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hey guise let's have a gun thread hey guise let's have a gun thread

07-08-2009 , 05:15 AM
I already mentioned that I have:

Armalite M-15A2 I put it together from a parts kit I got from Model "1" Sales which is very good.

Chinese AK with Composite MAK-90 type furniture.

Remington .243 with Leopold optics.

Mosin Nagant Sniper rife with no optics, FML

Remington 11-48 Which was the forerunner of the 1100

Sears bolt action single shot .22

Items that may be added:

Five seveN, and PS-90

Armalite AR-10 (T) Nightforce or Schmidt and Bender optics

One off .50 BMG or .338Lapua with Lilja barrel, similar optics to above.
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07-08-2009 , 05:21 AM
fail sniper
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07-08-2009 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Does anyone know how the 5.45x39 stacks up ballistically to the 5.56x45? I've heard 5.45x39 (used in AK-74) is much cheaper than both 7.62x39 (AK-47) and 5.56x45 (M16)
Ballistically the 7.62x39 is just like a .30-30 or is slow and has a huge arc but has a large amount of lead from a projectile (which is the same size as .30-06 that bludgeons the target. It is more than adequate inside 200-300m, which is as far as most people can shoot accurately anyway. Ammo has been dirt cheap, but who knows now since there has been greater demand of late.

The 5.56x45 shoots far flatter and has a cavitation effect on wounds and can ricochet off of bone and make huge wounds from hits out side the proper kill zone. The effective range is farther than with the 7.62x39, as it can be used out to 500m but loses energy. The 5.56 has a wide variety of ammo choices that you might use for different applications as well.

There is a good reason why any country that can afford it uses the M-16. It is a superior weapon in my opinion. There are better weapons now that use those cartridges. Many (like the M-16) you can interchange the barrels and use both rounds. The FN SCAR is an excellent choice.
hey guise let's have a gun thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
fail sniper
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07-08-2009 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by Kentucky Buddha
Ballistically the 7.62x39 is just like a .30-30 or is slow and has a huge arc but has a large amount of lead from a projectile (which is the same size as .30-06 that bludgeons the target. It is more than adequate inside 200-300m, which is as far as most people can shoot accurately anyway. Ammo has been dirt cheap, but who knows now since there has been greater demand of late.

The 5.56x45 shoots far flatter and has a cavitation effect on wounds and can ricochet off of bone and make huge wounds from hits out side the proper kill zone. The effective range is farther than with the 7.62x39, as it can be used out to 500m but loses energy. The 5.56 has a wide variety of ammo choices that you might use for different applications as well.

There is a good reason why any country that can afford it uses the M-16. It is a superior weapon in my opinion. There are better weapons now that use those cartridges. Many (like the M-16) you can interchange the barrels and use both rounds. The FN SCAR is an excellent choice.

what about the 5.45x39 in comparison with the 5.56x45?
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07-08-2009 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by Kentucky Buddha
Originally Posted by Kentucky Buddha
Mosin Nagant Sniper rife with no optics, FML

You needs optics to be a win sniper, you a fail sniper :P
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07-08-2009 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
what about the 5.45x39 in comparison with the 5.56x45?
That is what that was the first paragraph was the 7.62X39 the second was 5.56x45. When I say things like "flatter" or "slower" I was comparing them one to another.

I see, you actually meant to be compared to the AK 74.

The AK 74 was a bit faster and flatter, not a huge benefit there, but the cavitation in that cartridge was EPIC it is a very long projectile that tumbles in the target and leaves a ton of energy inside and does not over-penetrate much. Ammo is much harder to find.

This is a good site for ammo.

Last edited by Kentucky Buddha; 07-08-2009 at 05:53 AM.
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07-08-2009 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
You needs optics to be a win sniper, you a fail sniper :P
I am not sure if I want to go with period optics or modern. It is the same rifle that Vassili Zeitsev used. Most of the shots he made it would be a benefit to use iron sights imo

Last edited by Kentucky Buddha; 07-08-2009 at 05:45 AM. Reason: I like optics too, just sayin'
hey guise let's have a gun thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 05:57 AM
So you think I should get an AK 47 or 74? (or basically any AK variant, trying to choose between 7.62x39 and 5.45x39)

Purposes of the rifle would be, first and foremost, fun! Target shooting, plinking, taking pictures of a pokerstars monkey with it, etc.

