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***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** ***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread***

11-13-2010 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Foucault
Read every word. Don't listen to the children with 0 attention span.
Is this Brokos the cardplayer blogger? Anyone know. Either way, thanks man.
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-13-2010 , 11:37 PM

***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-14-2010 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by Gregg777
for those of you gun-hating socialists who think that it's no big deal about sending jobs offshore, thinking, "we've evolved, we don't even hafta make our own stuffz here anymore"... [hey, some guy in the politics forum even said investment bankers and lawyers ARE PRODUCTIVE AND PROVIDE VALUE 2 SOCIETY, which damn near made me puke...]

Well, take a good look @ the above pic.
Likely better quality workmanship than u can get from India,
and a quart of Steel Reserve,
a can of Beefaroni,
mebbe some rolling tobacco and zig-zags,
is a whole lot more cost effective than giving some liberal-arts f***up stock options to do ur HTML.

/end rant
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-14-2010 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by OJpimpson that true? How much money did you have to your name when you did that?
$300k or so. I had just won it in a cash game and he thought it was hilarious so I made it rain in the bathroom. He says he has the pictures we took somewhere, everyone wanted to pose with the $. He's been my best friend since we were 8 so I wasn't worried about him taking any or anything.
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-14-2010 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by OJpimpson
After about two weeks of chair hopping and giving plasma I had run my roll up to about $350..... I had limited myself to one small meal a day and a room at circus circus to two nights a week during that time. I had already adapted to being on the streets.

I walked into the MGM and sat down with 100 in a 1-2 ..... over the next 5 days I ran my br up to 20k.

. Between the two asain hookers that I dropped 1200 ond and the daily 100 dollar messages in my room I was just blowing it as fast as I could get my hands on it.... with all the expesens I had with my new lifestyle I was broke with 18 days. After that I was back at the plasma center getting my 80 a week from it and back to the dark dark darkness that really only had one solution which was death.
- homeless for >6mths
- builds roll from 'chair hopping'
- runs it from $100 -> $20k
- spends 20k on hookers, blow, partying
- goes back to grinding $40 plasmaments & homeless

Pooter still totally dominates you for 4Ler of the Year AIAEC.

If you were a lil less ******ed, posted better quality and more degrading stories though... you'd have near-Pooter potential
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-14-2010 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by gav800
- homeless for >6mths
- builds roll from 'chair hopping'
- runs it from $100 -> $20k
- spends 20k on hookers, blow, partying
- goes back to grinding $40 plasmaments & homeless

Pooter still totally dominates you for 4Ler of the Year AIAEC.

If you were a lil less ******ed, posted better quality and more degrading stories though... you'd have near-Pooter potential
still pretty damn good iyam;
Pooter's is straight up 2+2 HOF.
TBH, it's been a loooong time sice we've had a variety of high-quality threadz like this in 4L.
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-19-2010 , 12:02 PM
can i get a link to the pooter thread?
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-19-2010 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by MJCASRoma
can i get a link to the pooter thread?
Pro tip: Look on page 1 for the thread started by "Pooter"
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-19-2010 , 06:02 PM
One night during the good days in Vegas I had a pretty good session which ended up netting me on the northside of 4200. Feeling pretty awesome with myself for the time being I figured I deserved a little treat. I walked out of the Bellagio and onto the street and picked up a hooker card off the ground (if you have never been to Vegas then you may not know how they advertise for the local "flavors". They do it with cards that are handed out right on the streets by migrant mexican workers. Generally people glance at the card and just throw it on the ground. The streets are littered with them). So I take my little card up to my room and start to get very excited for the prospect of the actual model that I'm looking at on the card to come to my room and then cum in my room (waka waka.

I'm not an idiot so I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that whoever does show up will not only not be the girl on the card but probably not even someone I would consider cardworthy. Well I decided to take my chances and make the call.

I called the number on the card which promised to give me a time I will never forget at a price that is "cheaper than dinner and a show". WTF kind of advertising is this? People who have someone to take to dinner and a show will gladly spend the extra money to do so with someone they care about. People who don't have someone they care about call hookers. Its like the card was rubbing it in. A better tag line would have been "hey *******, can't get none? Call us".

So I make the call. A lady answers and I can just imagine her smoking a non filtered camel ashed halfway down and wearing a pink see through robe. Kinda the female version of Uncle Eddie from the vacation movies.

I ask the lady "what is on the menu" immediately kicking myself for such a dbag line. I wanted to sound like I had done this whole hooker thing before while not sounding like a total perv...well that had just flown out the window. I tell her I really like a womans breasts and her ass. She responded with grunt and a "could you be more specific"? Well this certainly isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I tried to collect my thoughts and start acting like a man instead of a horny high school kid when this little doozy worked its way out of my mouth. "I like em Asian with some titties". I couldn't believe I had just said something so fkng ******ed. The worst part of that was the fact that I sounded like Mr.T when I said it. Strangely enough though that got the ball rolling. We agreed on a mid 20's asian girl (with some titties) to come to my room within the hour. It wold be $100 to get her to walk in the door and that is where her and I were to negotiate the rest of the deal.

Now what? I have a strange asian prostitute (with titties) coming to my room! WTF am I thinking? Has these massive swings in my life turned me into such a degenerate turd that I'm banging hookers in my spare time? Beyond that whole line of thinking, what the fk do I say to her when we get down to our socks? Well fortunately for me before all thos thoughts start to cloud up my cemen filled brain there is a knock on my door.

