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The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza!

01-16-2014 , 07:13 AM
1) gratz
2) Where did you first see the gif in your avatar and what made you want to use it?
3) Is /4L/ your favourite board in the whole www and if so what makes it so special?
4) Fav anime/cartoon (answers for both if available would be appreciated)?
5) Does your job sometimes make you feel guilty? (guess not, Mr. 76% psycho)
6) Describe the relationship between /oot/ and /4L/ in a single sentence.
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 07:50 AM

^A kitten making Indiana Jones run away from a Patrick Stewart's giant rolling head, how can you go wrong.
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by tripfaq
1) gratz
2) Where did you first see the gif in your avatar and what made you want to use it?
3) Is /4L/ your favourite board in the whole www and if so what makes it so special?
4) Fav anime/cartoon (answers for both if available would be appreciated)?
5) Does your job sometimes make you feel guilty? (guess not, Mr. 76% psycho)
6) Describe the relationship between /oot/ and /4L/ in a single sentence.
1) Thanks!
2) Some archive somewhere and it was random, so I thought it would work well
3) 4L is my favourite board because I'm too lazy to go anywhere else. It has just the right blend of degen in it and I long for the glory days to come again.
4) Not really an anime kinda guy. Cartoonwise, probably Archer.
5) Not guilty in the slightest. People make their own choice. I gamble, but I expect to lose.
6) F OOT.
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 08:50 AM
How many hot chicks have you banged in your life?
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 09:04 AM
Chicks... 10 or 11. Hot chicks, maybe 6 or 7
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 10:38 AM
do u has pics?
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 10:40 AM
Unfortunately not, I have none of them on facebook
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 11:30 AM
Bump to increase post count
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by JustJ46671
Bump to increase post count
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 12:26 PM
This thread is a winner
Hap has really set the bar high for mile stone threads
Congrats on the big 5000
Petite, stacked, Asian women are definitely winner winner chicken dinner
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 01:25 PM
Not to mention Gibraltar's superior climate,
esp. compared to the NE US this time of year...
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 02:14 PM
gratz on 5k

scored 79% not sure if I should like that, but I will take it as a positive sign
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
meh got 30% i should work on that
Wow I got 52% and I'm practically a saint.
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 06:47 PM
score 33%

You are warm and empathic with a heightened awareness of social responsibility and a strong sense of conscience. You like to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of a situation before you act and are generally averse to taking risks. You are very much a ‘people person’ and dislike conflict. ‘Do unto others…’ are your watchwords. But, although you avoid hurting others, those residing at the higher end of the psychopathic spectrum might not be as considerate, so stay vigilant to avoid being hurt unnecessarily.

Im a better person than all of you, and I dont even like people.
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 07:52 PM
No Mr.mmmKay is a bit better.
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
Chinese is a great shout for favourite type of Asian because you have like billions to choose from but I feel Japanese is actually a better Asian.
don't forget the Koreans

Originally Posted by Hap Hapablap
Chicks... 10 or 11. Hot chicks, maybe 6 or 7
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 07:57 PM
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 08:19 PM
your score 36%
Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally aren’t afraid to do your own dirty work! You’re no shrinking violet - but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another person’s perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover. ‘Everything in moderation – including moderation’ might sum up your approach to life.

well I got wombat beat

Last edited by xalas; 01-16-2014 at 08:20 PM. Reason: edit and ilovedonks :)
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 08:39 PM

Impeccable taste in women and computers.

Thoughts on Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim?

I was thinking of incorporating an odd way of using punctuation symbols like herbertstemple. Perhaps I would use no punctuation at all in most of my posts, and then occasionally post just punctuation symbols. Do you think that would improve BBV4Life?
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Wow I got 52% and I'm practically a saint.
I got 52% too, but I am no saint. I am definitely impulsive, however I also have too much empathy...

Congrats on the 5K OP and having a good taste in women. Now try to ace Hare's test (the gold standard):

Hare Psychopathy Checklist

The twenty traits assessed by the PCL-R score are:


glib and superficial charm
grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
need for stimulation
pathological lying
cunning and manipulativeness
lack of remorse or guilt
shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
callousness and lack of empathy
parasitic lifestyle
poor behavioral controls
sexual promiscuity
early behavior problems
lack of realistic long-term goals
failure to accept responsibility for own actions
many short-term marital relationships
juvenile delinquency
revocation of conditional release
criminal versatility
Each of the twenty items is given a score of 0, 1, or 2 based on how well it applies to the subject being tested.
Evaluating the results (results might be inaccurate if it is not administered by a professional):

A score of 30 or above qualifies a person for a diagnosis of psychopathy. People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5. Many non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22.
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-16-2014 , 11:21 PM
^so ilovedonks is the only sane one of us? lol
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-17-2014 , 09:08 AM
39%, meh
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
01-17-2014 , 11:55 AM
Rated 5*
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
03-12-2014 , 12:52 PM
gratz to 5k posts. im working on pooh bah currently. can tell, huh?

The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
03-12-2014 , 03:04 PM
Moar like pooh tard amirite lol
The Hap Hapablap 5k post extravaganza! Quote
