So in the late 1500's a King was on his deathbed, and his sons were vying for control over the soon-to-be-deceased's lands. Each son tries to assemble an army.
The first and second take the simple route and just call in all the knights and vassals who owe them allegiance. The third son, however, finds the biggest tree in his kingdom. From it, he hangs a noose and a pot. He offers untold riches to all who would fight for him.
After years of fighting, the battle was deemed a draw.
As you can see, the squire of the high pot and noose is equal to the squires of the other two sides.
So in the late 1500's a King was on his deathbed, and his sons were vying for control over the soon-to-be-deceased's lands. Each son tries to assemble an army.
The first and second take the simple route and just call in all the knights and vassals who owe them allegiance. The third son, however, finds the biggest tree in his kingdom. From it, he hangs a noose and a pot. He offers untold riches to all who would fight for him.
After years of fighting, the battle was deemed a draw.
As you can see, the squire of the high pot and noose is equal to the squires of the other two sides.