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07-27-2008 , 04:28 PM
so ive played poker for a few years now and since the semester ended (im a college student) i havent played like at all. i went on a pretty big downswing between playing bad and running god awful in tournaments, sngs, and cash games. i just started up again after a month of not even opening ftp and today was my 3rd session. the first two i won like $20 no big deal.

then this happens and i feel like im on the verge of quiting forever honestly. i lose AA to JJ, i got QQ 3 times and lost with it every time to KK. I ran AK into KK and lost. And i missed every pair and draw i can imagine. I've always laughed whenever i saw threads like this and pretty much said to myself "if these guys cant cut it they shouldnt be playing poker." i think im just starting to realize how atrocious a person can run. In the only HU cash session i played i lost with 1010 against QQ in a 3bet pot on an 8 8 5 rainbow board.

Oh and i also played like 16 $20 sngs and cashed in something like 3 of them...and im a pretty good sng player. i had about a 12% ROI over a thousand sngs like 6 months ago back when i played them exclusively and i've only gotten better i think.

please help me. idk what to do. i have a $1450 bankroll now and just need some advice or a confidence boost or anything. some sort of direction...
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07-27-2008 , 04:32 PM
quit drinking antifreeze
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07-27-2008 , 04:34 PM
so much for not posting as much cuz ur married now, ian.

OP, try killing yourself.
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07-27-2008 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
OP, try killing yourself.
You know a person is dumb when they repeatedly break the rules even after 4_2_it repeatedly edits their posts to follow them

OP, over how many hands is this taking place? It's definitely possible to run horrible over tens of thousands of hands. Just make sure you are fixing your major leaks and keep going. A BR of that much is still great.
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07-27-2008 , 04:43 PM
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07-27-2008 , 04:46 PM
probably shouldn't have posted this in BBV4LIFE
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07-27-2008 , 04:50 PM
try drinking antifreeze
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07-27-2008 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Truancy
probably shouldn't have posted this in BBV4LIFE
yea im already seeing that ur probably right...
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07-27-2008 , 05:33 PM
try playing drunk with a funny hat on. usually works for me.

Last edited by Majik8Ball; 07-27-2008 at 05:34 PM. Reason: and then post pics obv
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07-27-2008 , 05:35 PM
That's one happy looking dog.
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07-27-2008 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by ac31
You know a person is dumb when they repeatedly break the rules even after 4_2_it repeatedly edits their posts to follow them

OP, over how many hands is this taking place? It's definitely possible to run horrible over tens of thousands of hands. Just make sure you are fixing your major leaks and keep going. A BR of that much is still great.
he's only edited one of my posts and it was when I posted an inapproprite picture in his vegas thread. ask him.
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07-27-2008 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
he's only edited one of my posts and it was when I posted an inapproprite picture in his vegas thread. ask him.
No, you posted that I should try killing myself in one of my threads and 4_2_it insta-edited it. It was the first or second reply so it's not like it was deep in the thread...
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07-27-2008 , 05:44 PM
wrong forum, read up on variance, and stop being such a vagina
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07-27-2008 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by kylmac85
mmmmm vagina...:drools:
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07-27-2008 , 05:53 PM

this should help your game a ton

Nowadays everybody is taking an aggressive approach in poker. Bet, raise, shove, etc. I´m here to tell you that this approach is completely flawed. Please be introduced into my strategy that is called "Calling Superiority & Disguised Nuts Behaviour".

I see you are interested, hang on and I´ll explain.

First you have to appreciate that generally nobody has a premium hand. This knowledge allows you to tweak down your playable hands into the following range.
- Pairs. Pairs are good for obvious reasons.
- Suited cards. Any two suited cards are playable. About 1 in eleven times (equal to flopping a set!) you will flop a flush draw. Drawing to a flush is extremely powerful.
- Unsuited connectors, one gappers, two gappers and three gappers. From the SB never fail to complete with a 4-gapper! Drawing to a flush is powerful, but drawing to a straight is even more powerful, because they don´t see it coming.
- Any Ace or King. Flopping top pair is huge. Never fail to play your Aces and Kings!

With all these hands: limp and and see the flop. If there is a raise, you slightly adapt your strategy and maybe not play unsuited three-gappers.
But if there is a raise and a caller, you have such enormous pot odds that you can call with your entire range.

The same goes for the blinds. If there is a single raise, you can call on pot odds. Now I see you thinking: I have bad position. Well, let me tell you a secret, position is highly overrated. Position does not win you showdowns. The best hand wins a showdown, not a superior position. I prefer playing out of position as it gives my opponent a false sense of security that he can bluff me at will. Well, I shall pick off these bluffs and stack his chips in front of me (virtually spoken).

Now what if I have a premium hand like AQo? Well, since we limp a lot, we can´t raise them because we might as well show our hand. So limp also with strong hands, thereby cunningly disguising our strength (this is the "Disguised Nuts Behaviour").

It is a pity we live in a virtual era, because I would love to see the look at my opponents face when I slam my rockets on the table, after he has bet all three streets into me.

Our post-flop strategy is easy: let your opponent do the betting and call their bets. You are a parasite that can not be shaked off. They will not know whether you have bottom pair or the nut straight. Unpredictability is the key. It wears your opponents off, you will be the most feared player at the table.

This strategy is perfect for multitabling, it is easy to play like 16 tables. You do not have to spend time calculating bet sizes, you do not have to remember if you raised or bet. The only thing you have to do is recognize all the favorable spots and hit that call button. Money never flowed in that easy, just let the opponents do the work! Like sailing with windforce 8 from behind!

I see I have you convinced. My "Calling Superiority & Disguised Nuts Behaviour" (CSDNB) is going to rule the tables.

If you have practised a lot and are bearing the fruits of my strategy, tune in for my next article where I will be discussing the most advanced play that exists at poker: the checkminraise.
stolen from:
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07-27-2008 , 06:12 PM

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07-27-2008 , 07:47 PM
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07-27-2008 , 08:23 PM
try hitting her
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