I open the door expecting a drugged up single mother of four with bad skin. What is standing there is something so astonishing that I actually had to put my hand against the wall to keep from falling over. There stood not one but TWO of the most beautiful slutty looking asain women (with titties) I have ever seen in my life. I was at a total loss of words. I wish I had been drunk at the time so that I wouldn't remember in such detail how I looked at that moment but oh well, I do remember. After what's seems like an hour but is really about 30 seconds one of the girls says hello. Let me rephrase that. While she was saying the word hello, it came out herro. This girl wasn't second generation or anything like that. She was a brand new import to this beautiful country of ours and her "engrish not so great". A fact that I can obviously live with since I'm pretty confident we won't be discussing politics or the weather.

Well after a minute I get a hold of all my faculties and invite them into my overpriced room. She say "no,I can't come in till you pay one hunred dorrer". I quickly snatch a benji out of my pocket and hand it over to this smokin hot pile of living porn. When they enter the room I explain to the girl that I only asked for a hooker not hookerS. She told me she brought her freind along "just in case" and that she didn't require the $100 to come in.

I didn't find anything wrong with that but I immediately thought wow, this other girl is going to sit there and watch us fk? Well that seems strange but it could make it more interesting I guess. She then asked in a louder than necessary voice, "whatchu want"? Well one again I want quite sure so I asked what do you do? This seemed to offend her a little and she said "I am woman, I can do anything you want but u pay". Fair enough I guess but she could have been a little nicer about it imo. I asked how much for an hour and she replied "200 a piece". That's whe the other girl starts rubbing my shoulders and kissing my neck. Immediately I knew I had been scammed into having the two of them instead of one but I didn't care, I was about to turn this room into a porn shoot.

While I'm not going to get to graphic with the details, ill just tell you two hours, 5 condoms and $1200 later we are sitting at the all you can eat buffet at the B.

While I'm sitting there eating with these two "classy" women in silence. I realize that everyone of the people that take a look at us can plainly see that a "transaction" had just taken place. I leave a $5 tip on the table and get the heck outta there before anymore tourist get a look at the aftermath of my first (and hopefully last) experience with hookers.

As I sit in my room thinking about what had happened in the room and the money I paid for it, I only had one regret. And that was that I hadn't just rubbed one off looking at the card in the first place!
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-19-2010 , 11:14 PM
"I like em Asian with some titties". I couldn't believe I had just said something so fkng ******ed. The worst part of that was the fact that I sounded like Mr.T when I said it.

I have no problem whatsoever getting an audio "image" of this one. Plays clear as day..

"I like em Asian.. with some titties!"
(in Mr. T's voice)
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-20-2010 , 08:15 AM
this is a great thread OJLimpson
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-20-2010 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by icracknuts
this is a great thread OJLimpson
The name is OJ...OJPimpson!
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-20-2010 , 04:16 PM
Sick brag about being able to make it thru 5 condoms...sheesh.
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-20-2010 , 05:05 PM
Just to clarify for everyone....I didn't "finish" 5 times, I just used 5 separate condoms for safety purposes. Hahahaha wtf am I saying this for? I'm gonna link this crap to my mom. She will be so proud!
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-21-2010 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by OJpimpson
Just to clarify for everyone....I didn't "finish" 5 times, I just used 5 separate condoms for safety purposes. Hahahaha wtf am I saying this for? I'm gonna link this crap to my mom. She will be so proud!

I would have used a puking smile if one was available.
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-21-2010 , 11:52 AM
I walked out of the Bellagio and onto the street and picked up a hooker card off the ground (if you have never been to Vegas then you may not know how they advertise for the local "flavors". They do it with cards that are handed out right on the streets by migrant mexican workers. Generally people glance at the card and just throw it on the ground. The streets are littered with them
I haz bunches of these still sitting in an old slot bucket at home.
The mexicans [about 1-2 dozen] are in front of the Flamingo handing em out DAILY... at least they was during my Vegas trip last year.
We call em "fap cards" here @ 4L

I realize that everyone of the people that take a look at us can plainly see that a "transaction" had just taken place.
After scoping out hooches in parking lots, and digging 4 change @ Bellagio, ur worried about THIS?
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-21-2010 , 12:50 PM
OP it does not compute how in one post you say you have no gf and hit on Misty then in the next post you say you do have a gf and tell Misty that she's crazy.

Originally Posted by OJpimpson
GF? Lol... I'm pretty much done with relationships for a while. They are really nothing but a hassle. I have my house in Houston but I'm in Cinci for about ten days a month. If you are looking for a relatiunship as you have stated in your other thread then I'm probably not the guy you dre looking for. If on the other hand you are looking for asomething a little more casual then I might consider giving you a try. I'm about ten years older than you but,,, I aim to please!
Originally Posted by OJpimpson
Aren't you the one who says she is looking for a man at the poker table? I was actually just being polite when I said I wasnt looking for a relationship, I do actually have a gf. If she ever started playing poker the way you claim to I would be forced to tell her to kick rocks. In closing I'd like to mam are crazy.
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-21-2010 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by AKingdom
OP it does not compute how in one post you say you have no gf and hit on Misty then in the next post you say you do have a gf and tell Misty that she's crazy.
It's pretty obvious OP is trying to put space between him and Misty, gf or no...
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-21-2010 , 03:43 PM
lol i would do the same
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-21-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by ninersrule
lol i would do the same
Why does everyone hate me lol??
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-22-2010 , 02:58 AM
Keep them coming!
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
11-22-2010 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by LVGambler
"I like em Asian with some titties". I couldn't believe I had just said something so fkng ******ed. The worst part of that was the fact that I sounded like Mr.T when I said it.

I have no problem whatsoever getting an audio "image" of this one. Plays clear as day..

"I like em Asian.. with some titties!"
(in Mr. T's voice)
Oh man this part had me loling so hard!!!

***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
12-18-2010 , 05:12 PM
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
12-20-2010 , 04:58 AM
Great thread
***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
12-20-2010 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by THAKID
Great thread


***Homeless in Vegas story containment thread*** Quote