And of course home defense, and if something really ****ing crazy ever happens in the US like some army invades or hell breaks out between the population. Primary home defense is obviously the 12 gauge shot gun, but for distances you need a rifle.

What do you think, 7.62x39 or 5.45x39 AK?
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07-08-2009 , 06:08 AM
I voted with my money.

I would certainly not prefer the AK-74. The higher ups in the Soviet Union got reports from Viet Nam about the wounds caused by the M-16 and they wanted to know what the cheapest thing they could do to get the same results. The AK-74 is what they came up with. I prefer the 7.62X39 by far to shoot for fun.

The 12ga with OO Buck is what you should use for the home defense type stuff. Don't even pick up the AK, as it could over-penetrate. There is not situation that you can legitimately be defending yourself except zombie attacks that you could need the range of a rifle. I have heard of it done...but it was jury nullification plain and simple. You just shouldn't ever need the range.

I went and bought a whole lot more ammo a while back because I live in Alabama after all. Didn't you hear on the news a while back that the Russians invaded Georgia?? If they get this far, don't worry I will shut them down. ; )
hey guise let's have a gun thread Quote
07-08-2009 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by Kentucky Buddha
I live in Alabama after all. Didn't you hear on the news a while back that the Russians invaded Georgia?? If they get this far, don't worry I will shut them down. ; )

lol nh.
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07-08-2009 , 07:17 AM
I have to say that was a mistake about the ammo for the 7.62x39 though you can get ammo awfully cheap from ammoman!

$348 for 2160 rounds is certainly reasonable!!
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07-08-2009 , 07:22 AM
So the 5.45x39 is cheaper right? I've been hearing that like on youtube videos and ****.

You don't think these guns will be outlawed? I know people have been snatching them up, and you don't think I should try to do the same?
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07-08-2009 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
So the 5.45x39 is cheaper right? I've been hearing that like on youtube videos and ****.

You don't think these guns will be outlawed? I know people have been snatching them up, and you don't think I should try to do the same?
I very much believe this is the pinnacle of the price for this market. The Democrats are going to say they want to ban these weapons, but they know it is a loser issue. They gain no voters they don't already have by doing it, and they lose some if they do. It won't happen. imo I would wait for the poor suckers that "invested" in assault weapons to need to pay bills in a year or two. Sad. But, why not profit?
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07-08-2009 , 11:50 AM
My Ruger 9mm....

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07-08-2009 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Mikess2001
My Ruger 9mm....

Ruger always makes good stuff. Like everyone else, I shot the Mark II a bit, as well as various Blackhawks, and Redhawks, but I have never shot one of their semi-autos that wasn't a .22. How does it shoot? What is the trigger like?
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07-08-2009 , 03:13 PM
Ive got a ruger SR9. No problems with it at all. fed about 600 rds through it
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07-08-2009 , 09:54 PM
The ruger Shoots very nicely. The trigger is very VERY sensetive. A gentle squeeze is all it takes. (No H0M0)
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07-08-2009 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Mikess2001
The ruger Shoots very nicely. The trigger is very VERY sensetive. A gentle squeeze is all it takes. (No H0M0)
That sounds good to me! I love the trigger on my 1911. I was handed a Baretta Double action once that I started pulling the trigger on a Monday and I kept pulling and pulling and along about Wednesday afternoon I quit trying and I just handed the guy his weapon back and said I didn't really want to shoot it all that much anymore. LOL That is actually a True Story! (though a slight exaggeration)

I don't see where the problem is in having a light trigger. I don't get the downside. A light clean break is the nuts. imo
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07-09-2009 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by Kentucky Buddha
What's it powered by?
potatoes ldo
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07-09-2009 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by doublehawk
potatoes ldo
LOL I never did get an answer to that did I? I saw one that was an attachment for the AR-15/M-15 type rifles that worked by you shoving a potato in the tube on the end and firing a blank. Fun stuff.
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07-09-2009 , 07:19 AM
if your firing blanks you need a 203 blank adapter
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07-09-2009 , 07:23 AM
guns itt
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07-09-2009 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by justincredible
if your firing blanks you need a 203 blank adapter
Single shot. You don't want the weapon to cycle. No adapter necessary.
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07-09-2009 , 07:43 AM
my bad, when u said potato i thought u were talking about a 40mike mike blank
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