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Hottest 4L Girl Hottest 4L Girl
View Poll Results: Hottest in the group?
28 2.14%
316 24.10%
242 18.46%
374 28.53%
267 20.37%
37 2.82%
47 3.59%

11-15-2009 , 05:48 AM
A camera is wide enough and provides enough traction to rest in the crook of your thumb easily; a card or piece of paper is perilous to try to balance there. At any rate, whatever we think about cameras, from all the magic stuff I've done with cards, I can tell you that nobody tries to maintain a good grip on a piece of paper by balancing it on its edge and letting its back lay flat against the palm. Especially if they intend to move the hand (like up over their head into a strange position). It just doesn't work that way.

Now the girl may have decided to do something awkward and unlikely and strange, but that still doesn't mean there's no reason to call it anything other than awkward, unlikely, and strange.

This still could be addressed with a minute's worth of taking a pic with a new sign of the forum's choosing and posting it. Okay, two or three minutes. Should have been done a long time ago instead of arguing.
11-15-2009 , 05:53 AM
Blarg, even when I dont have an interest in the exact topic you are posting about, I still enjoy the sense of quality that I am enveloped by when I read said posts.

11-15-2009 , 05:54 AM
actually i was disagreeing with you. you need to be able to maneuver a camera and would be pretty keen to have a firm grasp on it - you'd hold it with the pad of your thumb, rather than resting along the length like that.
look at the edge of the card that meets her palm. now scan your eyes leftward to where the tip of her thumb meets the paper. look at how deep the card would have to be cutting into her hand for that shot to make any sense

and thats probably not even the same angle her thumb was at originally. even if it were, she could still grasp a small camera with her palm and fingertips while keeping her thumb from obstructing the lens, and it would still be much more believable than how we're expected to believe shes holding that sing
11-15-2009 , 05:56 AM
Well golly.
11-15-2009 , 07:28 AM
lol so many convincing arguments ITT

I'm starting to believe!!!!
11-15-2009 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by derm
Daisy says DSU is legit so she is.. Seriously u guise!
Can we get back to posting pics instead of tl;dr conspiracies now pls?
this! wtf how did you make a thread about pics THIS serious!

Originally Posted by AsH_KeTcHuM
all these idiots saying "oh so what if she photoshops" *** you.

Its not the fact that "she" photoshops its why would she choose to photoshop pics of herself holding signs/papers etc instead of just taking a regular pic.

And woman in pants, incase you didnt notice DSU is trying to defend herself here.... i agree with you that if she was real she wouldnt care about some troll.

That **** is fake end of story. DSU, youve already shown that youre down to post pics for the sake of proving youre real... well then post something undisputable... not something that is ambiguously photoshopped.
stop using that ****ing 'she'
she's a confirmed girl. there is no discussion about that CUZ WE ALL HEARD HER TALK YOU ****ING IDIOT WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT

you have NO proof. she photoshops a lot, so prolly her standard program for opening pics is photoshop. just because the pic is used in that program doesnt mean it's photoshopped

Originally Posted by LonesomeFugitive
at least we know the body of the duck is of that duck! we don't know if that booty that DSU posted or that bikini body is her's or some girl from myspace or whatever.

I promised I wouldn't talk about this but you guys keep dragging me back into this ahhh! this quest for truth and justice must not stop!

I'm doing this for Joey. She has worked so hard for the vote taking and posting pics for us and having someone that can't prove those pics are really of her in the contest and taking votes away from the other contestants is just wrong.
how are you doing this for joey? has she complained about DU? has ANY girl complained about her?
11-15-2009 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by 8_high
ya and president bush blew up the WTC w explosives from the inside

girls really do exist IRL

vote DSU
8_high for mod
11-15-2009 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by woman_in_panties
I seem to be second a lot at the moment.

JC, if you win are you going to combine pink and purple to make a bi-color name?

Ya sorry

You and Downsideup should take solace in the fact that your both "classic beauties" and although I think JC is very cute she's doesn't have the timeless looks that you two have but I can see why she appeals to a larger audience here in 2+2 as it's more her demographic.

No offense to all the other girls in the contest I think your all very pretty but we are talking about "the hottest" in the contest.
11-15-2009 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by wallstreetpro

No offense to all the other girls in the contest I think your all very pretty but we are talking about "the hottest" in the contest.
This is true but, if we are talking about "hottest", what is hotter than a firecrotch?

gd ftw

Although I voted DsU because I have callouses on my penis named after her.
11-15-2009 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Daxx
Originally Posted by Daxx
why is she posing with comics in the first place

and why is there only aliasing around the newspaper border and nowhere else
Originally Posted by Daxx
and why in the signpic is the sign in the exact spot/angle a camera would be in a mirror pic

and why is she so damn hot and photoshoppy all at the same time
Originally Posted by Daxx
i say stop trolling and leave them with their fantasy

its kinda like santa claus. you know he doesnt really exist but deep down you still wanna have sex with him
Originally Posted by Daxx
dsu = jmitch confirmed
Originally Posted by Daxx
Originally Posted by Daxx
i dunno, 'variance' in pics?

