a defense attorney. She didn't get on.
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
Slice off your penis.
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:33 PM
Stab the judge

Chodeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezillaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:35 PM
start jerking off when they start questioning you
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by pmags88
keep jerking off when they start questioning you
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:39 PM
ask the judge, wyglmtt
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:42 PM
Git throwed in jail.
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by pmags88
finish jerking off when they start questioning you
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:06 PM
wear white pants no undy, crap in your pants, show to everyone that brown **** spreading through your pants. then tell them, jury duty always makes you nervous, you'll get a life time exemption... try it and tell us how it goes.
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:09 PM
try being racist against whites
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:10 PM
try touching yourself at night
How to get out of jury duty Quote
08-03-2010 , 10:19 PM
Wear an orange jumpsuit.
How to get out of jury duty Quote