just funny is all
Originally Posted by Daxx
i dont really get the feeling that people are speaking up solely for the sake of being douchebags
Originally Posted by Daxx
i really dont see how these two points can be ignored by any intelligent person. like really.
Originally Posted by Daxx
i understand your point but it's not like you'd be running him off. if he is really offended he'll obv just come back with a different account and not pretend to be a girl next time. no loss really. maintaining the integrity of bbv4l is of the utmost importance
Originally Posted by Daxx
if that were a jpeg issue it would be pixelated, not blurred

and not just around the thumb while everywhere else remained pristine
i sure wish i had a happy meal. i wonder who else is good at photoshop
11-15-2009 , 10:51 AM
lol wat happened to this thread
11-15-2009 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Kevroc
This is true but, if we are talking about "hottest", what is hotter than a firecrotch?

gd ftw

Although I voted DsU because I have callouses on my penis named after her.
I have the proud honour of voting for red. I did the right thing.

11-15-2009 , 12:04 PM
I just stopped by to say that Madeliefje, Foxylola and Emmemere all voted for me.
Whatever happens now, I'll die a happy man.
Thanks for your attention, you can now all go back to living your meager earthly existences.
11-15-2009 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by JokersAttack
lol so many massive douchebags ITT
fyp thank me later.
11-15-2009 , 12:08 PM
please to be taking the assclown arguments here
11-15-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Daxx
i understand your point but it's not like you'd be running him off. if he is really offended he'll obv just come back with a different account and not pretend to be a girl next time. no loss really. maintaining the integrity of bbv4l is of the utmost importance
Who the eff are you.

Last edited by markksman; 11-15-2009 at 12:11 PM. Reason: ladies please poast more photoshop chops of yourselves for us to enjoy.
11-15-2009 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Who the eff are you.
11-15-2009 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Kevroc
This is true but, if we are talking about "hottest", what is hotter than a firecrotch?

gd ftw

Although I voted DsU because I have callouses on my penis named after her.

lol <3

Originally Posted by diebitter
I have the proud honour of voting for red. I did the right thing.


11-15-2009 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
That's s super awkward hand position on the card though. Thumb position is bizarre; it's like something from a sleight of hand book.

I know you are hung up on that sign picture but it took me like 5 seconds to figure out.

If the paper has any amount of rigidity this is very easy, especially since the obvious goal is to not have your hand block the writing on the sign.

Try it. For a quick test grab an envelope or something and then try not to cover the front side of it as best you can with your hand so as not to cover up the writing, which would defeat the whole purpose of what you are doing.

This whole thing is stupid. Nobody cares if it is real or not and you should not be feeding a bunch of trolls with this nonsense.
11-15-2009 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
I know you are hung up on that sign picture but it took me like 5 seconds to figure out.

If the paper has any amount of rigidity this is very easy, especially since the obvious goal is to not have your hand block the writing on the sign.

Try it. For a quick test grab an envelope or something and then try not to cover the front side of it as best you can with your hand so as not to cover up the writing, which would defeat the whole purpose of what you are doing.

This whole thing is stupid. Nobody cares if it is real or not and you should not be feeding a bunch of trolls with this nonsense.

no, just you, madjeiueijsi, and 11beats are stupid. If it doesnt matter then why are you participating in this argument.

It does matter a little bit to me (sadly) because I'm getting a kick out of spotting this imposter and exposing him/her.

who the f heard this chick on skype.... not me. And noone knows that whoeever was talking is the same hottie from the pics...

listen, you spastics, the bottom line is if this fine ass chick has so much time to photoshop y cant she just post a REGULAR pic that is obv not chopped? Thats less time and effort.

Oh wait... she doesnt care about this bullsht accusation (except enough to post chopped rebuttals)

Oh wait.... it doesnt matter anyway (except enough to get you idiots coming back with lame ass downsyndrome arguments)
11-15-2009 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by AsH_KeTcHuM
no, just you, madjeiueijsi, and 11beats are stupid.
no u
11-15-2009 , 01:48 PM
More hot pics for us non-gheys please.
11-15-2009 , 02:24 PM
lol im sooo glad im no longer in this contest!

how bout a 'hottest voice contest' next? hehehhehehehheheh
11-15-2009 , 02:29 PM
But don't let that stop you poasting more/new pics lola.


11-15-2009 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by JOEYCLARK
But don't let that stop you poasting more/new pics lola.


I am so in love with this picture.

Obviously not chopped either.. OMG I am going to make a poaster of it. I love it.

Last edited by markksman; 11-15-2009 at 02:31 PM. Reason: seriously
